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Rai University has subscribed to world’s renowned E-Journal package i.e. J-Gate plus.
J-Gate is the most comprehensive database & gateway to access research information. Detail of the subscription is given below:

Product Type Total Indexed Journals Full-Text Journals
J-Gate – Science & Technology 38,891 20,345


1. Indexed Journals: The collection provides well quality journals indexed in Scopus, Web of Science and UGC.
2. My Library Journals: Single point access to all library subscribed journals. Apart from links to the full text in the search results, one can also browse the archives of those journals.
3. My Favorite Journals: Enables the user to create own profile and configure favorite journals. This has multiple benefits:
a. Search within favorite journals and avoid the results from other indexed journals.
b. Receive e-mail alert when there are updates in the TOC of your favorite journals.
4. Filter Your Search: Highly advanced post-search filters to narrow down search results based on select parameters. The user can filter the results by Subject, Author, Journal Name, Country of Publication, Year of Publication and more.
5. Starting Point of Research: J-Gate aids the new researcher by providing the name of famous authors and journals. This can be the starting point of search in case he wants to read more articles from those authors and articles published in those journals.
6.Create/Manage Alerts: Email & RSS alerts for latest Journal Table of Content.
7.Personalized Folders: Save your favorite articles in personalized folders for quick reference.
8.Easy to Mark Favorite Journals from the Journal Finder results page.
9. Share with Peers: Share your personalized folders with your fellow researchers / peers for collaboration and knowledge sharing.
10. Easy Access Shortcuts: Download / e-Mail / Print individual reference, directly from search results.
11. Indication of the SciMago Journal Ranking and H-Index for journals listed in SciMago Journal & Country Ranking. This helps researchers to effectively identify the journals for article submission.
12. Indication of “Hybrid Open Access Journals”.
13. Post-Search Graphical Representation of Subjects and Journals: Graphical representation of subject areas and journals from which the search results have been picked.
Please note that these IP based e-resources are available within the campus.

All the students, research scholars and staff members can explore the journals on:

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