Report on Educational Visit to KD Hospital

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Educational Visit to KD Hospital on 25th April 2024

On April 25, 2024, the School of Pharmacy at Rai University, Ahmedabad, organized a comprehensive one-day hospital visit to K.D. Hospital, Ahmedabad, for 23 pharmacy students, accompanied by two faculty members. The visit, meticulously coordinated with Narsinh Gorkha, Manager of K.D. Hospital, aimed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of hospital pharmacy operations, documentation, and record-keeping. The group arrived promptly at 3:00 PM and embarked on an educational journey through various sections of the hospital's pharmacy.

The visit commenced with an orientation in the entrance area, followed by a detailed tour of the central pharmacy, inpatient pharmacy, OT pharmacy, and OPD pharmacy. This firsthand experience allowed students to observe the daily operations and understand the critical roles and responsibilities of hospital pharmacists. The visit's primary objective was to familiarize students with medication management, including dispensing and compounding, emphasizing accuracy and safety in these processes. Students gained valuable insights into patient care and counseling, learning the importance of medication adherence and therapy management.

Furthermore, the visit highlighted the significance of drug information services provided by hospital pharmacists. Students learned how to access and evaluate drug information resources, an essential skill for ensuring effective patient care. Observing clinical rounds, students witnessed the interdisciplinary collaboration within the healthcare team, gaining knowledge about medication reconciliation, therapeutic monitoring, and the pharmacist's role in patient care.

The visit also covered regulatory compliance and quality assurance, emphasizing the importance of adhering to regulatory requirements and maintaining high standards of medication safety protocols. Students were introduced to specialized pharmacy services such as chemotherapy, parenteral nutrition, and sterile compounding. They learned about infection control practices, including sterile compounding and aseptic techniques, crucial for ensuring patient safety.

Additionally, the visit provided insights into documentation and record-keeping practices, underscoring the importance of maintaining accurate patient records and medication histories. By the end of the visit, the students had a comprehensive understanding of hospital pharmacy practice, equipped with practical knowledge and a deeper appreciation of the pharmacist's role in patient care. This experience was instrumental in bridging the gap between theoretical learning and practical application, preparing students for their future careers in pharmacy.

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