School of Pharmacy (SOP)

PAY YOUR FEES IN NO COST EASY MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS                                                    NAD/ABC                                                   ACHIEVEMENTS BY RU RESEARCH SCHOLARS                                                   PAY YOUR FEES IN NO COST EASY MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS                                                    NAD/ABC                                                   ACHIEVEMENTS BY RU RESEARCH SCHOLARS                                                   PAY YOUR FEES IN NO COST EASY MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS                                                    NAD/ABC                                                   ACHIEVEMENTS BY RU RESEARCH SCHOLARS                                                  


School of Pharmacy (SOP) is constituent institute of Rai University, Ahmedabad established in 2019. It is approved by the Pharmacy Council of India (PCI). The Institute is housed in a campus with an imposing building and most conducive atmosphere for academic preference. Pharmacy is the branch of health sciences that deals with the preparation and dispensing of drugs. Its aim is to ensure the safe and effective use of pharmaceutical drugs. The Pharmacy degree is the gateway for entering pharmacy sector in Medical, Health care industries and Hospital etc. This degree includes subject like Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy etc.


To establish a qualitative benchmark by providing pharmaceutical education and research with the new era of technological advancements.


M1 - To establish academic & research excellence and develop core competency in the pharmaceutical sector.

M2 - Educate students through learner-centric approaches to attain the needs of health and management related fields in pharmaceutical industry.

M3 - Prepare pharmaceutical science professionals relevant for the community, industry and institution that upholds ethical values and pharmaceutical legislation.


PEO-1 To build knowledgeable and skilled pharmacy professionals by providing quality educational and research opportunities.
PEO-2 To enhance pharmacy professional development by training in hospitals & industries.
PEO-3 To inspire the students to participate in the process of life-long learning.
PEO-4 To promote teaching-learning practices by creative faculty resources & effective monitoring.
PEO-5 To embodize future pharmacists with leadership and entrepreneurship capabilities
PEO-6 To educate students to implement the healthcare system


PO-1 Possess knowledge and comprehension of the core and basic knowledge associated with the profession of pharmacy, including biomedical sciences; pharmaceutical sciences; behavioral, social, and administrative pharmacy sciences; and manufacturing practices.
PO-2 Demonstrate effective planning abilities including time management, resource management, delegation skills and organizational skills. Develop and implement plans and organize work to meet deadlines.
PO-3 Utilize the principles of scientific enquiry, thinking analytically, clearly andcritically, while solving problems and making decisions during daily practice. Find, analyze,evaluate and apply information systematically and shall make defensible decisions.
PO-4 Learn, select, and apply appropriate methods and procedures, resources, and modern pharmacy-related computing tools with an understanding of the limitations.
PO-5 Understand and consider the human reaction to change, motivation issues, leadership and team-building when planning changes required for fulfillment of practice, professional and societal responsibilities. Assume participatory roles as responsible citizens or leadership roles when appropriate to facilitate improvement in health and well- being.
PO-6 Understand, analyze and communicate the value of their professional roles in society (e.g. health care professionals, promoters of health, educators, managers,employers, employees).
PO-7 Honour personal values and apply ethical principles in professionaland social contexts. Demonstrate behavior that recognizes cultural and personal variability invalues, communication and lifestyles. Use ethical frameworks; apply ethical principles whilemaking decisions and take responsibility for the outcomes associated with the decisions.
PO-8 Communicate effectively with the pharmacy community and with society atlarge, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports, make effectivepresentations and documentation, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO-9 Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety and legal issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional pharmacy practice.
PO-10 Understand the impact of the professional pharmacy solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO-11 Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engagein independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change. Self-assess and use feedback effectively from others to identify learning needs and to satisfy these needs on an ongoing basis.


PSO-1 Perform research on numerous medical topics and use your expertise of pharmacy to create the greatest possible dosage form so that the public may get high-quality medications.
PSO-2 To improve the public’s health and well-being, provide patient-centered, efficient therapies to address therapeutic concerns with the necessary medications, and describe the impacts of the pharmaceuticals by examining the scientific literature.


Programme Duration Intake
B.Pharm 4 Year 100
D2D (Lateral Entry) 3 Year Subject to availability
D.Pharm 2 Year 60


Programme Eligibility Criteria
B.Pharm 10+2 with PCB/PCM from recognized Board with min. 45%
D2D (Lateral Entry) As Per PCI rule the aspiring candidate shall have passed the Diploma Pharmacy Exam.
D.Pharm 10+2 with PCB/PCM from recognized Board


Dr. Parulaben Patel

Director & Dean

Director & Dean

Dr. Parulaben Patel

Name of the Teaching staff Dr. Parulaben Patel
Designation Director & Dean
Department Pharmaceutical Chemistry & Quality Assurance - School of Pharmacy
Date of Joining the Institutions 01-07-2020
Qualifications with Class / Grade Ph.D, M.Pharm
Total experience in Years 25 Years
Paper Published 07
Paper Presented in Conferences 03
PhDs / Projects Guided 10

Dr. SanjeshKumar G Rathi

Principal and Professor

Principal and Professor

Dr. SanjeshKumar G Rathi

Name of the Teaching staff Dr. SanjeshKumar G Rathi
Designation Principal and Professor
Department School of Pharmacy
Date of Joining the Institutions 21/02/2022
Qualifications with Class / Grade Ph.D, M.Pharm
Total experience in Years 15.6 Years
Paper Published 40
Paper Presented in Conferences 11
PhDs / Projects Guided B.Pharm - 06 , M. Pharm - 11
PhD Guide? Give field and University GTU
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents Books - 17, Patents - 09
Professional Memberships APTI
Awards Outstanding Research Award at Rai University 27th May 2023
Grants fetched APTI: 10,000,GSPC:50,000,DST:15,000
Interaction with Professional Institutions DDIT, Parul University

Dr. Bhoomi Patel

HOD, Associate Professor

HOD, Associate Professor

Dr. Bhoomi Patel

Name of the Teaching staff Dr. Bhoomi Patel
Designation HOD, Associate Professor
Department Pharmaceutical Chemistry & Quality Assurance - School of Pharmacy
Date of Joining the Institutions 18.01.2023
Qualifications with Class / Grade Ph.D, M.Pharm
Total experience in Years 8 Years
Paper Published 20
Paper Presented in Conferences 05
PhDs / Projects Guided M.Pharm -16, B.Pharm - 09
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents Books - 04, Patents - 03
Awards Best Faculty Performance Award during three Academic Years 2018-2021.
Interaction with Professional Institutions KBIPER, SIPS

Ms. Jyoti verma

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Ms. Jyoti verma

Name of the Teaching staff Ms. Jyoti verma
Designation Associate Professor
Department School of Pharmacy
Date of Joining the Institutions 01/04/2021
Qualifications with Class / Grade M.Pharm, Ph.D Pursuing, (Pharmaceutical Science )
Total experience in Years 10 Years ( 05 year pharmaceutical Industry + 05 year Teaching)
Paper Published 02
PhDs / Projects Guided B.Pharm - 06
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents 01 Books, 05 Patents
Interaction with Professional Institutions Parul University Ahmedabad ,ITM University Gwalior, Madhav University Rajesthan , IPS Academy Indore , Shri ram Collage of Pharmacy Gwalior,

Navinraj Dudhnath Mourya

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Navinraj Dudhnath Mourya

Name of the Teaching staff Navinraj Dudhnath Mourya
Designation Associate Professor
Department Chemistry Department (Q.A) - School of Pharmacy
Date of Joining the Institutions 02/08/2021
Qualifications with Class / Grade M.Pharm
Total experience in Years 6.4 years
Paper Published 02
Interaction with Professional Institutions A-One pharmacy college, Shree swaminarayan sanskar pharmacy college, K.B Raval Pharmacy college

MS. Varsha Nadkar

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

MS. Varsha Nadkar

Name of the Teaching staff MS. Varsha Nadkar
Designation Associate Professor
Department Pharmacology - School of Pharmacy
Date of Joining the Institutions 02/08/2021
Qualifications with Class / Grade Ph.D Pursuing, M.Pharm, B.Pharm
Total experience in Years 5 years
Paper Published 02
PhDs / Projects Guided 03 (B. pharma students)
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents 03 patents
Interaction with Professional Institutions Indrashil University , Sagar institute of research and technology , Smriti college of Pharmacy

Ms. Poonam Ramani

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Ms. Poonam Ramani

Name of the Teaching staff Ms. Poonam Ramani
Designation Associate Professor
Department Pharmaceutics - School of Pharmacy
Date of Joining the Institutions 01-05-2022
Qualifications with Class / Grade M.Pharm
Total experience in Years 2 years

Varsha Soni

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Varsha Soni

Name of the Teaching staff Varsha Soni
Designation Assistant Professor
Department School of Pharmacy
Total experience in Years 1 Year
Paper Published 4

Nitesh Ranjan Parida

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Nitesh Ranjan Parida

Name of the Teaching staff Nitesh Ranjan Parida
Designation Assistant Professor
Department School of Pharmacy
Date of Joining the Institutions 16/08/2023
Qualifications with Class / Grade M. Pharmacy in Pharmacology
Total experience in Years 1.7 years
PhDs / Projects Guided B. Pharm- 04
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents 01 Patent
Interaction with Professional Institutions Dadhichi College of Pharmacy, Odisha

Mr. Premkumar Devadiya

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Mr. Premkumar Devadiya

Name of the Teaching staff Mr. Premkumar Devadiya
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Pharmaceutics Dept. School of Pharmacy
Date of Joining the Institutions 19/09/2022
Qualifications with Class / Grade M.Pharm
Total experience in Years 1.6 years
Paper Presented in Conferences 01

Mr. Mehulkumar Damor

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Mr. Mehulkumar Damor

Name of the Teaching staff Mr. Mehulkumar Damor
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Pharmaceutics Dept. School of Pharmacy
Date of Joining the Institutions 19/09/2022
Qualifications with Class / Grade M.Pharm
Total experience in Years 1.6 years
Paper Published 02
Paper Presented in Conferences 01

Ms. Pinal Patel

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Ms. Pinal Patel

Name of the Teaching staff Ms. Pinal Patel
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Pharmaceutical Chemistry - School of Pharmacy
Date of Joining the Institutions 19/09/2022
Qualifications with Class / Grade M.Pharm
Total experience in Years 1.6 years

Mitul Bhoi

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Mitul Bhoi

Name of the Teaching staff Mitul Bhoi
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Pharmaceutical Chemistry - School of Pharmacy
Date of Joining the Institutions 23/01/2024
Qualifications with Class / Grade M.Pharm, B.Pharm
Total experience in Years 2 Month
Professional Memberships OBPA

Ms. Sonal H vaishnav

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Ms. Sonal H vaishnav

Name of the Teaching staff Ms. Sonal H vaishnav
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Quality Assurance - School of Pharmacy
Date of Joining the Institutions 06/04/2024
Qualifications with Class / Grade P.hD. Pursuing, M.Pharm, B.Pharm
Total experience in Years 3 years 2 months
Paper Published 02
PhDs / Projects Guided B.pharm -5
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents 01 Patents
Professional Memberships APTI

Mr. Pratyush Brahma

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Mr. Pratyush Brahma

Name of the Teaching staff Mr. Pratyush Brahma
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Pharmaceutical Analysis (QA) - School of Pharmacy
Date of Joining the Institutions 11/09/2023
Qualifications with Class / Grade M.Pharm, B.Pharm
Total experience in Years 0.6 years
PhDs / Projects Guided B.Pharm - 03
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents 01 Book
Professional Memberships IPA, OBPA
Interaction with Professional Institutions JEYPORE COLLEGE OF PHARMACY, KORAPUT, ODISHA

Dileep Kumar Garnipudi

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Dileep Kumar Garnipudi

Name of the Teaching staff Dileep Kumar Garnipudi
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Pharmaceutics

Kapila N.Kalesh

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Kapila N.Kalesh

Name of the Teaching staff Kapila N.Kalesh
Designation Assistant Professor
Department school of Pharmacy
Date of Joining the Institutions 01/04/2024
Qualifications with Class / Grade B.Pharm / M. Pharm (First class with distinction )
Total experience in Years 10 Month
Paper Published 3
Professional Memberships APTI

Shubham Singh

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Shubham Singh

Name of the Teaching staff Shubham Singh
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Pharmaceutics Dept. School of Pharmacy
Date of Joining the Institutions 04/03/2024
Qualifications with Class / Grade Ph.D Pursuing, M.Pharm, B.Pharm
Total experience in Years 3.4 year
Paper Published 09
Paper Presented in Conferences 02
PhDs / Projects Guided B.Pharm - 2
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents 01 Patents
Interaction with Professional Institutions Institute of Pharmaceutical Research GLA University, Chandigarh University, Madhyanchal Professional University.

Soumyaranjan Biswal

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Soumyaranjan Biswal

Name of the Teaching staff Soumyaranjan Biswal
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Department of Pharmacology, School of Pharmacy, Rai University.
Date of Joining the Institutions 21/08/2023
Qualifications with Class / Grade M. Pharm (Pharmacology)
Total experience in Years 3 Years 8 Months
Paper Published 02
PhDs / Projects Guided B. Pharm - 10
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents 01 Patents
Professional Memberships APTI Member
Interaction with Professional Institutions GIST, TPC & CUTM

Ms. Suchita Waghmare

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Ms. Suchita Waghmare

Name of the Teaching staff Ms. Suchita Waghmare
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Pharmaceutics Dept. School of Pharmacy
Date of Joining the Institutions 16/12/2021
Qualifications with Class / Grade M.Pharma (Pharmaceutics), B.Pharma
Total experience in Years 2.3 years
Paper Presented in Conferences 03

Ms. Jayalekshmi.m

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Ms. Jayalekshmi.m

Name of the Teaching staff Ms. Jayalekshmi.m
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Pharmacy Dept. School of pharmacy
Date of Joining the Institutions 15/02/2023
Qualifications with Class / Grade M. Pharm, first class with distinction
Total experience in Years 1.4 years
Paper Published 01
Paper Presented in Conferences 02
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents 02 Patents

Mr. Jayram Mhaske

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Mr. Jayram Mhaske

Name of the Teaching staff Mr. Jayram Mhaske
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Pharmaceutics, School of pharmacy
Date of Joining the Institutions 01-02-2022
Qualifications with Class / Grade M. Pharm
Total experience in Years 3 Years

Mr. Dhruv Suthar

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Mr. Dhruv Suthar

Name of the Teaching staff Mr. Dhruv Suthar
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Pharmaceutics Dept. School of Pharmacy
Date of Joining the Institutions 19/09/2022
Qualifications with Class / Grade M.Pharm (Pharmaceutics), B.Pharm
Total experience in Years 1.6 years
Paper Presented in Conferences 01
Interaction with Professional Institutions AdtU, JCP, DCP, HCCOP

Mr. Aman Tiwari

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Mr. Aman Tiwari

Name of the Teaching staff Mr. Aman Tiwari
Designation Assistant Professor
Department School of Pharmacy
Date of Joining the Institutions 15/04/2024
Qualifications with Class / Grade M. Pharma (Pharmaceutics) First Division with Honors
Total experience in Years 3.6 years
Paper Published 01
Paper Presented in Conferences 03
PhDs / Projects Guided 10
Interaction with Professional Institutions TIPR/JKIPR/JKCP/CSVTU/LCIT-COP

Ravikiran Amrutbhai Vegada

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Ravikiran Amrutbhai Vegada

Name of the Teaching staff Ravikiran Amrutbhai Vegada
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Department of Pharmacognosy, School of Pharmacy
Date of Joining the Institutions 03/08/2023
Qualifications with Class / Grade M.Pharm (Pharmacognosy)
Total experience in Years 0.7
Paper Presented in Conferences 02
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents 1

Jankhana Bhimabhai Baraiya

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Jankhana Bhimabhai Baraiya

Name of the Teaching staff Jankhana Bhimabhai Baraiya
Designation Assistant Professor
Department School of Pharmacy
Date of Joining the Institutions 02/08/2021
Qualifications with Class / Grade M.Pharm (Pharmacognosy
Total experience in Years 2 years 7 Month
Paper Published 02
Paper Presented in Conferences 01
PhDs / Projects Guided Last year B.pharm- 3, Hackathon mentorship- 3, SSIP mentor- 1
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents 12 Patents
Awards Researcher of the year 2023 (Distinguished research contributor 3rd position) award by SRIC, Delhi
Grants fetched SSIP Grant Received for 3 projects

Mr. Harsh S. Rathnam

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Mr. Harsh S. Rathnam

Name of the Teaching staff Mr. Harsh S. Rathnam
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Pharmaceutical Chemistry, School of Pharmacy
Date of Joining the Institutions 15/06/2022
Qualifications with Class / Grade M.Pharma (Pharmaceutical Chemistry), B.Pharma


Santosh Kumar

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Santosh Kumar

Name of the Teaching staff Santosh Kumar
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Rai School Pharmacy
Date of Joining the Institutions
Qualifications with Class / Grade M. Pharm
Total experience in Years 6.5 Year
Paper Published 2
Paper Presented in Conferences 2
PhDs / Projects Guided 5 B.Pharm


Programme Scheme of Curriculum Subject Details
Bachelor of Pharmacy  Click Here Click Here

Programme Scheme of Curriculum Subject Details
Diploma Pharmacy  Click Here Click Here






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