School of Law (SOL)

PUBLIC NOTICE OF Ph.D. VIVA-VOCE EXAMINATION OF MS. DINKAN PATEL - CSE                                                   PAY YOUR FEES IN NO COST EASY MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS                                                    NAD/ABC                                                   ACHIEVEMENTS BY RU RESEARCH SCHOLARS                                                   PUBLIC NOTICE OF Ph.D. VIVA-VOCE EXAMINATION OF MS. DINKAN PATEL - CSE                                                    PAY YOUR FEES IN NO COST EASY MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS                                                    NAD/ABC                                                   ACHIEVEMENTS BY RU RESEARCH SCHOLARS                                                   PUBLIC NOTICE OF Ph.D. VIVA-VOCE EXAMINATION OF MS. DINKAN PATEL - CSE                                                    PAY YOUR FEES IN NO COST EASY MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS                                                    NAD/ABC                                                   ACHIEVEMENTS BY RU RESEARCH SCHOLARS                                                  


The School of Law at Rai University is a prestigious institution established in 2014 with the goal of committed to delivering a quality of legal education and fostering the development of skilled legal professionals. Law school offers LL.B 3 Year undergraduate program. Law schools play a crucial role in preparing individuals for the legal profession and contributing to the development of legal systems worldwide. Since its inception, the school has aimed to combine rigorous academic training with practical experience, ensuring graduates are well-prepared to meet the demands of the legal profession.


To produce legal professionals to serve the needs of the nation and society.


M1 - To impart legal knowledge for social justice.

M2 - To provide professional ethics and lifelong learning skills for emerging legal areas.


PEO-1 To acquire and apply legal knowledge to the complex socio-legal problems.
PEO-2 To develop legal research skills, Legal reasoning, written and oral communication, team work, advocacy and apply it during program and in Legal practice.
PEO-3 To make students eligible to practice in courts, industries, companies as legal practitioner.
PEO-4 To develop a sense of responsibility to serve the society through their professional skills in advocacy, judicial and other legal services.
PEO-5 To provide a broad opportunity platform of self-employability by developing professional skills in legal industry.


PO-1 Demonstrate the comprehensive knowledge and understanding of law that form part of society.
PO-2 Students will be able to identify, analyze and solve the problem with help of legal knowledge.
PO-3 A sense of inquiry and capability for asking relevant/appropriate questions, synthesizing and articulating; ability to recognize and define problems, analyze, interpret and draw conclusions from data; ability to plan, execute and report the results of an experiment or investigation.
PO-4 Ability to evaluate the reliability and relevance of evidence; identify logical flaws and holes in the arguments of others; analyze and synthesize data from variety of sources; draw valid conclusions and support them with evidence and examples, and addressing opposing viewpoints.
PO-5 Capability to use ICT in a variety of learning situations, demonstrate ability to access, evaluate, and use a variety of relevant information sources; and use appropriate software for analysis of data.
PO-6 Ability to embrace moral and professional ethics in conducting one’s life, formulate a position about an ethical issue from multiple perspectives, and use ethical practices in all work.
PO-7 Ability to express thoughts and ideas effectively in writing and orally; communicate with others using appropriate media; confidently share one’s views and express herself/himself; demonstrate the ability to listen carefully, read and write analytically, and present complex information in a clear and concise manner to different groups.
PO-8 Capability for mapping out the tasks of a team or an organization, and setting direction, building a teal who can help achieve the vision, motivating and inspiring team members, use legal knowledge and management skills to guide people to the right destination, in a smooth and efficient way.
PO-9 Ability to work effectively and respectfully with diverse teams; facilitate cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group, and act together as a group or a team in the interests of a common cause and work efficiently as a member of a team.
PO-10 Capability to analyze and evaluate evidence, arguments, claims, beliefs on the basis of empirical evidence; identify relevant assumptions or implications; formulate coherent arguments; critically evaluate practices, policies and theories to development knowledge and understanding.
PO-11 Ability to work independently, identify appropriate resources required for a project, manage a project through to completion.


PSO-1 Develop the skills of collaboration, negotiation, conciliation and counselling for the ethical implementation of legal system.
PSO-2 Cultivate the skills of drafting, conveyancing and lawyering or art of constructing various plaints, written statements, petitions, writs, letters, drafting required for successful career in judiciary.


Programme Duration Intake
LL.B 3 Year 60


Programme Eligibility Criteria
LL.B Graduation from UGC recognized University with 45% Marks



Dr. Ausaf Ahmad Malik

Name of the Teaching staff Dr. Ausaf Ahmad Malik
Designation Principal
Department School of Law, Rai University
Date of Joining the Institutions 26/03/2014
Qualifications with Class / Grade Ph.D, LL.M, LL.B, B.A. (Hons) NET with JRF
Total experience in Years 14.7 Years
Paper Published 14
Paper Presented in Conferences 11
PhD Guide/ Dissertation Give field and University 30 Dissertation of LLM & BALLB/BBALLB
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents 02 Books
Professional Memberships ILI, Bar Council of UP and INCLEN

Dr. Nita Solanki

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Dr. Nita Solanki

Dr. Vrunda Jani

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Dr. Vrunda Jani

Ami H. Shah

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Ami H. Shah

Raval Narendra Dhanvantrai

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Raval Narendra Dhanvantrai

Aesha Vyas

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Aesha Vyas

Bhumika Sompura

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Bhumika Sompura

Raval Urshula Dhanvantrai

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Raval Urshula Dhanvantrai

Dinesh Kumar Mishra

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Dinesh Kumar Mishra

Name of the Teaching staff Dinesh Kumar Mishra
Designation Assistant Professor
Department School of Law, Rai University
Date of Joining the Institutions 11/06/2024
Qualifications with Class / Grade UGC NET, LL.M, B.A.LLB
Paper Published 3
Paper Presented in Conferences 02
Awards Gold Medal, Kalinga university Raipur (BALLB, 2018-2023)
Best speaker award in E- SAMWAD Conducted by WEARESATH organization.(2021)
3rd position in 1st intra-client counseling organized by Kalinga university, Raipur. (2019)

Anu Priya

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Anu Priya

Abhilash Aggarwal

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Abhilash Aggarwal

Ms. Hardika Upadhyay

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Ms. Hardika Upadhyay

Name of the Teaching staff Ms. Hardika Upadhyay
Designation Assistant Professor
Department School of Law, Rai University
Date of Joining the Institutions 22/01/2025
Qualifications with Class / Grade LL.M (Human Rights), B.A.LL.B (Hons.)

Ms. Hazra Baki

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Ms. Hazra Baki

Name of the Teaching staff Ms. Hazra Baki
Designation Assistant Professor
Department School of Law, Rai University
Date of Joining the Institutions 03/02/2025
Qualifications with Class / Grade PhD (Pursuing), LL.M, B.A. LL.B,
Total experience in Years 1.8 Year
Paper Presented in Conferences 1
PhD Guide/Dissertation Give field and University Dr. Prathistha Yadav, Alliance University (Bangalore)

Ms. Prachi Tripathi

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Ms. Prachi Tripathi

Name of the Teaching staff Ms. Prachi Tripathi
Designation Assistant Professor
Department School of Law, Rai University
Date of Joining the Institutions 01/07/2024
Qualifications with Class / Grade LL.M, LL.B, B.Com
Total experience in Years 2 Year
Paper Presented in Conferences 1


Programme Scheme of Curriculum Subject Details
LLB (Batch 2023-2024) Click Here Click Here
LLB (Batch 2020-2021) Click Here Click Here




(June-2023 to May 2024)

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