Fee Refund Policy

PAY YOUR FEES IN NO COST EASY MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS                                                    NAD/ABC                                                   ACHIEVEMENTS BY RU RESEARCH SCHOLARS                                                   PAY YOUR FEES IN NO COST EASY MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS                                                    NAD/ABC                                                   ACHIEVEMENTS BY RU RESEARCH SCHOLARS                                                   PAY YOUR FEES IN NO COST EASY MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS                                                    NAD/ABC                                                   ACHIEVEMENTS BY RU RESEARCH SCHOLARS                                                  

Fee Refund Policy

Rai University Disclaimer Regarding Fee Policy & Payment of Fee

Fee Policy

  • The university follows a semester wise payment system, payable during Jun-Jul and Dec-Jan of each year.
  • Students & parents are given advance notice in the form of letters, calls and messages to notify them of the last date of fee payment. In case student has not paid fees till the last date, a fine of Rs. 100/- per day is levied till a fixed date. After that date, name of the student is struck off the rolls and is required to re-register after payment of a fine.
  • Mode of fee payment
  • Fee payment can be done by cash or demand draft in favor of “Rai University” payable at Ahmedabad.
  • Fee can also be paid using online payment mode available on the web site of Rai University.
  • Fee Related Complaint Redressal
  • Any request for cancellation of registration and/or refund/ has to be made in writing a month before the session commences, stating the reasons for withdrawal. The action on application shall be decided by the Admission Committee based on the mitigating circumstances for the refund sought. Normal processing time will be taken in this process. Any dispute /disagreement in the same shall be referred to arbitration to be adjudicated upon by sole arbitrator being a retired Judge of a High Court and the same shall be binding on both the parties.

Fee Complaint Redressal Committee comprises of the following members:

  • Chairman – Provost
  • Member Secretary – Registrar
  • Convener – Director-Admissions
  • Member – Manager- Admissions/Marketing

Refund Policy

  •  If any student pays the fees for registration / admission of any course and wants to withdraw/ask for refund before the commencement of classes/course, No refund other than caution money will be made under any circumstances.
  • Any Fees other than Security fee (Caution Money) once paid is not refundable or adjustable in future.
  • After completion of online admission process and before declaration of schedule of admission on vacant seats, if any candidate who has withdrawn his candidature, fees paid by him shall be refunded, subject to the condition of such vacated seat being filled up by the institution, as per the directions of ACPC.
  • In case of a candidate withdrawing his candidature for a genuine reason, he/she may apply in writing to the University for Fee Refund. The case will be forwarded to Fee Redressal Committee chaired by Provost. As per the circumstances and authenticity of the case, a decision will be taken & candidate shall be informed of the same. As per the decision, the refund might be made or vice-versa.
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