Corporate Resource Cell

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Corporate Resource Cell

The Corporate Resource Cell (CRC) is engrossed in career services and catering students of the University and abetting them in every stage of their career, thus making it the resource centre of Rai University Placement. The Corporate Resource Cell is always there as a friend, philosopher and guide students about picking out the right course or specialization, orientation, lining upinternships/industrial training and finally getting them placed in top notch organisations. With the aim to distend the professional horizons of the students the cell summons guest lectures of eminent speakers from industry and academia. CRC is also engaged in organizing various academic activities like Workshops, Seminars and Conferences with a vision to deliver knowledge about latest trends and technology. All the activities undertaken by the CRC directly impacts Rai University Placement.

Objectives of Corporate Resource Cell

  • Arrange various programmes to enhance the technical and professional skills required to get through the recruitment process.
  • Arrange Industrial Tours and Training’s/Internships.
  • Facilitate frequent counselling sessions of the students in regards to skill enhancement and career growth.
  • Engage in constant interaction with top notch corporate houses for the placement of the graduating batch.
  • To form an alliance with the corporate world with the objective of exploring placement possibilities and facilitating student-industry-academia.

Thus, managing academia-industry interface is the pre-eminent responsibility of the cell. The CRC acuminates the skills of the students by holding events like pre-placement talks, group discussions and PI sessions and make them ready to perform their best in placement drives. The Cell also provides opportunities to the students after due consultation with the concerned department and makes them work on live projects in order to prepare the right fit for the industry. CRC is a result driven cell which is continuously involved in delivering positive results and fulfilling the expectations of the students and stakeholders. We at CRC, Rai University strive to achieve the best year after year.

Placement manager


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