Title: Orientation Workshop "Innovative Methods to Sustainability with Mission LiFE" Date: 26 Dec 2023 Venue: Mohammadi Convent High School, Dholka Speaker: Dr. Dhanya J S - Co-ordinator Mission Life RU, Assistant Professor,RSS Organized by: IIC, SSIP, Rai School of Science, Rai University, Ahmedabad.
Title: 5-Days Virtual Faculty Development Programme Date: 26 to 30 December 2023 Speaker:Day-1 Dr. Maulik D. Vaja, Associate Professor,Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, SIPS, Dhanap, GandhinagarDay-2 Dr. Pragnesh Patni, Principal & Professor,Department of Pharmacology, Khyati college of Pharmacy, AhmedabadDay-3 Dr. Palak Shah, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, KBIPER, GandhinagarDay-4 Dr. Parag Kulkarni, Principal and Professor, Department…