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Industrial Visit to Tata Communications Limited

Practical Exposure and knowledge of Industry Expectations are the need of the hour. With this objective, Rai School of Engineering, Rai University had organized an Industrial Visit to Tata Communications, Pune.

About Company: Tata Communications is present in over 190+ countries. The Company enables the digital transformation of enterprises globally, including 300 of the Fortune 500 – unlocking opportunities for businesses by enabling borderless growth, boosting product innovation and customer experience, improving productivity and efficiency, building agility and managing risk. With its solutions orientated approach, proven managed service capabilities and cutting-edge infrastructure, Tata Communications drives the next level of intelligence powered by cloud, mobility, Internet of Things (IoT), collaboration, security and network services. Tata Communications carries around 30% of the world’s internet routes and connects businesses to 80% of the world’s cloud giants and 4 out of 5 mobile subscribers.

The brief report of the Industrial Visit include takeaways is listed below:
Name of Company: Tata Communications Ltd.
Company Address: Dighi, Pune, Maharashtra 411015.
Contact Person: Mr. Amitesh Ghatak, General Manager, Tata Communications Ltd.
Source of Contact: Dr. Sailesh Iyer, Professor and Dean, RSE.
Date of Visit: 20th December 2022.
No of Students: 38.
Faculties accompanying: Ms. Poonam Chakravarty and Mr. Alpesh Parmar.
Key Takeaways from the Visit:

After initial welcome and high tea, Security manager gave us a brief introduction to the company. After formalities he guide us for visit and we divided in to two groups.

Mr. Amitesh Gathak (General Manger), Tata Communications Ltd. gave us an excellent presentation regarding Tata communications and their products. He showed us their live projects and data centres. He took us around from one section to the next and explained the process very well.

Outcome of Industrial Visit:

The Industrial visit gave the Students a feel of Corporate culture and IT/ITeS products. They also got exposure on aptitude skills, domain specific skills, industry knowledge or work values.

The Students could relate to Network related topics covered in the curriculum and technical advancements in the area of Network and Communication Technology.

The Students gained practical exposure to Network, Cloud and its Security and Mobility IoT challenges and solutions provided.

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