Report on Swachh Bharat Mission 2023 “World Forestry Day Celebration”

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Swachh Bharat Mission 2023 "World Forestry Day Celebration" on 21st March 2023


The International Day of Forests was established on the 21st day of March, Resolution was taken by the United Nations General Assembly on November 28, 2013. Each year, various events celebrate and raise awareness of the importance of all types of forests, and trees outside forests, for the benefit of current and future generations. Countries are encouraged to undertake efforts to organize local, national, and international activities involving forests and trees, such as tree planting campaigns, on International Day of Forests. The Government of India, Government of Gujarat collaboration with the different organization like, Universities, Collages and Food and Agriculture Organization to celebrate International forestry day on 21st March Every year.


Main objective of 21st March World Forest Day celebration is aims to raise awareness about the importance of forests in tackling climate change.

Aware about the role of plant for survive human on our planet.

Organizations from all the countries are encouraged to organize various events to educate people about the impact of depleting forests.

World Forest Day is an occasion to encourage people to use forest resources sustainably.


On the occasion of 21st march World forest day celebration, Faculties of Rai University has organize Awareness Lecture, Tree Plantation, Pledge, and Join Hand for Green Campus and Better Future.

First Event was Awareness lecture delivered by Ms. Binal Rahte (Rai School of Science) in front of Students and Faculties of Rai University. Title of Lecture was “FORESTRY DAY AWERNESS TALK”. The venue was A-1GF-07, A-Block, Rai University, Ahmedabad (Gujarat) on dated 21-03-2023.

Second event was tree plantation, in this event trees was planted by students and faculties at behind the boy’s hostel area of Rai University Ahmedabad (Gujarat) on dated 21-03-2023.

Third event of this celebration was Taken pledge and join hand for green campus and better future for save forest and plants at Sports Ground, Rai University, Ahmedabad (Gujarat) on dated 21-03-2023. In this event quotes of pledge was prepared and delivered by Dr. Sureshkumar K. Dhakhda (Rai School of Science). Then after all students and faculties has joined hand for green campus and better future.


The Swachchh Bharat Mission is the most significant cleanliness campaign by the Government of India. Its responsibility of the entire citizens to keep their surrounding clean. Community people were encouraged to maintain their surrounding clean.

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