Report on ‘Mismatch Day’ Celebration at Rai University

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'Mismatch Day' Celebration at Rai University on 8th February 2022

A 'Mismatch Day' was planned at Rai University, on February 8. Students were required to wear "mixed up" and "unmatched" clothes to University. The motto was 'the tackier the better.

Students were urged to come out of their comfort zones and come up with new and creative ideas using their imagination and wearing clothes to reflect their mismatched personalities.

All the students came dressed innovatively to celebrate the 'Mismatch Day' on February 8.
They wore different pairs of socks and shoes. Not only did they mix up their shirts and pants but also their hairstyles!

The aim was to enable the students to understand the concept of proper dressing according to the occasion. Students posed happily in their mismatched attire.

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