Report of Session on Union Budget-2023

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Report of Session on Union Budget-2023 on 1st February, 2023

Rai University and IIC organized a session on the 2023 Union Budget of India to create awareness about the budget among students. Mr. Bhavik Panchal, an Assistant Professor at the Rai School of Management Studies, was the special speaker who provided a comprehensive understanding of the budget and its policies. The session was a unique opportunity for the students to learn about the latest budget proposals and their impact on the Indian economy.

Additionally, the students also attended a live session of the 2023 Union Budget presented by the Indian Finance Minister Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman in the Indian Parliament. This live session provided an insight into the budget and allowed the students to understand the budget-making process and its implications in real-time. The session was a great opportunity for students to learn about the latest economic policies of the Indian government and their potential impact on the country's growth and development. Overall, the session was a great learning experience for the students and helped them in their future decisions.

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