Rai School of Sciences (RSS)

PAY YOUR FEES IN NO COST EASY MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS                                                    NAD/ABC                                                   ACHIEVEMENTS BY RU RESEARCH SCHOLARS                                                   PAY YOUR FEES IN NO COST EASY MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS                                                    NAD/ABC                                                   ACHIEVEMENTS BY RU RESEARCH SCHOLARS                                                   PAY YOUR FEES IN NO COST EASY MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS                                                    NAD/ABC                                                   ACHIEVEMENTS BY RU RESEARCH SCHOLARS                                                  


Students at Rai School of Sciences are trained in strategic subjects of  Microbiology and Chemistry to the highest standards so that they can be industry ready and contribute to high-end research careers in varied significant fields like pharmaceuticals, food, environment, agriculture and medical sciences. Exposure to latest scientific tools and laboratory techniques will help them to learn technological application that uses biological systems to modify processes for specific use


To establish the genesis, mix and functioning the different areas of sciences and nurturing the stakeholders for national and global needs”


M1. To promote educational training, learning, innovation in the emerging areas of life sciences for the students

M2. To emphasize on the knowledge and skill to face the challenges of the academia, research, society and continuous learning.

M3. To implant the values of ethics and quality among students for providing sustained constructive services to the society



PEO-1 To impart advanced theoretical and practical knowledge in Microbiology
PEO-2 To enhance knowledge and expertise for a successful career in academics, research and industry.
PEO-3 To develop professionals with social, environmental and ethical awareness.
PEO-1 Chemistry Post graduates will be well prepared for successful careers in the profession or in research & innovation at an industry and/or in government in one or more of discipline of chemistry and /or sub disciplines of Chemistry.
PEO-2 Chemistry graduates will be academically prepared to provide feasible and sustainable solutions for real-life problems and become licensed professional chemists in due course and will contribute effectively in serving the society.
PEO-3 Chemistry graduates will be engaged in professional activities to enhance their own achievement and simultaneously contribute in service of humankind.
PEO-4 Chemistry graduates will be successful leaders with quality to handle all kind of diverse circumstances through nurturing them in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary learning environment.
PEO- 1
PEO- 1a Fostering the possibility for vertical career progression in service sectors, industries, and other connected areas focused on micro
PEO- 1b Inculcating technical and managerial skills crucial for real time scenarios through the enhancement of problem solving skills and advanced technical documentation ability.
PEO- 2 Teaching pupils technical skills to prepare them for the development of sustainable technology and solutions to current environmental, socioeconomic, and cultural issues.
PEO- 3 Through career-oriented courses including IPR, biosafety, and ethics, promoting knowledge and understanding of professional ethics, bioethical and health issues, intellectual property rights, and lifelong learning.


PO-1  Apply the knowledge of  microbiology, biochemistry fundamentals, and bioinformatics to the solution of complex biological problems.
PO-2 Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex biological problems reaching substantiated conclusions using various principles of  bioinformatics, microbiology, biochemistry, cell and molecular biology sciences.
PO-3 Design solutions for complex biological problems and design protocols or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, conservation of biodiversity, better understanding of the microorganisms, and using bioinformatics tools for finding solutions of various crippling human/plant diseases with ethical, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO-4 Use the various protocols developed through extensive research-based knowledge and methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and provide valid and reproducible conclusions.
PO-5 Develop new technologies, protocols, resources, using modern molecular biology and bioinformatics tools and apply it to solve complex human health problems, plant stress tolerance and conserve floral biodiversity of Himalayan region focusing on medicinally important plants with an understanding of the limitations of this region.
PO-6 Apply the classic and modern biological theoretical and practical knowledge gained to address societal, health, microbial and plant biodiversity studies, safety, ethical and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional upgradation of the student and society as a whole.
PO-7 Understand the impact of Himalayan hot spot of biodiversity. The professional PG students will have a better understanding of societal and environmental concerns, and demonstrate their knowledge, and need for sustainable development.
PO-8 Be an independent thinker and researcher effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader of different teams, and in multidisciplinary research Institutions and Universities.
PO-9 Communicate effectively on complex research activities with the scientific community and with society at large, as a scientist or a teacher, be well versed with scientific writing and write effective reports and design research projects, make effective presentations, and be able to defend it efficiently.
PO-10 Apply the discipline, ethics and knowledge obtained to engage in independent and life-long learning in their respective fields of interest wherever they go for further higher studies or jobs.
PO-1  Apply knowledge of Chemistry and chemistry specializations to solution of complex scientific problems. (Scientific knowledge)
PO-2 Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex scientific problems reaching substantiated conclusions using principles of chemistry. (Problem analysis)
PO-3 Design of solutions for complex scientific problems and design of chemical processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate considerations of public health and safety, and cultural, societal, and environmental considerations (Design/development of solutions)
PO-4 Use research based methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data and synthesis of chemical products leading to logical conclusions (Conduct investigations of complex problems)
PO-5 Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern scientific and IT tools including prediction and modelling complex scientific activities with an understanding of limitations (Modern tool usage)
PO-6 Apply reasoning within the contextual knowledge to access societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the con-sequent responsibilities relevant to the professional scientific practice (The chemist and society)
PO-7 Understand the impact of the professional scientific solutions in the societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and the need for sustainable developments (Environment and sustainability)
PO-8 Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of scientific practice (Ethics)
PO-9 Function effectively as an individual independently and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings (Individual and team work)
PO-10 Communicate effectively on complex scientific activities with the science community and with society at large such give and receive clear instructions (Communication)
PO-11 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of scientific management principles and apply those to one’s own work as a member and leader of a team to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments (Project management and finance)
PO-12 Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broad-context of technological change (Life-long Learning).
PO-1 Proficient knowledge in the lead domains of Microbiology  including Advance Microbiology, Industrial Microbiology, Bioprocess technology, Animal and Bioinformatics.
PO-2  Competent professionals with the ability to develop/revise biotech based concepts/systems/protocols.
PO-3 Efficient and equipped individuals with problem solving and technical expertise.
PO-4 Intellectual candidates embossed with managerial work ethics and entrepreneurial skills.
PO-5 Substantial understanding in the mechanisms of life forms for the involvement in medicine and research.
PO-6 Ability to instill public awareness on environment and health through data collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation adeptness.
PO-7 Competency to critically relate and analyze existing situation and to provide economically and scientifically viable solutions.
PO-8 Ability and proficiency for the selection and application of appropriate tools/instruments for the demanding situations and studies.
PO-9 Richly enriched professionals in written and verbal communication for the dissemination of knowledge and ideas.
PO-10 Individuals with self-introspected attitudes and thirst for life-long learning.


PSO-1 Shall be able to design and execute experiments related to Basic Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Immunology, Recombinant DNA Technology, Biochemistry, Environment, Agriculture, Medical, Industrial, and Food Microbiology.
PSO-2 Shall be able to perform minor research projects incorporating techniques of Basic and Advanced Microbiology. The learners will be equipped to take up a suitable position in academia or industry or Institutions and to pursue a career in research if so desired.
PSO-3 Shall be able to compete in national level competitive exams such as NETJRF or GATE or International exams and can pursue career in higher studies
PSO-4 Shall practice safe microbiology, using appropriate protective, biosafety and emergency procedures.
PSO-5 Shall have in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge of huge diversity of microorganisms, their metabolism & physiology, concepts of molecular genetics and genetic engineering, biosynthetic pathways, enzymology, microbial pathogenicity, role of microbes in food, agriculture and environment, health and disease
PSO-1 Gains complete knowledge about all fundamental aspects of all the elements of chemistry
PSO-2 Understands the background of organic reaction mechanisms, complex chemical structures, instrumental method of chemical analysis, molecular rearrangements and separation techniques.
PSO-3 Appreciates the importance of various elements present in the periodic table, coordination chemistry and structure of molecules, properties of compounds, structural determination of complexes using theories and instruments.


Programme Branch Specialization Duration Intake
M.Sc. Microbiology  Microbiology 2 Year 30
M.Sc. Chemistry Industrial , Organic, Analytical Chemistry 2 Year 60
B.Sc. Microbiology Microbiology 3 /4 Year 30


Programme Branch Specialization Eligibility Criteria
M.Sc.  Microbiology  Microbiology B.Sc in allied subject from UGC recognized University with Min. 50% Marks
M.Sc. Chemistry Industrial , Organic, Analytical Chemistry B.Sc in allied subject from UGC recognized University with Min. 50% Marks
B.Sc.  Microbiology Microbiology 10+2 with PCB/PCM from recognized Board with min. 50% Marks


Dean (I/C)

Dr. Pradeep Kumar Singh

Name of the Teaching staff Dr. Pradeep Kumar Singh
Designation  Dean (I/C)
Department Rai School of Science
Date of Joining the Institutions 17/02/2015
Qualifications with Class / Grade Ph.D, M.Tech Industrial Biotechnology, B.Tech (Biotechnology)
Total experience in Years 9.3 Year
Paper Published 17
Paper Presented in Conferences 7
PhDs / Projects Guided M.Sc - 14 and B. Tech - 04
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents 02 Books, 10 Patents
Awards Research Achievement Awards at Rai University in 2022 and 2023

Veerendra Singh Nagoria

Controller of Examinations and Assistant Professor

Controller of Examinations and Assistant Professor

Veerendra Singh Nagoria

Name of the Teaching staff Veerendra Singh Nagoria
Designation Controller of Examinations and Assistant Professor
Department Rai School of Science
Date of Joining the Institutions 08/07/2013
Qualifications with Class / Grade Ph.D (Pursuing), M.Tech. Biotechnology, CSIR NET
Total experience in Years 12.3 years
Paper Published 5
Paper Presented in Conferences 1
PhDs / Projects Guided B.Tech - 5 and M.Sc. - 2
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents 1 Books, 2 Patents
Awards Research Achievement Awards at Rai University in 2022

Dr.Dhanya J S

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Dr.Dhanya J S

Name of the Teaching staff Dr.Dhanya J S
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Science Dept. - Rai School of Science
Date of Joining the Institutions 24/08/2022
Qualifications with Class / Grade Ph.D, M.Sc(Physics)
Total experience in Years 3yr 10 month
Paper Published 5
Paper Presented in Conferences 7
PhDs / Projects Guided MSc - 2 and SSIP project - 02
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents 01 Books Chapter
Professional Memberships PSSI
Awards First Oral Presentation national Symbosium

Dr. Sureshkumar K. Dhakhda

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Dr. Sureshkumar K. Dhakhda

Name of the Teaching staff Dr. Sureshkumar K. Dhakhda
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Chemistry Dept.- Rai School of Science
Date of Joining the Institutions 19-12-2022
Qualifications with Class / Grade PhD. Chemistry M.Sc. Chemistry. B.Sc. Chemistry
Total experience in Years 5 years
Paper Published 08
PhD Guide? Give field and University Yes
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents 01 Book

Dr. Shital Thacker

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Dr. Shital Thacker

Name of the Teaching staff Dr. Shital Thacker
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Department of Life Sciences- Rai School of Science
Date of Joining the Institutions 11/12/2023
Qualifications with Class / Grade PhD, M.Phil, M.Sc. (Microbiology)
Total experience in Years 8.5
Paper Published 12
Paper Presented in Conferences 15
PhD Guide? Give field and University Yes, Rai University
Grants fetched 4,80,000/- from GEMI

Dr. Rini Paulose

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Dr. Rini Paulose

Name of the Teaching staff Dr. Rini Paulose
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Department of Chemistry- Rai School of Science
Date of Joining the Institutions 13/12/2023
Qualifications with Class / Grade PhD, M.Sc., B.Sc.
Total experience in Years 4 years
Paper Published 12
Paper Presented in Conferences 03
Books Published / IPRs/ Patents 05 Books chapters, 02 Patents
Awards 38th M.P. Young Scientist Award 2023 NRDC-National Societal Innovation Award 2020 13th ICON SWM Excellence Award for Best Paper 2023 Best Poster Award in 2nd National Conference on Radiation Physics

Patel Jolly Dwarkeshbhai

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Patel Jolly Dwarkeshbhai

Name of the Teaching staff Patel Jolly Dwarkeshbhai
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Microbiology (Life Science)- Rai School of Science
Date of Joining the Institutions 01/08/2023
Qualifications with Class / Grade Ph.D. (Pursuing), M.Sc. (Microbiology), B.Sc. (Microbiology), CSIR NET-LS(AIR-92), GSET-Life Science, GATE- Life Science
Total experience in Years 2.4 Years

Joshi Honey

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Joshi Honey

Name of the Teaching staff Joshi Honey
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Chemistry
Qualifications with Class / Grade M.Sc. (chemistry), B.Sc. (chemistry), Ph.D. (Pursuing)
Total experience in Years 1 Year

Dr. Stuti Patel

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Dr. Stuti Patel

Name of the Teaching staff Dr. Stuti Patel
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Department of Life Sciences-Rai School of Sciences
Date of Joining the Institutions 15/01/2025
Qualifications with Class / Grade Ph.D.
Total experience in Years 8 Year
Paper Published 12
Paper Presented in Conferences 08

Dr. Deepak K Vyas

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Dr. Deepak K Vyas

Name of the Teaching staff Dr. Deepak K Vyas
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Rai School of Sciences & CRI
Date of Joining the Institutions 22/11/2024
Qualifications with Class / Grade Ph.D. MSc BIOTECHNOLOGY,CSIR/UGC-NET,SLET,GATE
Total experience in Years 20.1 Year
Paper Published 7
Paper Presented in Conferences 15
PhDs / Projects Guided 5 Research Projects
Professional Memberships ISCA


Programme Scheme of Curriculum Subject Details
M.Sc. Microbiology (Batch 2020-21) Click Here Click Here
M.Sc. Chemistry (Batch 2022-23) Click Here Click Here

Programme Scheme of Curriculum Subject Details
B.Sc. Microbiology (Batch 2020-21) Click Here Click Here




June - November 2024


January - June 2024


June - September 2023

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