Department of International Affairs

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     Our Mission 

The Department of International Affairs at Rai University, Ahmedabad is dedicated to enhancing a vibrant international community and to fostering cross-cultural experience. It focuses on Internationalization that adds to the overall development of students, providing them an international exposure & strengthening international partnerships in order to enhance opportunities of students and faculty members, it facilitates international collaboration and provides students the opportunity to become global citizens. We welcome, support and strengthen diversity through advocacy and holistic service. Enriching connections is our goal.

     Various Initiatives

• Agreements and MOUs with International Universities
• Discover India Program & Delegations
• Student Exchange Programs

      Get connected for collaboration

Dr. Sailesh Iyer
I/C, Director, Department of International Affairs
(M) +91 9510779948

International Collaborations

University of Pardubice Czech Republic

University of Bari Aldo Moro,Italy

Duzce University, Turkey

Okan University, Istanbul

Corvinus University of Budapest

Ataturk University, Turkey

University of Pisa, Italy

University of Benha, Egypt

Giresun University, Turkey

Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Iran

Synergy University, Moscow

Yeravan Haybusak University, Armenia

Event Year Link
Student mobility for studies (under Erasmus+) from Rai University to University of Pardubice, Czech Republic between Feb.’19 to July’19 2019
Expert Lecture- Mgr. Michal Capko, Industrial Engineer, Time Norms Administrator, Continental Automotive – Czech Republic 2019
Workshop on Creative Laboratory for Self Development 2019
Teaching Staff Mobility (under Erasmus+) from University of Pardubice, Czech Republic to Rai University 2019
Teaching staff mobility (under Erasmus+) from Rai University to University of Pardubice, Czech Republic 2018
Students and research scholars of Rai University have visited University of Pardubice, Czech Republic 2017
Students and staff from University of Pardubice, Czech Republic have visited Rai University 2017
Students and staff of Rai University have visited University of Pardubice, Czech Republic 2016
Students and staff from University of Pardubice, Czech Republic have visited Rai University 2015

Exchange Programme

Rai University provides exchange programme for their students and staff to learn and explore international standards in the field of academics and research.

Primary objectives of the exchange programme are; Sharing and learning teaching pedagogy, course outlines, education system between Universities. It enables in enhancing healthy relationship between Universities across the world to exchange and upgrade research, teaching, publication, cultural and intellectual aspects.

Rai University has done an MOU with University of Pardubice for staff and student exchange programme. Based on the healthy relationship between the Universities, only Rai University from India was selected for mobility scheme under prominent Erasmus+ programme at University of Pardubice, Czech Republic. Erasmus (EuRopean Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students) is European Union (EU) student exchange programme established in 1987. Erasmus+ is the new programme combining all the EU’s current schemes for education, training, youth and sport which was started in January 2014. It provides grants for a wide range of actions including the opportunity for students to undertake work placements abroad and for teachers and education staff to attend training courses. Erasmus+ key action 1 provides a unique opportunity for teachers, headmasters, trainers and other staff of education institutions to participate in international training courses in different European countries.

Staff and Students of both the Universities get benefitted by mutual exchange of academic and cultural thoughts. Staff and Students of Rai University are encouraged academically by such types of sponsored research and development programmes. The association will provide understanding of policy and system of education and training system across the countries. It will provide understanding of education, culture and language. Such association helps to promote mobility programmes and foreign study.

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