Rai School of Management Studies (RSMS)

PUBLIC NOTICE OF Ph.D. VIVA-VOCE EXAMINATION OF MS. DINKAN PATEL - CSE                                                   PAY YOUR FEES IN NO COST EASY MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS                                                    NAD/ABC                                                   ACHIEVEMENTS BY RU RESEARCH SCHOLARS                                                   PUBLIC NOTICE OF Ph.D. VIVA-VOCE EXAMINATION OF MS. DINKAN PATEL - CSE                                                    PAY YOUR FEES IN NO COST EASY MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS                                                    NAD/ABC                                                   ACHIEVEMENTS BY RU RESEARCH SCHOLARS                                                   PUBLIC NOTICE OF Ph.D. VIVA-VOCE EXAMINATION OF MS. DINKAN PATEL - CSE                                                    PAY YOUR FEES IN NO COST EASY MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS                                                    NAD/ABC                                                   ACHIEVEMENTS BY RU RESEARCH SCHOLARS                                                  


Rai School of Management Studies emphasizes all around development of its students. Launching successful careers through a combination of academic courses and practical guidance, RSMS aims at steering the students in the right direction for a successful and fulfilling professional life through a various positions in the business world areas such as Marketing, Exports, Financial Services and sales, Human Resource and Management, Health Care and Hospital Management, Accountancy, Agri Business Management, pharmaceutical management etc.


To become management institution that transforms stakeholders as professional practitioners of individual, corporate, society and the nation by providing good learning practices


M1 - To provide excellence in management education, innovation and outreach through knowledge update, leadership, stimulate strategic relationship with the industry practitioners

M2 - To nurture students for lifelong learning and leadership in the emerging competitive world

M3 - To develop managers with outstanding professional and entrepreneurial skills


PEO-1 To create learner centric environment for the achievement of career goals
PEO-2 To effectively make appropriate decision-making to resolve managerial issues using modern tools
PEO-3 To create leaders for adopting the needs of the global business challenges
PEO-4 To induce the skills of innovative thinking to pursue entrepreneurial projects
PEO-5 To develop sound knowledge of the business processes and inculcate creativity and innovation in the work place
PEO-6 To responsible citizens by nurturing professional and entrepreneurial competencies
PEO-1 Graduates will be capable of making a positive contribution to in real life business situation
PEO-2 Graduates will be able to drive entrepreneurship initiatives.
PEO-3 Graduates will effectively utilize quantitative and qualitative techniques to solve business problems
PEO-4 Graduates will advance both theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of business management.
PEO-1 Student will be able to apply relevant financial reporting standards to key elements of financial reports.
PEO-2 Graduates will gain contemporary knowledge of the business concepts and their application in problem solving.
PEO-3 Students will be proficient at using appropriate tools to analyse real-world business situations and will have the necessary oral and written communication skills to effectively interact with their stakeholders.
PEO-4 Student will be able to analyse and interpret financial transactions and events


PO-1 Exhibit a critical understanding of present issues in business and management, which informed by leading edged research and practice in the field.
PO-2 Exhibit modern management processes, application of theoretical concepts, tools, and prediction techniques to solve real life business challenges.
PO-3 Develop an ability to identify, formulate, and solve managerial problems.
PO-4 Case studies, internships, and on-the-job training help apply theory to practice, develop entrepreneurship skills.
PO-5 Aim to provide students with the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to become effective leaders.
PO-6 Communicate efficiently as a manager under different circumstances with all stakeholders.
PO-7 Adhere to ethical principles and norms in management
PO-8 Understand the importance of continuously learning about the different changes happening in business management
PO-1 Incorporate management theories and ideas into practical applications to achieve efficient and effective outcomes in various domains of business, organizations, and institutions.
PO-2 Exhibit problem-solving abilities by demonstrating critical thinking, creativity, and resourcefulness
PO-3 Demonstrate leadership and team work competences in multidisciplinary extents.
PO-4 Enhance Entrepreneurship aptitudes so that the students are encouraged to commence independent ventures
PO-5 Explore the use of technology in business, including modern tools and applications, to increase efficiency and productivity
PO-6 Communicate effectively in complex business scenario and with society at large such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations.
PO-7 Apply ethical principles and obligate to professional ethics and responsibilities towards business
PO-1 Gain thorough understanding of accounting issues associated to business
PO-2 Discuss the concepts of Finance, Management Accounting, and the other areas of Commerce
PO-3 Execute the best practices of Accounting, taxation and Auditing in real life situation using modern tools.
PO-4 Exhibit problem solving, group working and communication skills.
PO-5 Enhance Entrepreneurship aptitudes so that the students are encouraged to commence independent ventures.
PO-6 Apply ethical principles and obligate to professional ethics and responsibilities towards business


PSO-1 Nurturing industry ready professionals with business and management acumen, who shall hold high degree of human values and social consciousness in their professional and personal lives.
PSO-2 Facilitating effective managerial decision-making by applying a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices of management.
PSO-3 Upon successful completion of this course, students will possess the necessary knowledge and practical skills to apply their learning in real-world scenarios.
PSO-4 Aim is to provide high-quality education that grooms and trains aspiring business professionals to become exemplary management leaders.
PSO-1 Students will have the ability to implement various information technology tools in business
PSO-2 Students will equip with the skills to analyze and interpret data, enabling them to make informed decisions
PSO-3 Student will be able to demonstrate professionalism and team working skill.
PSO-1 Students will gain comprehensive subject skills within various disciplines of finance, auditing and taxation, accounting, management, communication, computer.
PSO-2 Students will acquire pertinent Advanced accounting career skills, applying both quantitative and qualitative knowledge to their future career in commerce.


Programme Specialization Duration Intake
MBA Human Resource Management, Marketing Management, Finance, Agri-Business Management, Pharmaceutical management (Major & Minor-2nd Year onwards) 2 Year 180
BBA Information Technology and Management, Human Resource Management, , Sales & Digital Marketing, Finance 3/4 Year 120
B.Com. Accountancy, Human Resource Management,  Marketing Management, Finance 3 Year 30


Programme Specialization Eligibility Criteria
MBA Human Resource Management, Marketing Management, Finance, Agri-Business Management, Pharmaceutical management (Major & Minor-2nd Year onwards) Graduation from UGC recognized University with 50% Marks (45% for reserved category)
BBA Information Technology and Management, Human Resource Management, Sales & Digital Marketing, Finance 10+2 from recognized Board with Minimum 45% (40% for reserved category)
B.Com. Accountancy, Human Resource Management, Marketing Management, Finance 10+2 from recognized Board with Minimum 45% (40% for reserved category)



Dr.Kiran Kumar Agrawal

Dr. Sandip Chandra

Associate Dean & Associate Professor

Associate Dean & Associate Professor

Dr. Sandip Chandra

Name of the Teaching staff Dr. Sandip Chandra
Designation Associate Dean & Associate Professor
Department Department of Management & Commerce. Rai School of Management Studies
Date of Joining the Institutions 19/08/2021
Qualifications with Class / Grade Ph.D., MBA, M.Com, B.Com
Total experience in Years 13 years
Paper Published 11 Research Papers Published (1 ABDC Journal, 3 UGC Care Journal – I, 2 UGC Listed Journal, & 5 Peer Reviewed)
Paper Presented in Conferences 15 Papers are presented in National & International Conferences
PhD Guide? Give field and University Management & Commerce
PhDs / Projects Guided Ph.D. = 1 Completed & 4 Under Guidance, MBA = 30 students & BBA = 20 students
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents 03 Books, 01 Book Chapter, 03 Patents
Professional Memberships ISTE
Awards Best India Research Awards 2023

Dr. Paresh Shah

Professor of Practice

Professor of Practice

Dr. Paresh Shah

Name of the Teaching staff Dr. Paresh Shah
Designation Professor of Practice
Department Management, Rai School Of Management Studies
Date of Joining the Institutions 04-04-2016
Qualifications with Class / Grade D.Litt, F.D.P., Ph.D. (Finance); A.A.S.M.; F.C.M.A.; D.B.M.; LL.B.;M.Com.; Dip. T. S. Edu.; Dip. D. M.; Dip. Edu. Psy. (Alison Education, US)
Total experience in Years 23 Years 10 Month
Paper Published 22
Paper Presented in Conferences 39
PhD Guide? Give field and University Rai University
PhDs / Projects Guided 07
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents 22

Dr. Himanshu Vaidya

Professor of Practice

Professor of Practice

Dr. Himanshu Vaidya

Name of the Teaching staff Dr. Himanshu Vaidya
Designation Professor of Practice
Department Management, Rai School Of Management Studies
Date of Joining the Institutions 17-04-2018
Qualifications with Class / Grade Ph.D, MBA, MA, BE
Total experience in Years 23 Years
Paper Published 11

Dr.Chinmayee Bhatt



Dr.Chinmayee Bhatt

Name of the Teaching staff Dr.Chinmayee Bhatt
Designation Professor
Department Management, Rai School Of Management Studies
Date of Joining the Institutions 01-07-2016
Qualifications with Class / Grade Ph.D, M. Phil, MBA, M.Com, BCom
Total experience in Years 21 Years
Paper Published 20
Paper Presented in Conferences 20

Dr. Riddhi Ambavale

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Dr. Riddhi Ambavale

Name of the Teaching staff Dr. Riddhi Ambavale
Designation Associate Professor
Department Rai School of Management Studies
Date of Joining the Institutions 06/02/2023
Qualifications with Class / Grade Ph.D, MBA, NET (JRF), BBA, Diploma in International Marketing
Total experience in Years 10 years
Paper Published 13
Paper Presented in Conferences 06
PhDs / Projects Guided 25 MBA projects
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents 1 Book Published
Professional Memberships JCI
Consultancy Activities Given consultancy to few food startups

Dr. Nilesh Patel

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Dr. Nilesh Patel

Name of the Teaching staff Dr. Nilesh Patel
Designation Associate Professor
Department Management, Rai School Of Management Studies
Date of Joining the Institutions 01-08-2022
Qualifications with Class / Grade Ph.D, M. Phil, MBA, BBA
Total experience in Years 5 years
Paper Published 6 Papers
Paper Presented in Conferences 21 Papers

Dr. Swati Aggarwal

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Dr. Swati Aggarwal

Name of the Teaching staff Dr. Swati Aggarwal
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Rai School of Management Studies

Date of Joining the Institutions 11/10/2022
Qualifications with Class / Grade Ph.D., M.A-Industrial Psychology, B.Ed, BA-Psychology
Total experience in Years 9 years
Paper Published 7 Papers
Paper Presented in Conferences 4 Papers
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents 01 Books, 04 Patents

Dr. Maulik K Rathod

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Dr. Maulik K Rathod

Name of the Teaching staff Dr. Maulik K Rathod
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Rai School of Management Studies
Date of Joining the Institutions 10/07/2023
Qualifications with Class / Grade Ph.D
M Com (2nd class)
BBA (2nd class)
Total experience in Years 18.4 years
Paper Published 17 Papers
Paper Presented in Conferences 30 Papers
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents 03 Books, 01 Patents
Professional Memberships Ahmedabad Management Association

Dr. Juhi Yadav

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Dr. Juhi Yadav

Name of the Teaching staff Dr. Juhi Yadav
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Rai School of Management
Qualifications with Class / Grade MBA, M.Com, Ph.D., NET

Dr. Yuvrajsinh Rathod

HoD & Assistant Professor

HoD & Assistant Professor

Dr. Yuvrajsinh Rathod

Name of the Teaching staff Dr. Rathod Yuvrajsinh Kiritsinh
Designation HoD & Assistant Professor
Roles and Responsibilities Exam Coordinator, Time table Coordinator, Member of Warrior-the Sports Club
Department Department of Management & Commerce, Rai School of Management Studies
Date of Joining the Institutions 16/05/2022
Qualifications with Class / Grade Ph.D, MBA, M.Com,B.Com., B.Ed, D.T.P,SAP(FI/CO), Six Sigma
Total experience in Years 5 Years
Paper Published 04 ( 02 Scopus Index, 02- Peer review )
Paper Presented in Conferences 06 ( 06 International Conference)
PhDs / Projects Guided MBA- 25 BBA-4
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents 02 Patent / Book Chapter-1
Professional Memberships Star International Foundation for Research and Education
Awards 1. Best Research Paper award for the Paper Title Presentation “An Empirical Study to Measure Consumer Attitude towards Luxury Fashion Apparel in Gujarat” in Virtual Multidisciplinary International Conference on Futuristic Trends for Sustainable Ecosystem in 2021.
2. RU Research Achievement Awards at Rai University in 2023.

Dr. Vinod Khimjeebhai Parghi

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Dr. Vinod Khimjeebhai Parghi

Name of the Teaching staff Dr. Vinod Khimjeebhai Parghi
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Rai School of Management Studies
Date of Joining the Institutions 01/03/2024
Qualifications with Class / Grade B.Com (Second Class), M.Com (Distinction with B), Ph.D
Total experience in Years 6 Month
Paper Published 16
Paper Presented in Conferences 10

Ms. Harshita Vyas

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Ms. Harshita Vyas

Name of the Teaching staff Ms. Harshita Vyas
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Rai School Of Management Studies

Date of Joining the Institutions 04.12.2023
Qualifications with Class / Grade Ph.D. (Pursuing), MBA (Marketing) – I Grade & B.Com – I Grade
Total experience in Years 4 Month
Paper Presented in Conferences 02
PhDs / Projects Guided Prof. Ashwini Awasthi (Marketing, Nirma University)

Mr. Uday B. Acharya

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Mr. Uday B. Acharya

Name of the Teaching staff Mr. Uday B. Acharya
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Rai School of Management
Qualifications with Class / Grade Ph.D (Pursuing), UGC-NET, MBA, BBA

Mr. Yogesh Tomar

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Mr. Yogesh Tomar

Name of the Teaching staff Mr. Yogesh Tomar
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Management, Rai School Of Management Studies

Qualifications with Class / Grade BCA,MCA, MBA

Mr. Vanrajsinh Parmar

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Mr. Vanrajsinh Parmar

Name of the Teaching staff Mr. Vanrajsinh Parmar
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Management, Rai School Of Management Studies
Qualifications with Class / Grade B.Com , MBA

Ms. Swati Kamra

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Ms. Swati Kamra

Name of the Teaching staff Ms. Swati Kamra
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Department of Management & Commerce, Rai School of Management Studies
Date of Joining the Institutions 01-08-2022

Anjali Jain

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Anjali Jain

Name of the Teaching staff Anjali Jain
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Rai School of Management
Date of Joining the Institutions 27/05/2022
Qualifications with Class / Grade Postgraduate
Total experience in Years 1.5 Years

Mr. Sanchit Khandelwal

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Mr. Sanchit Khandelwal

Name of the Teaching staff Mr. Sanchit Khandelwal
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Rai School of Management
Date of Joining the Institutions
Qualifications with Class / Grade MCA, BCA

Hardiksinh Ranvirsinh Chauhan

Academic Associate

Academic Associate

Hardiksinh Ranvirsinh Chauhan

Name of the Teaching staff Hardiksinh Ranvirsinh Chauhan
Designation Academic Associate
Department Rai School of Management Studies
Date of Joining the Institutions 12/01/2024
Qualifications with Class / Grade MCA, M.Com, PGDCA, B.Com
Total experience in Years 15.6 years


Programme Scheme of Curriculum Subject Details
MBA - Master of Business Administration (Batch 2024-25) Click Here Click Here
MBA - Master of Business Administration (Batch 2022-23) Click Here Click Here

Programme Scheme of Curriculum Subject Details
BBA - Bachelor of Business Administration (Batch 2023-24)
(As per NEP-2020)
Click Here Click Here
BBA - Bachelor of Business Administration (Batch 2022-23) Click Here Click Here
BBA - Bachelor of Business Administration (Batch 2020-21) Click Here Click Here
Programme Scheme of Curriculum Subject Details
B.Com. - Bachelor of Commerce (Batch 2020-21) Click Here Click Here




Volume -1


Volume 2

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