Title: Workshop on MIND YOUR HEALTH: Importance of Mental Health and Emotional Regulation Date: 11th Oct, 2023 @ 1.00 PM Speaker: Rajul Jagdish Psychotherapist and Founder, Prapti Parikh Psychotherapist & Team Associate, Nandini Keshwani Psychotherapist, Megha Basotia, Psychotherapist Venue: Seminar Hall. Rai University Organized By: IIC, SSIP & Rai School of Management Studies, Rai University…
Title: Workshop on Campus to Corporate Date: ОСТ 17, 2023 Time: 10:00 am onwards Speaker: Ms. Naisargi Shah Founder & CEO, Indian Institution of Mind Evolution Organized By: IIC, SSIP & Rai School of Management Studies, Rai University. Ahmedabad