Report on Entrepreneur’s Hunt 2022

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Report on Entrepreneur’s Hunt on 8th to 11thMarch 2022

Rai School of Management Studies, Rai University, Ahmedabad has organized “Entrepreneur’s Hunt” from 8th to 11th March, 2022 with delicious food items and games. Students of all discipline like Management, Law, Engineering, Sciences and Pharmacy were participated, prepared and sold their food dishes and opened game zone. The said event was started at 10.30 am on 8th March with the Inauguration by Hon’ble registrar Prof. Lalit Adhikari, Rai University along with female staffs of Rai University. The main attractions at Food Stall were Frankie, Khakhra Pizza, Various salads, Paubhaji, Bhel, Panipuri and variety of Cocktails and Mock-tails, cold coffee, Lassi etc. The participants of game zone have provided various games like hit the glass, dam-sharas, glass tower and flip the glass.

Total 8 stalls were operated by students namely DAG Station, MOJ 2.0, Musketeer’s Brothers, #Room No. 06, I.T. Food Stall, Flaming Fire and Butane Beverages. This event was judged by Dr. Sailesh Iyer, Prof. Veerendra Singh Nagoria, Prof. Pradeep Kumar Singh, Dr. Nita Solanki, Prof. Sneh Gohil and Prof. Hardik Patel on the parameters of hygiene & Cleanliness, presentation, taste/garnishing & texture, customer service and quality, creativity and uniqueness and promotional activities. The Best Stall award was bagged by #room no. 06 (Stall No. 4) and the Best Seller Award based on highest selling for four days went to Butane Beverages (Stall No. 7). The winners were felicitated by Dr. Anil Tomar, Provost, Rai University and Prof. Lalit Adhikari, Registrar, Rai University. The event was coordinated by Mr. Dignesh S. Panchasara, Assistant Professor, Rai School of Management Studies, Rai University and Mr. Hetarth Thaker, Students of Rai School of Liberal Studies, Rai University.

The main objective of the event is to understand and experience the reality of startup. Also students can understand the practical problems regarding startup such as team building, resources management, customers handling, marketing and sales.

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