5-Day Faculty Development Program(FDP) on PHARMA SOFTWARE on 11th to 15th February 2025
Day 1: 11th February,2025
Topic: Workshop on Application of AI in Pre-Clinical Pharmacology - Using 'Ex Pharma' Software"
Speaker: Dr.Dharmendra Ahuja, M.Pharm.Ph.D(Pharmacology) Principal Mentor Ex.Pharm-Software,(Bureau For Health and Education status Upliftment,India)
Day 2: 12th February,2025
Topic: Minitab Essentials: Hands-On Training for Statistical Analysis and Parameter Identification
Speaker: Dr. Chetna D. Modi M.Pharm, PhD. , Professor , Anand Pharmacy College.Anand.
Day 3: 13th February,2025
Topic: Decoding Molecular Docking Application and Insights with AutoDock Vina
Speaker: Dr. Maulik Kumar D. Vaja, M.Pharm, PhD. , Professor, Saraswati Institute of Pharmaceutical Science.Ahemdabad.
Day 4: 14th February,2025
Topic: Reference Management Software and Demonstration of EndNote
Speaker: Dr.Kashyap N.Thummar, M.Pharm, PhD. , Assistant Professor, Gujarat Technological University. Ahmedabad.
Day 5: 15th February,2025
Topic: Optimizing Research Efficiency: An Introduction to Design of Experiments and Full Factorials Design
Speaker: Mr.Shubham Singh,M.Pharm, PhD (Pursuing) ., School of Pharmacy,Rai University, Ahemdabad.