Rai University, Ahmedabad is now registered at National Digital Library for providing an ocean of opportunities to staff members and students.
Ministry of Human Resource Development under its National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology has initiated the National Digital Library (NDL) pilot project to develop a framework of virtual repository of learning resources with a single-window search facility. Filtered and federated searching is employed to facilitate focused searching so that learners can find out the right resource with least effort and in minimum time. NDL is designed to hold content of any language and provides interface support for leading vernacular languages (currently Hindi and Bengali). It is being arranged to provide support for all academic levels including researchers and life-long learners, all disciplines, all popular form of access devices and differently-abled learners. It is being developed to help students to prepare for entrance and competitive examination, to enable people to learn and prepare from best practices from all over the world and to facilitate researchers to perform inter-linked exploration from multiple sources. The pilot project is devising a framework suitable for future scale up with respect to content volume and diversity to become a full-blown National Digital Library of India over time. It is being developed at IIT Kharagpur.
· Educational materials are available for users ranging from primary to post-graduate levels
· More than 40 ty
· Repository hosts contents from multiple subject domains like Technology, Science, Humanities,Agriculture and others
· Items are available in more than 70 languages
· Repository integrates contents from different Indian Institutional Repositories
– Contents include: Books(more than lakh books by 3 lakh authors in 70 languages), Article (more than 3 lakh articles by more than 2 lakh authors from different publishers), Thesis (more than 95000+ thesis), Manuscript, Audio Lecture (more than 262 audio lectures), Video Lecture (more than 18000+ from 11 sources), Question papers (more than 33,000 Question papers from 23 sources), Question paper solution), Web course, Data sets (from OECD iLibrary, South Asia Archive and others), Annual reports (from 12 sources), Reports (more than 12,000 reports from more than 17 sources), Technical reports, Monographs, Manuals, Technical Manuals, Albums, Law Judgments.
– Different Indian Institutional Repositories (sources): DLI (Digital Library of India) (more than 5,00,000 global classical books), Krishikosh (more than 50,000 agriculture books, journals, articles and reports), INFLIBNET (hosts 38000+ thesis and synopsis reports authored by Indian Researchers from different institutes), Librivox (more than 2 lakhs audio books), NCERT (Hindi and English books of different subjects for students from primary to 12th standard)NPTEL (MHRD sponsored project that hosts 10,000+ video lectures in engineering domain)