Report on One Week FDP program

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One Week FDP program on 10 - 14 July 2023

Rai School of Management Studies, Rai University had organized a One week Faculty Development Program (FDP) on “Writing Effective Proposal for Research and Funding Opportunities” from 10th – 14th July 2023. Various research scholars and academicians from different departments and Schools of Rai University attended the FDP.

DAY 1 – 10.07.2023
RESOURCE PERSON: Dr. Gurudatta Japee
TOPIC: Introduction to Research and Funding

On day 1 Dr. Gurudatta P. Japee delivered session on introduction to research funding with basics of research funding, objectives of research funding, scientific approach of research, significance of research funding, scope of research, various steps in conducting a research, various phases of research funding, research methodology etc. Dr. Japee also guided about how to find real and clone journal with information of various discipline like single discipline, multi discipline, intra discipline, pure discipline, Trans discipline, etc. Dr. Japee discussed about how one can use efficiently scientific language of writing. Also gave information about Scopus portal where various journals related information are accessible for research for various areas of domain. Dr. Japee emphasized on AI tools in research through which researchers will get information on review of literature, citations, PDF generation, extraction of data, location of key words, paraphrasing of literatures, reformation of literature, etc.

DAY 2 – 11.07.2023
TOPIC: How to write good proposal for funding

On day 2 Dr. Paresh Shah delivered session on how to write a good proposal for funding with identifying the research problem, basics reviewing of literature, setting research plan for funding projects, objectives and choosing the study design, deciding on the sample design, collecting data from the research sample, process and analyze the collected research data for funding proposal, writing research report for funding developing research proposal for funding, writing report for funding, presentation of results etc. Dr. Shah discussed that the research objective should be concise, free from complex technical jargon or terminology, specific about expected effect, easily understood. It must include a budget proposal that summarizes the estimated costs for a research project in order to secure funding from research stakeholders.

DAY 3 – 12.07.2023
TOPIC: Selection of Research Topic and Manuscript Drafting. Research Proposal writing Mechanism

On day 3 Dr. Sailesh Iyer delivered session on selection of research topic and manuscript drafting, research proposal drafting mechanism with fundamental of research, research problem, literature review, research objective, design, data collection, analysis of data, writing of data, how to find clone and real journal etc. Dr. Iyer discussed how 5W likewise Who, What, Where, When and Why work in selection of research topic for any research funding. Dr. Iyer also conversed about how to write abstract which gives idea about report. Besides, he also discussed about various criteria for selection of research paper like motivation of research applicant, understanding of research, and quality of experience, educational and long-Term impact on society, suggestions etc. Dr. Iyer discussed about journal finder where one can search about research topics.

DAY 4 – 13.07.2023
TOPIC: An overview of funding agencies for Indian research scholars, national and international travel grant from different agencies

On day 4 Dr. G. G. Sastry delivered lecture an overview of funding agencies for Indian research scholars, national and international travel grant from different agencies. Here he gave an overview of research process with identification of a research problem, formulation of hypothesis, review of related literature, preparation of research design, actual experimentation, results and discussion, formulation of conclusions and recommendations etc. Dr. Sastry gave an overview of funding agencies like NGO, state government, central government, international institution, local government, bodies, corporates etc. Also he deliberated about funding agencies like Department of Science and Technology (DST), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Ministry of Education, University Grant Commission, All India Council for Technical Education, The Gujarat Council on Science and Technology (GUJCOST), with various cell, departments, bodies, corporates etc.

DAY 5 – 14.07.2023
RESOURCE PERSON: Dr. Nimesh Bhojak
TOPIC: Minor and major research project proposal drafting and submission process

On day 5 Dr. Nimesh Bhojak delivered session on minor and major research project proposal drafting and submission process. He gave a practical example of research formulation through basic research, how to collect background information, identifying the research problem, reviewing of literature, setting research questions, objectives, and hypotheses, choosing the study design, deciding on the sample design, collecting data from the research sample, process and analyze the collected research data, writing research report etc. He demonstrated registration process and emphasized on domain knowledge and showed various steps for getting funds from ICSSR project work

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