International Conference 2019

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International Conference 2019


The International Conference on Global Challenges and Innovation in Science and Management (ICGCISM 2019) was a significant event held at Rai University on February 23, 2019. It served as a platform for researchers, academics, and industry professionals to discuss the pressing global challenges and explore innovative solutions in the fields of science and management. The conference featured presentations, panel discussions, and networking opportunities, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange among participants. The topics covered at ICGCISM 2019 likely included sustainable development, technological advancements, economic challenges, and social issues, providing valuable insights into potential solutions to these pressing global problems.


Schedule of the Conference

Schedule of the Conference Venue
9:00-9:45 Registration and Breakfast Main Gate & Reception
9:45-10:00 Saraswati Vandana & Lamp Lighting RU Conference Hall
10:00-10:15 Welcoming of Key note Speakers and Guests RU Conference Hall
10:15-10:25 Inaugural of the Conference and welcome address by Professor Anil Tomar, Co-Patron -ICGCISM-2019 (Dy. Provost & Registrar, Rai University) RU Conference Hall
10:25-10:35 Release of the Souvenir & Paper Publication by Prof. Veerendra Singh Nagoria, Conference Secretary -ICGCISM-2019 (Dy.Registrar-Academics, Rai University) RU Conference Hall
10:35-10:50 Address by Prof. (Dr.) Pradeep Jha, Conference Chair-ICGCISM-2019, (Professor, SASC, Rai University) RU Conference Hall
10:50- 11:10 Plenary Session-I by Shri Nilesh Desai, Guest & Speaker-ICGCISM-2019, Distinguished Scientist & Associate Director-SAC, ISRO, Ahmedabad RU Conference Hall
11:10-11:30 Plenary Session-II by Dr. Viranchi Shah Guest & Speaker-ICGCISM-2019, Director, Saga Laboratories, Ahmedabad, Chairman, GSB, IDMA RU Conference Hall
11:30-11:55 Plenary Session-III by Dr. Michael Lois Flores, Guest & Speaker-ICGCISM-2019, Foundation Governor St. Anthony's Academy, London, UK RU Conference Hall
11:55-12:30 Plenary Session-IV by Dr. Miloslav Hub (Professor, Institute of System Engineering and Informatics, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic), Dr. Bohdan Linda (Professor Department of Mathematics and Quantitative Methods, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic) Guest & Speaker-ICGCISM-2019 RU Conference Hall
12:30-12:50 Address by Prof.(Dr.) Paresh Shah, Conference Chair-ICGCISM-2019 (Principal, Rai Business School, Rai University) RU Conference Hall
12.50-1:00 Vote of Thanks by Prof. Ashish Rami, Conference Secretary, ICGCISM-2019 (Director-CRD, Rai University) RU Conference Hall
1:00-2:00 Networking Lunch Reception
2:00-3:45 Technical Session (Management) Classroom A1GF07
2:00-3:45 Technical Session (Science) Classroom A1GF04
3:45-4:00 Tea break Reception
4:00-4:15 Valedictory Function, Concluding Remarks by Dr. Kishor Bhanushali, Track chair-Management, Director-Academic Admin-UWSB, Karnavati University, Ahmedabad) RU Conference Hall
4:15-4:25 Valedictory Function, Concluding Remarks by Dr. Aarti Thakkar, Track chair-Science (HOD-Microbiology, President Science College, Gujarat University) RU Conference Hall
4:25-4:30 Prize Distribution
4:30-4:35 Feedback & Suggestions RU Conference Hall
4:35-4:40 Vote of thanks by Prof. Veerendra Singh Nagoria, Conference Secretary -ICGCISM-2019 (Dy.Registrar-Academics, Rai University) RU Conference Hall
4:40-4:45 National Anthem RU Conference Hall
4:45 onwards Certificate distribution Reception

Conference Report

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