IPR Cell

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Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Cell, Rai University

"Intellectual property is a part and parcel of our life. No matter what we do and where we are, we are always surrounded by the fruits of human creativity and inventions which make our life easier"

Government of India has established the National IPR Policy-2016 to establish a holistic atmosphere, conducive to exploiting the full potential of IP for social, economic and cultural development. One of the policy’s main objectives was to strengthen IP Chairs in educational institutions of higher learning to provide quality teaching and research, develop teaching capacity and curriculum and evaluate the work on performance-based criteria. Accordingly, IPR cell was set up to promote IP filings and inclusion of IPRs in academic curriculum.

IPR is protected by law, for example, patents, copyrights and trademarks, which enable people to earn recognition or financial benefit from what they invent or create. By striking the right balance between the interests of innovators and the wider public interest, the IPR system aims to foster an environment in which creativity and innovation can flourish.

Research and Innovation in our country emerge both from the industry as well as academic institutions. In today’s era where intellectual property Rights are globally enforceable, we need to develop a conducive environment where we can impart knowledge of patents, Copyrights, Geographical Indications and other IPRs to our young generation so they can equip to create innovations and can protect their intellectual Property Rights including their innovation and creativity.


1. To create the awareness and understanding about intellectual property rights by organizing seminar/workshop/training programs for students and staff members of Rai University

2. To provide a favorable environment for development of intellectual property.

3. To provide aid to faculty members and students for the process of filing the copyright, trademark and patents.

4. To provide assistance to students and faculty members to carry out patent search in their concerned area.

5. Introducing patent information as a vital input in the process of promotion of R&D programmes.


Sr. No Event Speaker Date Report link
1 Open Seminar on ‘Awareness on Intellectual Property Rights’ Dr. Dhara Thakore(Outreach Activities –SSIP, Government of Gujarat) 25th Nov.’19
2 National Level Webinar on “Role of Intellectual Property in Technological Innovation & Value Creation Dr. Bijay Kumar Sahu (Regional Manager & Head, IPFC, TISC and NRDC) 16th Dec.’20
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