Scholar’s Information

PUBLIC NOTICE OF Ph.D. VIVA-VOCE EXAMINATION OF MS. DINKAN PATEL - CSE                                                   PAY YOUR FEES IN NO COST EASY MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS                                                    NAD/ABC                                                   ACHIEVEMENTS BY RU RESEARCH SCHOLARS                                                   PUBLIC NOTICE OF Ph.D. VIVA-VOCE EXAMINATION OF MS. DINKAN PATEL - CSE                                                    PAY YOUR FEES IN NO COST EASY MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS                                                    NAD/ABC                                                   ACHIEVEMENTS BY RU RESEARCH SCHOLARS                                                   PUBLIC NOTICE OF Ph.D. VIVA-VOCE EXAMINATION OF MS. DINKAN PATEL - CSE                                                    PAY YOUR FEES IN NO COST EASY MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS                                                    NAD/ABC                                                   ACHIEVEMENTS BY RU RESEARCH SCHOLARS                                                  

Scholar’s Information

List of PhD scholars-Batch-2016
S. No. Branch School Name of Supervisor  Name of the Scholar  Mode of PhD Registration Number/UID Date of Registration  Research Topic Likely Date of Completion Availing Fellowship Funding Agency of fellowship
1 Management Rai School of Management Studies Dr.Ashish Rami PURVIN M GOPALAN Regular(Part time) U171032022F401012 Jan'23 A Study on Opportunities and Challenges for International Trade in context of Selected MSMEs of Gujarat Jan'27 NO NA
2 Management Rai School of Management Studies Dr. Himanshu Vaidya Maru Milinkumar Prabhakarray Regular(Part time) U170972022F401013 Jan'23 A study of customer satisfaction related to hospitals in Ahmedabad Jan'27 NO NA
3 Management Rai School of Management Studies Dr. Himanshu Vaidya ISRANI AMIT PRABHUDAS Regular(Part time) U170962022F401014 Jan'23 A comparative study of public and private sector banks concerning effect of e-banking service quality on customer satisfaction at Saurashtra region Jan'27 NO NA
4 Management Rai School of Management Studies Dr. Himanshu Vaidya KHUNTI SHIVANI SAMATBHAI Regular(Part time) U170952022F401015 Jan'23 A comparative study of the effect of digital marketing on customers concerning three passenger car companies in India Jan'27 NO NA
5 CS/IT School of Enginnering and Applied Science Dr.Darshna patel PATEL TEJAS MAHESHKUMAR Regular(Part time) U170122022F401016 Jan'23 improve storage capacity and better security management in data center Jan'27 NO NA
List of PhD scholars-Batch-2016
S. No. Branch School Name of Supervisor  Name of the Scholar  Mode of PhD Registration Number/UID Date of Registration  Research Topic Likely Date of Completion Availing Fellowship Funding Agency of fellowship
1 Management Rai School of Management Studies Dr.nita Solanki Milind Arunkumar Bambadkar Regular(Part time) U42000004521 Jan'22 Impact of Reformation in Teaching Methods on Higher Education of Selected top Universities in Ahmedabad District in Last Decade – A Comparative study of using ICT tools and E-learning Jan'26 NO NA
2 Management Rai School of Management Studies Dr.Sandip Chandra Patel Naresh Motilal Regular(Part time) U42000004522 Jan'22 A Study of Opinions of Employees of Different Industries Regarding Effectiveness of Human Resourse Management System on their Performance Jan'26 NO NA
4 MANAGEMENT Rai School of Management Studies Dr. Himanshu Vaidya SHAH JITENDRA PRAKASHCHANDRA Regular(Part time) U162262022F401003 Jul'22 REDEVLOPMENT OF OLD APARTMENT & SOCIETY Jul'26 NO NA
5 CSE School of Enginnering and Applied Science Dr. Sailesh Iyer MACWAN STEFINA SURESHBHAI Regular(Part time) U162332022F401004 Jul'22 Securing hierarchical controller architecture for Software Defined Networks. Jul'26 NO NA
8 Commerce School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Paresh Shah MILAN CHANDER BHAMBHANI Regular(Part time) U162552022F401007 Jul'22 A STUDY OF STRATEGIC COST MANAGEMENT TOOLS AND FINANCIING USED BY HOSPITALITY IN GUJARAT Jul'26 NO NA
9 MANAGEMENT Rai School of Management Studies Dr. Himanshu Vaidya LALITKUMAR RAVJIBHAI CHOPRA Regular(Part time) U163412022F401008 Jul'22 A Study of Investors Buying preferences related to Direct and Channel (Regular) buying of Equity Mutual Funds. Jul'26 NO NA
List of PhD scholars-Batch-2016
S. No. Branch School Name of Supervisor  Name of the Scholar  Mode of PhD Registration Number/UID Date of Registration  Research Topic Likely Date of Completion Availing Fellowship Funding Agency of fellowship
1 COMMERCE School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Paresh Shah SURESH BHUPATBHAI PRAJAPATI Regular(Part time) U42000003637 Jan'21 UTILITY OF ACTIVITY BASED COSTING FOR THE RESORT IN STATE GUJARAT Jan'25 NO NA
3 CHEMISTRY School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Sandesh Chibber/Dr. Khushbu Patel/Dr.Suresh Dhakhda PRIYESH AMIN Regular(Part time) U42000003641 Jan'21 Synthesis of N-based heterocyclic compounds and their biological evaluation Jan'25 NO NA
4 COMMERCE School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Ashav Patel/Dr.Chinmayee Bhatt PRAVEENSINGH SHRAVANSINGH Regular(Part time) U42000003643 Jan'21 “An Empirical Study of Financial Performance of Top 10 BSE listed Pharmaceutical Companies of India” Jan'25 NO NA
6 CSE School of Enginnering and Applied Science Dr. Sailesh Iyer/Co-guide Sanju Tiwari PATIL MADHURI BALASAHEB Regular(Part time) U42000003647 Jan'21 Traceability on Sea-food supply chain using blockchain technology Jan'25 NO NA
7 MICROBIOLOGY School of Life science Dr. Rushika Patel/Dr.Soham Trivedi/Dr.Kishan patel MAITRY MEHTA Regular(Part time) U42000004230 Jul'21 Development of Novel molecular approach for detection of food borne pathogens Salmonell,Legionella,and Listeria: A rapid approach for inddustrial application Jul'25 NO NA
8 MANAGEMENT-HR Rai School of Management Studies Dr. Sandip Chandra AATISH ISHWARBHAI PATEL Regular(Part time) U42000004231 Jul'21 A Study on Job Satisfaction of BBA and MBA College Teachers in South Gujarat Region Jul'25 NO NA
9 MICROBIOLOGY School of Life science Dr. Rushika Patel/Dr.Soham Trivedi/Dr.Kishan patel MODI KRIMA Regular(Part time) U42000004232 Jul'21 Phytochemical and antimicrobial Studies of Certain Aromatic Plants against multidrug resistant human Pathogens Jul'25 NO NA
10 COMMERCE School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Chinmayee Bhatt MIRA THAKKAR Regular(Part time) U42000004233 Jul'21 An Analytical study of financial inclusion strategies adopted by different banking organizations and its impact on level of financial literacy in the major cities of Gujarat Jul'25 NO NA
11 MANAGEMENT-HR Rai School of Management Studies Dr. Paresh Shah S SOUBHAGYA LAXMI Regular(Part time) U42000004234 Jul'21 Role of Women entrepreneurs in India: A study on Internationalization Jul'25 NO NA
12 MANAGEMENT - MARKETING Rai School of Management Studies Dr. Ashish Rami SHAILESH GOYAL Regular(Part time) U42000004235 Jul'21 Role of Public Relations in Healthcare Marketing : An exploratory study of Corporate Hospitals Jul'25 NO NA
13 MANAGEMENT - MARKETING Rai School of Management Studies Dr. Ashish Rami PRADIP MAHETA Regular(Part time) U42000004236 Jul'21 A study on impact of digital marketing on consumer buying behavior of shopping goods with special reference to saurashtra region Jul'25 NO NA
List of PhD scholars-Batch-2016
S. No. Branch School Name of Supervisor  Name of the Scholar  Mode of PhD Registration Number/UID Date of Registration  Research Topic Likely Date of Completion Availing Fellowship Funding Agency of fellowship
1 MANAGEMENT Rai Business School Dr. Ashish Rami Dave Maulik Ashvin Regular(Part time) U42000003045 Jan'20 Employess Happiness & Well Being at Workplace in MSME in Gujarat Jan'24 NO NA
2 COMMERCE School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Paresh Shah Makwana Nitin Valjibhai Regular(Part time) U42000003046 Jan'20 Analysis of profitabitabily in Pharmaceutical Industry Jan'24 NO NA
3 PSYCHOLOGY School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Ashwin Jansari Bagvadiya Rupal Vasantlal Regular(Part time) U42000003044 Jan'20 Suicidal Tendancy,Depression And Anxiety Among College Students Jan'24 NO NA
4 CS School of Enginnering and Applied Science Dr. Sailesh Iyer Abhangi Ashutosh Amrutlal Regular(Part time) U42000003043 Jan'20 AN EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT OF RDF GRAPH BY USING INDEXING TECHNIQUE WITH MAP-REDUCE BASED ALGORITHAM Jan'24 NO NA
5 CS School of Enginnering and Applied Science Dr. Sailesh Iyer Shenbagaraj R. Regular(Part time) U42000003047 Jan'20 AI BASED ADAPTIVE LEARNING Jan'24 NO NA
8 Life Science School of Life Science Dr. Sandesh Chibber/Dr. Khushbu Patel/Dr.Suresh Dhakhda GOHIL KINJAL BAHADURSINH Regular(Part time) U42000003628 Jul'20 SYNTHESIS OF SILVER NANOPARTICLES BY MICROBIAL STRAIN ISOLATED FROM INDUSTRILIZED AREA Jul'24 NO NA
9 COMMERCE School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Paresh Shah/Dr.Sandip Chandra MISHRA AJAYKUMAR PRABHAKAR Regular(Part time) U42000003629 Jul'20 Letter of Credit as a an Instrument to manage export receivable ANALYSIS PROFABILITY IN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY. Jul'24 NO NA
10 CS School of Enginnering and Applied Science Dr. Sailesh Iyer YOGESHVARI JASHVANTBHAI MAKWANA Regular(Part time) U42000003636 Jul'20 Improved Clustering Algorithm for Big Data Domain. Jul'24 NO NA
11 CS School of Enginnering and Applied Science Dr. Sailesh Iyer PATEL HARDIK BHIKHABHAI  Regular(Part time) U42000003631 Jul'20 Enhanced multimedia mining model for SEO Jul'24 NO NA
12 Life Science School of Life Science Dr. Sandesh Chibber/Dr. Rushika Patel/Dr.Soham Trivedi/Dr.Kishan patel Jyoti yadav Regular(Part time) U42000003632 Jul'20 IDENTIFICATION AND ISOLATION AND HARVESTING OF MICROALGAL SPECIES FOR BIOFUEL AND ASSOCIATED VALUE ADDED PRODUCTS Jul'24 NO NA
13 Computer Science School of Enginnering and Applied Science Dr. Sailesh Iyer/Co-Guide-Sanju Tiwari YOGESHVARI JASHVANTBHAI MAKWANA Regular(Part time) U42000003633 Jul'20 Food Recognition and Nutritional Assessment from Images Using Artificial Intelligence Jul'24 NO NA
List of PhD scholars-Batch-2016
S. No. Branch School Name of Supervisor  Name of the Scholar  Mode of PhD Registration Number/UID Date of Registration  Research Topic Likely Date of Completion Availing Fellowship Funding Agency of fellowship
1 Chemistry School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Swapnaja Mahajan/ Dr. Rushika Patel /Dr.Soham trivedi Amita kemchandani rathod Regular(Part time) U42000002344 Jan'19 “To Identify and Evaluate the Potential Impact of Volatile Organic Compounds on ambient air through different type of Industries in GIDC Vatva, Ahmedabad” Jan'23 NO NA
2 commerce School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Chinmayee Janardan Bhatt Bhardwaj Rishabh Rakesh Regular(Part time) U42000002345 Jan'19 “AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF SELECTED LISTED INDIAN CEMENT COMPANIES” Jan'23 NO NA
3 management Rai Business School Dr. Himanshu Vaidya Morvadia Dinkar Bhikhalal Regular(Part time) U42000002346 Jan'19 A STUDY OF APP BASED M COMMERCE ADOPTION IN SAURASHTRA REGION Jan'23 NO NA
4 management Rai Business School Dr. Chinmayee Janardan Bhatt Dagiya Farah Farukhbhai Regular(Part time) U42000002347 Jan'19 FINANCIAL EFFECTIVENESS AND IMPACT OF MICRO FINANCE IN TERMS OF POVERTY,INCOME INEQUALITY AND WOMEN EMPOWERMENT IN GUJARAT Jan'23 NO NA
5 education School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Uma Shukla to Dr. A. D. Shah SONIYABEN NARENDRASINH VANSIYA Regular(Part time) U42000002348 Jan'19 "A Study of teaching Aptitude of B.ED Student Teacher of South Gujarat University in Relation to thei Teaching Compentency" Jan'23 NO NA
6 education School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Uma Shukla to Dr. A. D. Shah KHARACHIYA BHANUBEN BALVANTSINH Regular(Part time) U42000002349 Jan'19 A STUDY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SANSKRIT LANGUAGE SKILL THROUGH MULTIMEDIA STRATEGY AT STANDARD-8 Jan'23 NO NA
7 Library Science School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Kirit Shukla Rahane Vijay Chhaburao Regular(Part time) U42000002351 Jan'19 “A STUDY ON WEBSITE OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES IN MAHARASHTRA STATE” Jan'23 NO NA
8 Library Science School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Kirit Shukla Avhad Popat Eknath Regular(Part time) U42000002352 Jan'19 E- RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING COLLEGE LIBRARIES OF MAHARASHTRA STATE Jan'23 NO NA
9 mechanical eng School of Enginnering and Applied Science Dr. Dilipbhai Patel Nishadevi Jadeja Regular(Part time) U42000002353 Jan'19 “INVESTIGATION ON MACHINING ASPECTS OF ADVANCE MATERIALS USING COATED AND UNCOATED TOOL INSERTS” Jan'23 NO NA
10 mechanical eng School of Enginnering and Applied Science Dr. Dilipbhai Patel Hirendrakumar Vyas Regular(Part time) U42000002354 Jan'19 PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT OF AN IC ENGINE BY MODIFICATION IN DESIGN OF PISTON RING ASSEMBLY Jan'23 NO NA
11 science & technolgy School of Enginnering and Applied Science Dr. Dilipbhai Patel Bhatti Dipak Rasiklal Regular(Part time) U42000002355 Jan'19 PERFORMANCE AND EMISSIONS EVALUATION OF DIESEL ENGINE USING BIO-DIESEL PRODUCE FROM MIXTURE OF NON-EDIBLE VEGETABLE OILS Jan'23 NO NA
12 science & technolgy School of Enginnering and Applied Science Dr. Dilipbhai Patel Marsonia Devendrakumar Jayantilal Regular(Part time) U42000002356 Jan'19 AnExperimantal Investigation on Effects of case hardening processes on load independent power losses for helical gear Jan'23 NO NA
13 science & technolgy School of Enginnering and Applied Science Dr. Dilipbhai Patel Mandanka pravin Bhagvan Regular(Part time) U42000002357 Jan'19 Evacuated tube Solar Collector using Different Geometrical Tube Shapes And Materials Jan'23 NO NA
14 Commerce School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Paresh Shah Joshi Vidhi Yatishkumar Regular(Part time) U42000002998 Jul'19 FINANCIAL ANALYTICS AND STRATEGIC COST MANAGEMENT OF AUTOMATION AND INSTRUMENTATION COMPANIES Jul'23 NO NA
15 Microbiology School of Life Science Dr. Sandesh Chibber Pradeep Kumar Singh Regular(Part time) U42000003030 Jul'19 Biodegradation Potential of Hydrocarbons Degrading Microorganisms Isolated From Petroleum Contaminated Soil of Different Region of Ahmadabad, Gujarat Jul'23 NO NA
16 Environmental science School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Soham Trivedi Kokila Saumil Suthar Regular(Part time) U42000002999 Jul'19 ERTIARY TREATMENT OF SECONDARY TREAED SEWAGE USING WALNUT SHELL BASED FILTER Jul'23 NO NA
17 Mechanical School of Enginnering and Applied Science Dr. D. M. Patel Chudasama Bhupendra Jivabhai Regular(Part time) U42000003000 Jul'19 ANALYSIS OF SOLIDIFICATION AND PARAMETRIC OPTIMIZATION OF SAND CASTING THROUGH CSS WITH EXPERIMANTAL VALIDATION Jul'23 NO NA
18 Mechanical School of Enginnering and Applied Science Dr. D. M. Patel Vora Manishkumar Jashvantray Regular(Part time) U42000003001 Jul'19 OPTIMAZATION OF PROCESS PARAMETERS FOR PREVENTION OF DEFECTS IN GREEN SAND CASTING USING BACK PROPAGATION NEURAL NETWORKS AND TAGUCHI METHOD Jul'23 NO NA
List of PhD scholars-Batch-2016
S. No. Branch School Name of Supervisor  Name of the Scholar  Mode of PhD Registration Number/UID Date of Registration  Research Topic Likely Date of Completion Availing Fellowship Funding Agency of fellowship
1 Commerce School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Ashu Bhojwani Thanki Amit Bhagvanji Regular(Part time) U42000001728 Jan'18 A STUDY ON NON-PERFORMING ASSETS AND ITS IMPACT AND PROFITABILITY OF PUBLIC & PRIVATE SECTOR BANKS Jan'22 NO NA
2 Environmental science School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Patel Kalabhai Vitthaldas Prachi Pankaj Solanki Regular(Part time) U42000001730 Jan'18 IMPACTS OF INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENTS ON WATER AND SOIL QUALITY OF KATHWADA VILLAGE,AHMEDABAD Jan'22 NO NA
3 Management - HR Rai Business School Dr. Gaurav Buch Bansi Shirishbhai Pandya Regular(Part time) U42000001731 Jan'18 IMPACT OF SAFETY MEASURES ON EMPLOYEES IN POWER GENERATION INDUSTRY IN GUJARAT Jan'22 NO NA
4 Management - HR Rai Business School Dr. Gaurav Buch Nidhi Naithani Regular(Part time) U42000001732 Jan'18 A STUDY ON WORK LIFE BALANCE AMONG WOMEN EMPLOYEES IN BPO INDUSTRY WITH REFERENCE TO GUJARAT Jan'22 NO NA
5 Library & Information Science School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Kirit Shukla Patel Pallavkumar Gajanan Regular(Part time) U42000001734 Jan'18 A STUDY OF COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND SERVICES OF B. ED. COLLEGE LIBRARIES AFFILIATED TO VEER NARMAD SOUTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, SURAT. Jan'22 NO NA
6 Management- IT Rai Business School Dr. Indra Dev Singh Miten Prabinbhai Maru Regular(Part time) U42000001737 Jan'18 A STUDY ON IMPACT OF RESISTANCE TO CHANGE IN IMPLEMENTATION OF ERP IN GUJARAT Jan'22 NO NA
7 English School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Nilam Hasmukh Gajjar Desai Bhavikaben Dineshbhai Regular(Part time) U42000001738 Jan'18 "RASA PERSPECTIVE IN THE SELECTED POETICAL WORKS OF SUJATA BHATT" Jan'22 NO NA
8 Education School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Ashwinbhai Shah Pandit Arti Jagdishchandra Regular(Part time) U42000001739 Jan'18 “EFFECTIVENESS OF COOPERATIVE LEARNING APPROACH ON ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING (ELL)” Jan'22 NO NA
9 Computer science School of Enginnering and Applied Science Dr. Sonar Sanjay Brahmbhatt Manali Shashankbhai Regular(Part time) U42000001740 Jan'18 IOT POWERED TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR SMART MOBILITY Jan'22 NO NA
10 Computer science School of Enginnering and Applied Science Dr. Sonar Sanjay Nadar Nithya A.D. Krishnan Regular(Part time) U42000001741 Jan'18 MONITORING AND IDENTIFICATION OF GARBAGE AT SOURCE IN AHMEDABAD Jan'22 NO NA
11 Commerce (Finance) School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Ashu Bhojwani Solanki Arunkumar Ruganathsinh Regular(Part time) U42000001742 Jan'18 “A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SELECTED PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTOR BANKS IN INDIA” Jan'22 NO NA
12 Commerce School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Chinmayee Janardan Bhatt Brahmaniya Kundan Ajaybhai Regular(Part time) U42000001743 Jan'18 A STUDY ON INFLUENCING FACTOR FOR SELECTION OF COMMERCE STREAM IN GUJARAT Jan'22 NO NA
13 Commerce (Finance) School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Ashu Bhojwani Rupam Rajivkumar Mishra Regular(Part time) U42000001744 Jan'18 A STUDY ON ATTITUDE OF INVESTOR’S TOWARDS MUTUAL FUNDS IN KUTCH REGION OF GUJARAT Jan'22 NO NA
14 commerce School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Chinmayee Janardan Bhatt Singh Minakshi Rajendra Regular(Part time) U42000001745 Jan'18 AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF EVALUATION OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF SELECTED MUTUAL FUNDS IN INDIA Jan'22 NO NA
15 Electrical Engineering School of Enginnering and Applied Science Dr. K C Roy Bhadani Rakeshkumar Vasantkumar Regular(Part time) U42000001747 Jan'18 OPTIMUM DISTRIBUTED GENERATION ALLOCATION IN TRANSMISSION NETWORK Jan'22 NO NA
16 Psychology School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Ashwin Jansari Dholariya Piyushkumar Ashokbhai Regular(Part time) U42000001748 Jan'18 "INTEGRATION OF PERSONALITY AND SPIRITUALITY AS PREDICTORS OF SUBJECTIVE WELL BEING IN PROFESSIONALS" Jan'22 NO NA
17 Psychology School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Ashwin Jansari Chauhan Vinayak Amratlal Regular(Part time) U42000001749 Jan'18 “PSYCHOLOGICAL WELLBEING AND PERSONALITY AMONG NURSING STAFF” Jan'22 NO NA
18 Management-Marketing Rai Business School Dr. Himanshu Vaidya Ranpara Pratik Sureshbhai Regular(Part time) U42000001750 Jan'18 EFFECT OF SUPPLY CHAIN VARIABLES ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION THE CASE STUDY OF GMSCL Jan'22 NO NA
19 Social Work School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. G. B. Shukla Purohit Dharmik Janardan Regular(Part time) U42000001751 Jan'18 NEED OF DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN IN RELIGIOUS PLACES AND ROLE OF ADMINISTRATION AND GOVERNMENT AUTHORITY Jan'22 NO NA
20 Management - HR Rai Business School Dr. Gaurav Buch Adweta Kawar R. Regular(Part time) U42000001752 Jan'18 “PROFILING OF OCTAPACE CULTURE IN FOOD RELATED INDUSTRIES IN AHMEDABAD” Jan'22 NO NA
21 Business Administration School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Viranchi Shah Patel Jayna Vadibhai Regular(Part time) U42000001754 Jan'18 A STUDY OF IMPACT OF VARIATIONS IN COMPONENTS OF P3 SYSTEM ON OPERATIONS Jan'22 NO NA
22 Education School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Vinitkumar Thakur Patel Priyankakumari Jamubhai Regular(Part time) U42000001755 Jan'18 Construction and Standardization of Job Satisfaction Scale for Secondary School Teachers Jan'22 NO NA
23 English Literature School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Nilam Hasmukh Gajjar Leena Chudasama Regular(Part time) U42000001756 Jan'18 PORTRAYAL OF CHANGING FACES OF BYRONIC HERO IN THE SELECTED FICTIONAL WORKS OF STEPHENIE MEYER Jan'22 NO NA
24 Social Science School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. G. B. Shukla, now Dr. Fulsinh Chauhan (22.12.20) Rajika Kacheria Regular(Part time) U42000001757 Jan'18 A STUDY ON LIFE BALANCE, HEALTH AND WELLNESS WITHIN COMMUNITY CULTURE WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SELECTED CITIES OF GUJARAT Jan'22 NO NA
25 Business Administration School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Viranchi Shah Rutvee Rutwa Shah Regular(Part time) U42000001758 Jan'18 IMPACT OF QUALITY RISK MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ON MANUFACTURING ACTIVITIES OF PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES IN INDIA Jan'22 NO NA
26 Computer science & Engineering School of Enginnering and Applied Science Dr. Sonar Sanjay/Dr.Shilesh Iyer Chandrakant Mahobiya Regular(Part time) U42000001759 Jan'18 Prediction, Detection of Insect Pest Attack and Diseases on Soyabean Crops Jan'22 NO NA
27 Management - Finance Rai Business School Dr. Ashavkumar Patel Kanojiya Pooja Vasantbhai Regular(Part time) U42000001763 Jan'18 AN EMPIRICAL STUDY OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF SELECTED MICRO-FINANCE INSTITUTIONS IN GUJARAT Jan'22 NO NA
28 Library science School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Kirit Shukla Makwana Daxabahen Trikamlal Regular(Part time) U42000001765 Jan'18 A STUDY OF COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND SERVICES OF ARTS COLLEGE LIBRARIES AFFILIATED TO HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY,PATAN Jan'22 NO NA
29 Chemistry School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Sandesh Chibber Ansari Salauddin Mahmmuddin Regular(Part time) U42000002313 Jul'18 DETERMINATION OF HEAVY METALS CONTAMINATION IN SOIL, WATER AND FOOD MATRICES IN DIFFERENT INDUSTRIAL AREA OF GUJARAT, INDIA Jul'22 NO NA
30 Education School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Uma Shukla/ Dr. A. D. Shah Jadav Neelam Pradeepkumar Regular(Part time) U42000002315 Jul'18 A STUDY OF MENTAL STRESS OF STUDENTS OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN THE CONTEXT OF CERTAIN VARIABLES Jul'22 NO NA
31 Education School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Bharti Thaker Shah Ektaben Jayeshkumar Regular(Part time) U42000002316 Jul'18 “Development and Implementation of Audio-Visual aids for commerce students of Grade-XI” Jul'22 NO NA
32 Education School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Bharti Thaker Vankar Jaimin Gordhanbhai Regular(Part time) U42000002319 Jul'18 A Study of Problems of Adjustment of Female Teachers Working in Higher Secondary Schools of Gujarat State Jul'22 NO NA
33 Education School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Vinit Thakur Patel Aartiben Pravinbhai Regular(Part time) U42000002320 Jul'18 A STUDY OF SELF-CONCEPT AND ADJUSTMENT OF ADOLESCENTS IN RELATION TO FAMILY SIZE OF GUJARAT STATE Jul'22 NO NA
34 Education School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Bharti Thaker Banker Sanjaykumar Bhikhabhai Regular(Part time) U42000002321 Jul'18 Construction and Standardization of Reasoning Ability Test of Standard 8 of Ahmedabad City Jul'22 NO NA
35 Education School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Vinit Thakur Makwana Hetalben Vajubhai Regular(Part time) U42000002322 Jul'18 A STUDY OF ADJUSTMENT OF HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOLS STUDENTS OF GUJARAT STATE Jul'22 NO NA
36 Education School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Vinit Thakur Soni Sheetal Jagdishchandra Regular(Part time) U42000002323 Jul'18 A Comparative Study of Personality traits of Secondary School Students of Gujarat State Jul'22 NO NA
37 Education School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Uma Shukla/ Dr. A. D. Shah Macwan Sandhya Joseph Regular(Part time) U42000002324 Jul'18 IMPACT OF LITERATURE BASED TASKS ON THE COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE OF SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN ENGLISH Jul'22 NO NA
38 Commerce School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Himanshu Vaidya Kumari Darshana Nandkishore Regular(Part time) U42000002325 Jul'18 Role of Business incubator and its effectiveness in development of Gujarat Jul'22 NO NA
39 Commerce School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Himanshu Vaidya Prajapati Sonal Valjibhai Regular(Part time) U42000002327 Jul'18 A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF EFFECTIVENESS OF CSR ACTIVITY OF SELECT PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTOR COMPANIES AT GUJARAT Jul'22 NO NA
40 Human Resources Management Rai Business School Dr. Gaurav Buch Pratibha Singh Kushwaha Regular(Part time) U42000002328 Jul'18 “IMPACT OF HIPO ANALYSIS AS A TOOL TO IDENTIFY HIGH POTENTIAL FUTURE LEADERS AMONG AUTOMOTIVE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY” Jul'22 NO NA
41 Human Resources Management Rai Business School Dr. Gaurav Buch Nikhil Rao Shelar Regular(Part time) U42000002329 Jul'18 EFFECTIVE SUCCESSION PLANNING TOWARDS LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT & EMPLOYEE RETENTION FOR THE OIL & GAS INDUSTRY Jul'22 NO NA
43 Management Rai Business School Dr. Himanshu Vaidya Sutaria Ayushi Vismikbhai Regular(Part time) U42000002333 Jul'18 EFFECT OF BRAND CAMPAIGNS OF ONLINE RETAILERS ON CUSTOMERS: A STUDY OF URBAN GUJARAT Jul'22 NO NA
44 Library science School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Kirit Shukla Gajera Daxa Lilabhai Regular(Part time) U42000002334 Jul'18 A STUDY OF ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE LIBRARIES AFFILIATED TO BHAKTA KAVI NARASINH MEHTA UNIVERSITY ,JUNAGADH Jul'22 NO NA
45 Mechincal Eng School of Enginnering and Applied Science Dr. Dilipbhai Patel Badola Neeraj Pareshwar Prasad Regular(Part time) U42000002335 Jul'18 Jul'22 NO NA
46 Physics School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Madhavi Dave Chauhan Jigneshkumar Babubhai Regular(Part time) U42000002336 Jul'18 “CHARACTERIZATION AND HIGH PRESSURE STUDIES OF LEAD SELENIDE(PBSE)” Jul'22 NO NA
47 Physics School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Madhavi Dave Gamit Chandrashekhar Limjibhai Regular(Part time) U42000002337 Jul'18 “STUDIES OF GROWTH, SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION OF LEAD SULFIDE (PbS) NANOSTRUCTURES” Jul'22 NO NA
48 Political Science School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Gajendra B. Shukla Pandya Vaniben Mahendrakumar Regular(Part time) U42000002338 Jul'18 POLITICAL LEADERSHIP AND JOURNALISM A CASE STUDY OF GANDHIJI Jul'22 NO NA
49 Psychology School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Ashwin Jansari Kavad Hetal Devrajbhai Regular(Part time) U42000002340 Jul'18 HAPPINESS AND ADJUSTMENT OF STUDENTS’ RESIDING IN HOSTEL AND AT HOME Jul'22 NO NA
50 Psychology School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Ashwin Jansari Patel Sneha Amrutbhai Regular(Part time) U42000002341 Jul'18 ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION AND ADJUSTMENT OF STUDENT’S IN CONTEXT WITH GENDER AND HABITAT Jul'22 NO NA
List of PhD scholars-Batch-2016
S. No. Branch School Name of Supervisor  Name of the Scholar  Mode of PhD Registration Number/UID Date of Registration  Research Topic Likely Date of Completion Availing Fellowship Funding Agency of fellowship
1 Physics School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Madhavi dave Mr. Rutvik Joshi Regular(Part time) U42000001705 Jul'17 Solar Electricity in a Changing Environment:Gujarat (India) Jul'21 NO NA
2 Commerce School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Paresh Shah Ms. Dave Sonal Navinchandra Regular(Part time) U42000001708 Jul'17 An Approach to Predict insolvency based on financial protential of steel insdustry in india Jul'21 NO NA
3 Psychology School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Indra Sen Singh Ms. Swati Aggarwal Regular(Part time) U42000001709 Jul'17 “A STUDY OF ORGANISATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS, EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND PERCEIVED QUALITY OF WORK AMONG EMPLOYEES OF PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES” Jul'21 NO NA
4 Psychology School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Indra Sen Singh Mr. Trivedi Ravi Jitendrabhai Regular(Part time) U42000001710 Jul'17 “EFFECT OF MEDITATION ON STRESS, ANXIETY AND FRUSTRATION AMONG ADULTS” FRUSTRATION AMONG ADULTS” Jul'21 NO NA
5 Psychology School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Indra Sen Singh Ms. Kasundra Riddhi Jasmatbhai Regular(Part time) U42000001711 Jul'17 “FRUSTRATION, EMOTIONAL MATURITY AND ADJUSTMENT AMONG STUDENTS” Jul'21 NO NA
6 Management Rai Business School Dr. Paresh Shah Ms. Rinkuben Patel Regular(Part time) U42000001712 Jul'17 “A STUDY OF ISSUES ON ORGANIZED AGRICULTURE FINANCE IN THE STATE OF GUJARAT” Jul'21 NO NA
7 Education School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Ashvinbhai Shah Mr. Suthar Aalap Rameshchandra Regular(Part time) U42000001713 Jul'17 A STUDY OF SELF CONCEPT OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS STUDENTS OF GUJARAT STATE IN CONTEXT TO CERTAIN VARIABLES Jul'21 NO NA
8 Education School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Ashvinbhai Shah Ms. Brahmbhatt Khushbuben Nitinkumar Regular(Part time) U42000001714 Jul'17 CONSTRUCTIONANDSTANDARDIZATIONOf SCIENTIFIC APTITUDETEST FOR SSC STUDENTS OF GUJARAT STATE Jul'21 NO NA
9 Management (operation research) Rai Business School Dr. Gaurav Buch Mr. Jyotindra Nath Choudhary Regular(Part time) U42000001715 Jul'17 IMPACT OF INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION ON SCALING OF HUMAN RESOURCES USED IN AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY,PUNE Jul'21 NO NA
10 Commerce (finance) School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Paresh Shah Shah Nilambahen Mayurkumar Regular(Part time) U42000001716 Jul'17 COMPARATIVE AND CRITICAL STUDY OF MANAGEMENT OF FINANCIAL RESOURCES OF SELECTED MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS IN THE STATE OF GUJARAT Jul'21 NO NA
11 Commerce (finance) School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Chinmayee Janardan Bhatt Ms. Desai Stuti Samirkumar Regular(Part time) U42000001717 Jul'17 E-BANKING PRACTICES AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE SELECTED PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTOR BANKS OF SOUTH GUJARAT REGION Jul'21 NO NA
12 Commerce (general management) School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Chinmayee Janardan Bhatt Ms. Solanki Binduben Ranjitsinh Regular(Part time) U42000001718 Jul'17 TOURIST PREFERENCE AND PERCEPTION OF ZOOS IN GUJARAT: A COMPARATIVE STUDY Jul'21 NO NA
13 Physics School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Madhavi dave Mr. Solanki Vishalkumar Ramjibhai Regular(Part time) U42000001720 Jul'17 “Characterization and High Pressure studies of Lead Selenide(PbSe)” Jul'21 NO NA
14 Management Rai Business School Dr. Paramjeet Singh Mr. Anurag Solanki Regular(Part time) U42000001721 Jul'17 “A STUDY ON ANALYSIS OF PEOPLE’S PERCEPTION AND OPPURTUNITY OF MEDICAL TOURISM IN MADHYA PRADESH” Jul'21 NO NA
15 Education School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Ashvinbhai Shah Ms. Patel Disha Kanubhai Regular(Part time) U42000001722 Jul'17 STUDY OF COMPUTER APTITUDE OF THE STUDENTS OF GRADE. XI Jul'21 NO NA
16 Education School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Ashvinbhai Shah Melajiya Dipakbhai Bachubhai Regular(Part time) U42000001723 Jul'17 Construction and Standardisation of verbal reasoning test for the students of grade-IX Jul'21 NO NA
17 Education School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Ashvinbhai Shah Mr. Bava Vasantgar Shambhugar Regular(Part time) U42000001724 Jul'17 A STUDY OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE OF HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN CONTEXT TO SOME VARIABLES Jul'21 NO NA
18 Management Rai Business School Dr. Ashu Bhojwani Ms. Dipali Rameshbhai Nagaria Regular(Part time) U42000001725 Jul'17 A STUDY ON INVESTORS’ PERCEPTION TOWARDS INVESTMENT AVENUES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO RAJKOT DISTRICT OF GUJARAT STATE Jul'21 NO NA
19 Psychology School of Arts,Science and Commerce Dr. Indra Sen Singh Ms. Jaiswal Harsha Prakashchandra Regular(Part time) U42000001726 Jul'17 EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND JOB SATISFACTION AMONG EMPLOYEES OF CORPORATE SECTOR Jul'21 NO NA
List of PhD scholars-Batch-2016
S. No. Branch School Name of Supervisor  Name of the Scholar  Mode of PhD Registration Number/UID Date of Registration  Research Topic Likely Date of Completion Availing Fellowship Funding Agency of fellowship
1 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. N Paliwal  Agrawal Riddhi Sureshkumar Regular (Part Time) U42000001116 Jul-16 Developing and evaluting an education app in science for grade 6 students Jul-20 No NA
2 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. B Thakker  Dave Moksha Aniruddha Regular (Part Time) U42000001117 Jul-16 Applicability of compulsory course of environment Studies on Changes of student's behavior towards environment in south gujarat. Jul-20 No NA
3 Mathematics School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. P Jha Chandravadia Kishan Dilipbhai Regular (Part Time) U42000001118 Jul-16 Title is not finalised yet Jul-20 No NA
4 Social work School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. F Chuhan  DILIP KUMAR BHAILALBHAI PATEL Regular (Part Time) U42000001119 Jul-16 Role of law in liquor Prohibition Jul-20 No NA
5 Psychology School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. I S Singh Prashant Kumar Ishwarlal Rana Regular (Part Time) U42000001120 Jul-16 "A Comparative of Panchalmahals Districts School and college students and their parent's attitude towards sex education and family  planning".  Jul-20 No NA
6 Library & information science School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. D Sharma Soni Kirtibahen Monojkumar Regular (Part Time) U42000001121 Jul-16 A comprehensive study on school library in modernization in vchhal taluka: A study Jul-20 No NA
7 Education  School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. B Thakker  Parmar Vidhyaben Ramanlal Regular (Part Time) U42000001122 Jul-16 A compartitive study of educational achievement of gujarati and hindi medium students in context to certain variables. Jul-20 No NA
8 English School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. M A Syed Parmar Rajendrakumar Anilbhai Regular (Part Time) U42000001123 Jul-16 A research on comparative study of learning of english language as first learner and as a second learner Jul-20 No NA
9 Social work School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. F Chuhan  Makawana Ashok Khodabhai Regular (Part Time) U42000001124 Jul-16 On Socio-Economic Empowerment of Woman Through Animal Husbandry - A Study. Jul-20 No NA
10 English  School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. M A Syed Chunara Chhotabhai Kanubhai Regular (Part Time) U42000001125 Jul-16 Multiple facts of emotions in the work of R. K. Narayan Jul-20 No NA
11 Management Rai Business School Dr. P Singh Raviraj Solanki Regular (Part Time) U42000001129 Jul-16 " A Study OF Consumer Behavior and the Factors Influencing the purchase of sports Utility vehicle (SUV) Car Segment in Bhopal City.  Jul-20 No NA
12 Management Rai Business School Dr. P Singh Nita Kanubhai Solanki Regular (Part Time) U42000001130 Jul-16 An in depth study on consumer rights with special reference to E- Commerce Jul-20 No NA
13 Management Rai Business School Dr. P Singh Niranjan Mudliar Regular (Part Time) U42000001131 Jul-16 Critical study on scope of sustainable and economic trasnsportaion in Bhopal city with special reference to logististics of tractors and passangers cars through heavy containtristd trucks Jul-20 No NA
14 Commerece School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. P Shah Upadhayay Devrshi Kamlesh Regular (Part Time) U42000001133 Jul-16 A study of impact of Behaviour Finance on individual’s investment decision Jul-20 No NA
List of PhD scholars-Batch-2015
S. No. Branch School Name of Supervisor  Name of the Scholar  Mode of PhD Registration Number/UID Date of Registration  Research Topic Likely Date of Completion Availing Fellowship Funding Agency of fellowship
1 Physical Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. H Z Desai Chudhari mahadevbhai motibhai Regular (Part Time) U41000040363 Jan-15 "The Effect of Aerobic Exercise with Music on the Physical Fitness of Aravali District Level Senior Players". Jan-19 No NA
2 Accounts School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. Brahmbhatt A B  Soni Meghabahen Kanaiyalal Regular (Part Time) U41000040364 Jan-15 A Study of Women's Empowerment through Self Help Groups:with a Special reference to Sabarkantha District. Jan-19 No NA
3 English Literature School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. A B Joshi Vyas Pragneshkumar Hargovindbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000040365 Jan-15 Orientation of English language in formulation of marketing strategies of selected companies of gujarat. Jan-19 No NA
4 English Literature School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. A B Joshi Bheda Naran Rajashibhai Regular (Part Time) U41000040366 Jan-15 Ethical Apprehensions in Business Communacation of Employees of SMES of Gujarat - Causes,Conseguences & Sear
List of PhD scholars-Batch-2014
S. No. Branch School Name of Supervisor  Name of the Scholar  Mode of PhD Registration Number/UID Date of Registration  Research Topic Likely Date of Completion Availing Fellowship Funding Agency of fellowship
1 Social work School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. S R Prabhakar Jai John Tharakan Regular (Part Time) U41000001629 Jan-14 Impact of Urban poverty on women in slums.  Jan-18 No NA
2 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. G Raval Kharadi Girishbhai Jaysinhbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001630 Jan-14 Stress Management And Performance of Primary School Techer Jan-18 No NA
3 Commerce School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. K Dave  Devendrakumar shantilal gandhi Regular (Part Time) U41000001631 Jan-14 Investment Decision in Equity shares of companies a study of valiation and returns of selected companies eqquty Shares. Jan-18 No NA
4 Computer Science School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. P Swaminarayan Unnati Akshaykumar Patel  Regular (Part Time) U41000001632 Jan-14 RFID and Face Recognization for Optimization of Student Attendance Management System  Jan-18 No NA
5 Physical Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. B Joshi Mandaviya Kashyap B Regular (Part Time) U41000001633 Jan-14 The Study of Mental ability Study Habits and Attitudes, punctuality Scale of players who are playing at level of inter University. Jan-18 No NA
6 Mathematics School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. V K Vyas Patel Saurabh Chimanlal Regular (Part Time) U41000001634 Jan-14 Appplications of q-Integral Transform  to the Generalized Basic Hypergeometric Series. Jan-18 No NA
7 Environmental Science School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. A R Mahato Prajapati Harishkumar Bhikhabhai  Regular (Part Time) U41000001635 Jan-14 "Status , Ecology and Conservation of Aquatic Avian fauna of Thol Sanctuary, Mahesana District, Gujarat". Jan-18 No NA
8 Management   Rai Business School Dr. H N Sanghavi Rathod Maulik Kirankumar Regular (Part Time) U41000001636 Jan-14 A study on consumer Attitude on ecofriendly FMCG product in Gujarat Jan-18 No NA
9 Computer Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. D R Kathiriya Parmar Digvijaysinh Khumansinh  Regular (Part Time) U41000001637 Jan-14 A Comprehensive study and anlysis of existing image processing applications in the field of Agriculture for Detection and Classification of Citrus Family's Plant Leaf Disease. Jan-18 No NA
10 Computer Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. J S Shah Rajyalakshmi Jaiswal Regular (Part Time) U41000001638 Jan-14 Enhanced attribute of based Encryption method for Data security of personal Health Record in Cloud Computing Jan-18 No NA
11 English School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. R Patel Karia Dipti Amubhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001639 Jan-14 Study of 'Avdhoot of Arbudachal' Biography of Vimala Thakar Jan-18 No NA
12 Mathematics School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. P H. Bhathawala Hetalben Shivabhai Patel  Regular (Part Time) U41000001640 Jan-14 Fractional Differential Equation Jan-18 No NA
13 Computer Science School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. S. G. Desai Gokalgandhi Mukulkumar Gunvant Ray Regular (Part Time) U41000001641 Jan-14 Examining the Possibilities and success to andeavor Practices of computer application for an affordable Easiness in Robotics Through the references of Different Concepts Of life science Jan-18 No NA
14 Computer Science School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. B.K. Sharma  Patel Premal Chimanlal Regular (Part Time) U41000001642 Jan-14 An approach Aggregation and Archival of Digital Forensics information on windows based Environment  Jan-18 No NA
15 Computer Science School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. B.K. Sharma  Panchal Esan Pramodbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001643 Jan-14 Automated Extraction of persistent and volatile digital forensics information from Windows Environment. Jan-18 No NA
16 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. A K Vyas  Gami Jayesh Bachubhai  Regular (Part Time) U41000001645 Jan-14 A Study of Secondary School Teachers Attitudes Towards Teaching and Awarness about use of ICT in Teaching  Jan-18 No NA
17 English School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. K J  Dave Nimavat Jaydeep Dhansukhbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001646 Jan-14 J.R.R. Tolkien's Novel  The Lord of the "Rings" and Its Film Adaptation :-A Comparative Study  Jan-18 No NA
18 Management   Rai Business School Dr. H S Trivedi Vishal Dinkarray Vanja Regular (Part Time) U41000001647 Jan-14 To Study Ethnocentrism od india consumers Acase study of Gujarat Jan-18 No NA
19 Management   Rai Business School Dr. H S Trivedi Jasoliya Rakesh Pravinbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001648 Jan-14 To Detailed Study on developing a social secial security modelfor the residents of the state of gujarat Jan-18 No NA
20 Computer Science School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. B.K. Sharma  Vivek Thakur  Regular (Part Time) U41000001649 Jan-14 A study of the course selected for further study by ssc students of ahmedabad city using cluster technique of data analysis of data mining Jan-18 No NA
21 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. G S Patel Parul Kaushikkumar Upadhyay Regular (Part Time) U41000001650 Jan-14 A Study of Educational Aspirations and adjustment of secondry school studnets  Jan-18 No NA
22 psychology School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. D J. Panchal Joshi Nishaben Bharatkumar Regular (Part Time) U41000001652 Jan-14 Anxiety, Emotional Competence and life satisfaction of parents of adolescents with different disabilities  Jan-18 No NA
23 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. B K Shah Mayavanshi Kirankumar Chaturbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001653 Jan-14 A Study of the Personality Traits of Higher Secondary Students in Relation to their Adjustments and Academiv Achivments Jan-18 No NA
24 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. B K Shah Ringwala Varun Nishitbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001654 Jan-14 A Study of the Personality Traits of Higher Secondary School Students of Gujarat State with reference to their academic Achievement and Adjusment. Jan-18 No NA
25 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. B K Shah Nayanaben Dahyabhai Solanki Regular (Part Time) U41000001655 Jan-14 A study of stress of higher Secondary Schools' students in context to certain variables.  Jan-18 No NA
26 Computer science School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. B. K. Sharma Isha Bhagyesh Dave Regular (Part Time) U41000001656 Jan-14 Inservice teachers presumptions about the role of the computer in learning and teaching": A case study from Army Public School Ahmedabad Gujarat  Jan-18 No NA
27 English School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. M A Vyas Purabiya Dhruvkumar Pankajbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001658 Jan-14 A critical Study of Girish karnard and mohan Rakash's play:- A Comparative Study  Jan-18 No NA
28 Library Science School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. S L Lalwani Parmar Anjanaben Lavjibhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001659 Jan-14 Collection Development of all colleges library of kutch university: A study.   Jan-18 No NA
29 Mathematics School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. A R Patel Dave Milan Maheshkumar Regular (Part Time) U41000001660 Jan-14 A Study on New classes of araphs in Variations of Garceful Graph. Jan-18 No NA
30 Mathematics School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. P H. Bhathawala Bhansari Hardikkumar Ravindrakumar Regular (Part Time) U41000001661 Jan-14 Investment Performance measure and valuation by mathematical technique in Indian Stock Market Jan-18 No NA
31 Library Science School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. M R Darbar  Hansaben Bhoj Regular (Part Time) U41000001662 Jan-14 Interest in Reading information need and information seeking behavior by the faculty of medical college of gujarat Jan-18 No NA
32 English School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. N D Parmar Trambadiya Purviben Navinbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001663 Jan-14 Improve Grammar and Vocabulary of English Using Different Teaching and learning tools at degree Engineering level. Jan-18 No NA
33 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. H N Dave  Parmar Janakben Laljibhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001664 Jan-14 The Thoughts of osho to change the attitude Towards life survival in Education Jan-18 No NA
34 Mathematics School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. P Makwana  Sheth Nilesh Manojkumar Regular (Part Time) U41000001665 Jan-14 Queuing Theory in Hospital Management Jan-18 No NA
35 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. K S Dedun Baranda Sejal Chandubhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001667 Jan-14 Impact of social problems on scholastic achievement of girls of schedule tribal area's secondary school of gujarat state.  Jan-18 No NA
36 Mathematics School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. P Makwana  Teraiya Yogesh Dhirajlal  Regular (Part Time) U41000001668 Jan-14 "Mathematical Analysis and service improvement of the hospital." Jan-18 No NA
37 Higher Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. A K Vyas  Sanjaykumar Keshavbhai Koriya Regular (Part Time) U41000001669 Jan-14 Effectiveness of computer based models for teaching of values in the suppelementary reader book lapwing subject of english of standard - XII Jan-18 No NA
38 Mechanical Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. M A Popat Shah ishan Bhupendrabhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001670 Jan-14 Improvement in Productivity Of Rice Mill By Using Design Of Experiment Jan-18 No NA
39 Mechanical Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. A  V Gohil Vala Tushar Shankarbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001671 Jan-14 Optimization of process parameters based on the performance which measures by wire electrical discharge machining. Jan-18 No NA
40 Mechanical Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. A S. SHAH Ranipa Hareshkumar Gordhanbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001672 Jan-14 Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Automobile Radiator. Jan-18 No NA
41 Electrical Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. R Kantariya  Suthar Bharatkumar D Regular (Part Time) U41000001673 Jan-14 Life Cycle cost analysis of transmission & Distribution Systems  Jan-18 No NA
42 Mechanical Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. D D Shukla Mehta Nirajkumar C Regular (Part Time) U41000001674 Jan-14 Development of an algorithm for predication of life cycle for induction future wall. Jan-18 No NA
43 Mechanical Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. D D Shukla Pipalia Vijaykumar Fulabhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001675 Jan-14 Investigations on Two Stage Reciprocating Air Compressor. Jan-18 No NA
44 Electrical Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. A Kothari Teraiya Dipa Dhirajlal Regular (Part Time) U41000001676 Jan-14 Super Resolution: Performance, Improvement using hybridization of spatial transform domain technique  Jan-18 No NA
45 Mechanical Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. M A Popat Adeshara Jatin Sureshchandra Regular (Part Time) U41000001677 Jan-14 Optimization of operation of viscose filament yarn manufacturing through total prodcutivity maintenance (TPM) Jan-18 No NA
46 Mechanical Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. M Israr Dadhaniya Jaydeep Kalidas Regular (Part Time) U41000001678 Jan-14 Investigation of hard machining in turning operation with cooling effect of cutting fluids.  Jan-18 No NA
47 Mechanical Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. A V Gohil Patel Sagar Rameshchandra Regular (Part Time) U41000001679 Jan-14 ”New approach to the quality management of ciramic industries investigation, measures and continious improvment initiatives" Jan-18 No NA
48 Mechanical Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. M A Popat Joshipura Dhaivatkumar Manojkumar Regular (Part Time) U41000001680 Jan-14 Critical analysis and investigation of variants of fused deposition modeling process Jan-18 No NA
49 Mechanical Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences  Dr. M Israr Ramani Hardik Bhupendrabhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001681 Jan-14 Experimental Investigation on reducation of emission in single cylinder C.I Engine by altering design parameters of injector nozzle with appropriate bio-fuels. Jan-18 No NA
50 Chemistry School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. T Naliaparayogesh  Dudhagara Gunvantbhai  Regular (Part Time) U41000001682 Jan-14 Studies on Novel Chemical Entites Jan-18 No NA
51 Chemistry School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. T Naliaparayogesh  Keval Rameshkumar Sondagar Regular (Part Time) U41000001683 Jan-14 Synthesis of some novel heterocyclic compounds Jan-18 No NA
52 Physical Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. V K Modi Gauswami Ravigiri Laxmangiri Regular (Part Time) U41000001684 Jan-14 A Study of Secondry Students Attiude Towards Physical Education. Jan-18 No NA
53 Economics School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. G C Trivedi Vincy Joseph  Regular (Part Time) U41000001685 Jan-14 A study on sustainabilty of small car segment in India: A case study of India Jan-18 No NA
54 Economics School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. G C Trivedi Mathew T. S  Regular (Part Time) U41000001686 Jan-14 Life insurance services and economic development a study in content of India Jan-18 No NA
55 Computer Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. T Patalia Bhatt Malay Shashikant  Regular (Part Time) U41000001687 Jan-14 Content based audio and image classification using soft computing  Jan-18 No NA
56 Management   Rai Business School Dr. N Panchal Yogdeep P Desai Regular (Part Time) U41000001688 Jan-14 Use of Total Quality Management tools to improve radio matric quality of optical remote sensing data product.  Jan-18 No NA
57 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. N Upadhyaya Patel Rajeshkumar Thakarshibhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001689 Jan-14 A Study of the optimization of secondary school teacher's towards school based comprehensive evaluation of gujarat state. Jan-18 No NA
58 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. N Upadhyaya Patel Ankitaben Jayeshbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001690 Jan-14 Construction and Standardization of Lateral Thinking tesh for teachers. Jan-18 No NA
59 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. R R Patel Dama Jyolibahen Himatlal Regular (Part Time) U41000001691 Jan-14 A STUDY OF PERSONALITY TRAITS OF BED COLLAGES TRAINARS OF GUJARAT STATE Jan-18 No NA
60 Computer science & Application School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. V Pandya Priyank Doshi  Regular (Part Time) U41000001692 Jan-14 Design and development of decision support system using web technology for right understanding of some food product supported by advertisment in India  Jan-18 No NA
61 Physical Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. B M Patel Bahadursinh Manubha Gohil Regular (Part Time) U41000001693 Jan-14 Yoga inclination among the physical Educationalists working in Gujarat University Jan-18 No NA
62 Social work School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. S R Prabhakar Mitul Mahendrabhai Patel Regular (Part Time) U41000001694 Jan-14 An evaluative study on NRI'S contribution in rural community developement in gujarat  Jan-18 No NA
63 Computer Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. J M Suthar Krunal Chandravadan Regular (Part Time) U41000001696 Jan-14 Data Security in Cloud Computing using  Encryption and Obfuscation Techniques. Jan-18 No NA
64 English School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. K J  Dave Patel Sanjaykumar Bhagvandas Regular (Part Time) U41000001697 Jan-14 Multifarious Images Of Women Found In The Select Works Of Pearl S. Buck Jan-18 No NA
65 Mathematics School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. P J Jha Trivedi Ranna Anilkumar Regular (Part Time) U41000001698 Jan-14 Pythagorean Triplets-Interpretation in different number system and application to different branch of mathematics Jan-18 No NA
66 Library Science School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. P Patel Vaghela Ajitsinh Bhavubha Regular (Part Time) U41000001699 Jan-14 A Study of users Satisfaction level with referance to availabilty and accessibility of information Technology and its tools in libraries of grant in aid Degree Colleges of Ahmedabad. : A Study Jan-18 No NA
67 English communication Skills School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. A B Joshi Kaajal Ratesh Bhasin Regular (Part Time) U41000001700 Jan-14 A study of Sociolinguistics problem emerging as a communication barrier before the fresh engineering graduate facing the campus interviews with special reference to the student of south gujarat region  Jan-18 No NA
68 English School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. R R Ravel  Vyas Asmita Kanubhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001701 Jan-14 THE IMAGE OF WOMAN IN SHOBHA DE'S NOVEL Jan-18 No NA
69 Management   Rai Business School Dr. B Lakhani Dhaval Mukeshkumar Patel Regular (Part Time) U41000001702 Jan-14 Customers Satisfaction towards mobile service provider in Gujarat in special reference to Mehsana District Jan-18 No NA
70 Computer Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. T Patalia Krunal Ramabhai Patel  Regular (Part Time) U41000001703 Jan-14 "image processing". Jan-18 No NA
71 Commerce School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. B Lakhani Gajjar Niravkumar Vikrambhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001704 Jan-14 A study on customer satisfaction regarding the service quality of deparmental store in ahmedabad city Jan-18 No NA
72 Commerce School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. N Panchal Mehta Tushar Shreekantbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001705 Jan-14 A Comprehensive study on  Non Performing Assets in India (with special reference to selected Public and Private sector Banks). Jan-18 No NA
73 Social work School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. S R Prabhakar Parmar Priyank Bharatbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001706 Jan-14 A Study on career aspirations of youths in Gujarat. (With reference to final year MSW students of Gujarat State) Jan-18 No NA
74 Commerce School of Arts Science and Commerce DR. D I SONDANI Yogendrasinh B Gohil Regular (Part Time) U41000001707 Jan-14 A Study of Capital Structure Efficiency and financal leverage analysis of aluminium industries in India. Jan-18 No NA
75 Computer Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. K H Vandra Rathod Kirit Rasiklal Regular (Part Time) U41000001708 Jan-14 An Efficient position based rounting algorithm in VANET Jan-18 No NA
76 Library Science School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. M R Darbar  Pandya Dimple Mansukhlal Regular (Part Time) U41000001709 Jan-14 Evoluing a library into a learning hub and exploratory study in gujarat  Jan-18 No NA
77 Management   Rai Business School Dr. N Panchal Ankit Parveen Kumar Jain Regular (Part Time) U41000001710 Jan-14 consumer mindset while buying a product. Jan-18 No NA
78 Social work School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. B C Panchal  Brahmbhatt Shaileshkumar Vitthalji Regular (Part Time) U41000001711 Jan-14 A study of Girl Education and Social Change in Brahmbhatt Community (Banaskantha District) Jan-18 No NA
79 Physical Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. B M Patel Patel Ashvinkumar Ramanlal Regular (Part Time) U41000001713 Jan-14 A Study of Physical Fitness of the Tribal and Non- Tribal Players. Jan-18 No NA
80 Geography School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. S H Shukla  Desai Jolly Jaiminbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001714 Jan-14 Impact Of Urbanization and Industrialization on Human Health ( A case study of three GIDC sector of A'bad) Jan-18 No NA
81 English School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. R Patel Bhagyeshkumar Ishvarlal Vaidya Regular (Part Time) U41000001715 Jan-14 Political study of Vishnu Sharma's Panchatantra and Aesop's fables.  Jan-18 No NA
82 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. R R Patel Maniyar Vishalkumar Rasiklal Regular (Part Time) U41000001716 Jan-14 Construction and standardization of question bank of economics subject & standard 11th. Jan-18 No NA
83 Management   Rai Business School Dr. B Lakhani Krutika Himanshu Raval Regular (Part Time) U41000001717 Jan-14 Corporate Social Responsibility from an Internal Satkeholders perspective: A study Of Selected Organization Of Ahmedabad Jan-18 No NA
84 Computer Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. P P Kotak Vasoya Daxa Laxmanbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001721 Jan-14 Analysis and Design of Intellectual property rights associated with multimedia data using DCT and Data Mining  Jan-18 No NA
85 Commerce School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. C M Thakkar  Thakkar Sureshkumar Regular (Part Time) U41000001722 Jan-14 Financial performance appraisal of Co-Op milk producers union ltd. In north Gujarat Jan-18 No NA
86 Commerce School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. C M Thakkar  Thakkar Nayana Laxmiram Regular (Part Time) U41000001723 Jan-14 A Study of consumer's Experience in Performance of Multiplex's Cinema in north Gujarat. Jan-18 No NA
87 Commerce School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. C M Thakkar  Thakkar Kishorkumar Chhaganlal Regular (Part Time) U41000001724 Jan-14 Working Captil Management of Fertilizer Industry in Gujarat A Comparative Anlaysis of Selected Companies Jan-18 No NA
88 Commerce School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. C M Thakkar  Zala Devendrasinh Dalpatsinh Regular (Part Time) U41000001725 Jan-14 The Study of Financial Performance of selected Co-Operative Banks Established in North Gujarat. Jan-18 No NA
89 Computer science School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. P Swaminarayan Mayur Pravinsinh Raj  Regular (Part Time) U41000001726 Jan-14 A study of applications of Image Processing & Classification algorithm in Agriculture and Classification of wheat Cultivars in Gujarat region Jan-18 No NA
90 Sociology School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. B C Panchal  Kumbharana Trusha Bhupenrakumar Regular (Part Time) U41000001727 Jan-14 Sociological study on Bhoi caste of Saurashtra  Jan-18 No NA
91 Psychology School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. D J. Panchal Patel Palkeshkumar Kantibhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001728 Jan-14 A study of self concept, personality and intelligence among child labour, street children, broken home and intact homechildren in relation to gender Jan-18 No NA
92 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. G Patel Nandaniya Nehaben Jethabhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001729 Jan-14 Construction And Standrisation of Emotinal Iintelligence Scale for Secodnary School Studnets Jan-18 No NA
93 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. H Dave Poornima P  Regular (Part Time) U41000001730 Jan-14 Impact of ADHD classroom and academic outcomes in children - teachers perception. Jan-18 No NA
94 Mathematics School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. P Makwana Gajipara Bharatkumar Mohanlal Regular (Part Time) U41000001731 Jan-14 Fea Analysis and Optimization of Head Stock for Vertical Machining Center. Jan-18 No NA
95 Commerce School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. B Lakhani Rathod Rajendrasing Bharatsinh  Regular (Part Time) U41000011461 Jul-14 Marketing strategies and growth of selected private sector banks in ahmedabad in last decade. Jul-18 No NA
96 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. H Dave Barot Avanibahen Pradeepkumar Regular (Part Time) U41000011462 Jul-14 A Study of Organizational Climate of Elementary School of Anand District. Jul-18 No NA
97 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. A J Bharvad Pancholi Aparna Pravinchandra  Regular (Part Time) U41000011463 Jul-14 The Effectiveness of computerized Programme learning on the achivement of the students of grade - IX in English Jul-18 No NA
99 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. H Dave Margi Deepakkumar Pancholi Regular (Part Time) U41000011465 Jul-14 Development and try-out of an activity package to enhance communication skills among the students of higher secondary level Jul-18 No NA
100 Management Rai Business School Dr. C J Bhatt Vashi Jaykumar Anantrai Regular (Part Time) U41000011466 Jul-14 A Comparative study of the Financial Management of primary Agricultural Marketing co- operative societies of gandevi taluka in navsari district Jul-18 No NA
101 Library & information science School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. M Darbar Kevalkumar Mafatbhai Patel Regular (Part Time) U41000011467 Jul-14 Use of ICT's Resources and services at state university libraries in gujarat: A study Jul-18 No NA
102 English School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. R M Chauhan Pandya Jalpaben Manharlal Regular (Part Time) U41000011468 Jul-14 A Study of the methodology of teching english as a second language at the first year B.SC Level of gujarat university of ahmedabad district. Jul-18 No NA
103 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. P P dave Sindhav Khimji  Sumar Regular (Part Time) U41000011469 Jul-14 A Case study of the educational institutes run by Gujarat Education Society, Gandhidham Jul-18 No NA
104 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. G Patel Trivedi Shitalben Dhirajlal Regular (Part Time) U41000011470 Jul-14 A study of the multiple intelligence of pre-primary school students of north gujarat. Jul-18 No NA
105 Commerce School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. J G Poojara Singh Richa Gopal Regular (Part Time) U41000011471 Jul-14 A consumer perceptual study on customer experience management (CEM) practices on electronic banking services in the banking sector of state of gujarat Jul-18 No NA
106 Economics School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. M.G Shaikh Solanki Dharmishtha Bhikhubhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011472 Jul-14 The Economic Growth of Gujarat A Sectoral and Structural Analysis Jul-18 No NA
107 Management Rai Business School Dr. A J Katrodia  Dave  Keyur Lalitkumar Regular (Part Time) U41000011473 Jul-14 " Resource Management in Cloud" Jul-18 No NA
109 English School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. J Purohit Prajapati Rajeshbhai Somabhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011475 Jul-14 Gender Discrimination in Indian Socity :- a Critical Study of Shashi Deshpande's Select Novels. Jul-18 No NA
110 Library & information science School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. M Darbar Mahant Avinashiben Madhusudan Regular (Part Time) U41000011476 Jul-14 Use of Information communication technology (ICT's) Resources and provide ICT's Based services in Private university libraries of gujarat State. : A study Jul-18 No NA
111 Physical Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. A Gohil Parmar Jayendrasinh Pratapsinh  Regular (Part Time) U41000011477 Jul-14 A comparative Study of Effeccts of Yogasana and Aerobic Training on Physical fitness of College Female Students' Jul-18 No NA
112 library science School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. Y R  Parekh Panchal Kartik Nanalal Regular (Part Time) U41000011478 Jul-14 "Comparative Study of Automation Scenario of Universities libraries of Gujarat State" Jul-18 No NA
113 Library & information science School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. P Patel Nayak Jashvantbhai Atmaram Regular (Part Time) U41000011479 Jul-14 User's Study of the North Gujarat region Government District Libraries Jul-18 No NA
114 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. I N Vaghela  Gohil Hareshbhai Devabhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011480 Jul-14 A study of reading comprehnsion of standard 6th to 8th students of panchmahal district in subject gujarati Jul-18 No NA
115 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. I N Vaghela  Machhi Navinchandra Manorbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011481 Jul-14 A Study of Reading comprehnsion of standard 6th to 8th students of panchmahal district in subject hindi Jul-18 No NA
116 Commerce School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. C J Bhatt Sakhiya Sanjay Nagjibhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011482 Jul-14 Profitable analysis of indian banking industry and compliance with BASEL II standards with referance to public and private sector bank Jul-18 No NA
117 Commerce School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. K Kharecha Patel Manojkumar Vishnubhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011483 Jul-14 Financial Evaluation of public sector petroleum refinery - A case of selcted companies of India Jul-18 No NA
118 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. N Upadhyay Pandya Nigam Bhupendrabhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011486 Jul-14  " A study on the status of Inclusive education in Gujarat" Jul-18 No NA
119 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. N Upadhyay Pandya Rajendrakumar Batukbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011487 Jul-14 A STUDY OF AWARENESS ABOUT SPECIAL EDUCATION AMONG THE HEAD TEACHERS AND TEACHERS OF REGULAR SCHOOLS OF GUJARAT Jul-18 No NA
120 Sanskrit  School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. D Machhi Machhi Yogeshkumar Jagabhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011488 Jul-14 MORALITY AND MANNERISM IN VALMIKI’S RAMAYANA. A study Jul-18 No NA
121 Management Rai Business School Dr. B Lakhani Vyas Ashishkumar Pramodray Regular (Part Time) U41000011490 Jul-14 An emperical study of stress level of employees working at chemical factories of ahmedabad city Jul-18 No NA
122 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. S Shukla Patel Manisha Mohanbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011491 Jul-14 A Study of mental Stress of Science Stream Students of higher secondary School Of Ahmedabad City Context to Certain Variables. Jul-18 No NA
123 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. S Shukla Shah Chintan Gaurangbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011492 Jul-14 A study of self concept of high school students in relation to certain variables Jul-18 No NA
124 English School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. A B Joshi Patel Vinay Satishbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011493 Jul-14 The imperative study validating ethics in business communication.  Jul-18 No NA
125 Psychology School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. P Parikh Kanojia Poonam Rameshchand Regular (Part Time) U41000011494 Jul-14 A Study of Occupational stress Job Satisfaction and mental Healt of employees with regards of gender, Type of Organization and Occupation Status. Jul-18 No NA
126 Economics School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. K Choudhari   Dod Navalsinh Motibhai  Regular (Part Time) U41000011495 Jul-14 AN ECONOMICAL STUDY OF UTTAM DAIRY WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO DHOLKA TALUKA Jul-18 No NA
127 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. D B Kundal Vala Hetal Naranbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011496 Jul-14 Managerial  Skills of the Principals of Colleges of Education as perceived by teacher Educators in Gujarat States. Jul-18 No NA
128 Management Rai Business School Dr. R Patel Mayurkumar Bhikhabhai Patel   Regular (Part Time) U41000011497 Jul-14 A comparative study of awareness and use of drip irrigation system between farmers of Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad districts. Jul-18 No NA
129 English School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. M Chatterjee  Limbachiya Bhaviniben Narendrabhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011499 Jul-14 Developing and implimenting interactive learning material to improve writing skills to engineering students  Jul-18 No NA
130 psychology School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. J Parikh Shaikh Mohammed Saleem Kamrudin Regular (Part Time) U41000011500 Jul-14 Working memory and educational achievement among Intellectual disabled and normal children.  Jul-18 No NA
131 English School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. J Jain John P Mathai  Regular (Part Time) U41000011502 Jul-14 A study of the Feminine Narrative in Indo-English writers Gauri Deshpandey, Kamala Das, Mamta Kalia & Manju Kapur. Jul-18 No NA
132  Gujarati School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. V I Patel Chaudhary Bhoomikaben Rameshbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011503 Jul-14 VINESH ANTANI NU NAVALKATHA VISHVA : EK ADHYAYAN Jul-18 No NA
133 Psychology School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. J Parikh Chauhan Urveshkumar Satishchandra Regular (Part Time) U41000011504 Jul-14 Personality and suicidal tendency among depressive and normal people Jul-18 No NA
134 Commerce School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. G P Japee Pandya Ayushi Jayeshkumar Regular (Part Time) U41000011505 Jul-14 An Analytical Study of Real Estate Industries of Gujarat. Jul-18 No NA
135 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. D Mendapara Darji Gauravkumar Shaileshbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011506 Jul-14 Study of an effect of Intelligence and Creativity and stress management on achievement of student of 10th board of Vadodara District. Jul-18 No NA
136 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. A J Bharvad Prithvi Raj  Regular (Part Time) U41000011507 Jul-14 Comparative study of mathematical reasoning ability of high school students of different board. Jul-18 No NA
137 English School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. A B Joshi Vyas Hilpesh Jagdishchandra Regular (Part Time) U41000011508 Jul-14 Communication Diversity in Business Organization - Deliberation for Effectiveness'. Jul-18 No NA
138 English School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. A B Joshi Patel Gajendrakumar Shantilal Regular (Part Time) U41000011509 Jul-14 Evaluation of existing teaching methods and materials at use in english language in the commerece colleges at vadodara district Jul-18 No NA
139 Commerce School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. K Patel Patel Falgunkumar Laxmanbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011510 Jul-14 A study of economic value added based performance meausurement of selected pharmasutical industry in India Jul-18 No NA
140 Management Rai Business School Dr. H Parmar Shah Chintan Ajaykumar  Regular (Part Time) U41000011512 Jul-14 A study on calender anamolies of indian stock market. Jul-18 No NA
141 English School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. K J Dave Vyas Truptiben Jitendrakumar Regular (Part Time) U41000011514 Jul-14 A Thematic study of selected poems of Mattew Arnold Jul-18 No NA
142 Management Rai Business School Dr. B Lakhani Kritika Sharma Regular (Part Time) U41000011515 Jul-14 A study of impact of adveritsing on consumer brand preferance for mobile handset Jul-18 No NA
143 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. B H Thaker Parjapati Falguniben Pravinchandra Regular (Part Time) U41000011516 Jul-14 The Contribution of west Ahmedabad's SANSKARDHAM in the area of Education- Acase Study. Jul-18 No NA
144 English School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. C Trivedi Dave Jigna Jyotindra Regular (Part Time) U41000011518 Jul-14 A study of womanism in the fiction of Alice Walker". Jul-18 No NA
145 Mathematics School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. P J Jha Bhanotar Shaileshkumar Amrutbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011520 Jul-14 ASSOCIATING DIFFERENT BRANCHES OF MATHEMATICS TO THE GENERALIZED PYTHAGOREAN TRIPLETS Jul-18 No NA
146 Social Work School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. B C Panchal Pandey Arunkumar Premchand Regular (Part Time) U41000011521 Jul-14 A study of juvenile deliquent condition and problems (with  reference to remand whom of gujarat) Jul-18 No NA
147 Computer Science & engineering  School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. H B. Patel Patel Nimishaben Prahladbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011522 Jul-14 A Novel Mechanism for Workload Consolidation to Achieve Higher Resource Utilization and Energy Efficiency in Cloud Data Center Environment Jul-18 No NA
148 Mathematics School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. R Patel Bhabhor Kartikkumar Hirabhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011523 Jul-14 Numerical Method for Solving a problam in Fluid Flow through porus Median. Jul-18 No NA
149 Biochemistry School of Life Sciences Dr. V Braganza  Patel Ravikumar Atulbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011524 Jul-14 "Studies on some Ethno-medicinal plants of dahod forest of gujarat - A Biochemical and Phytomical Perspective. Jul-18 No NA
150 Electronics & Communication School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. B Sedani Sharma Nirmal Kumar  Regular (Part Time) U41000011525 Jul-14 A COMPREHENSIVE STUDY ON COMMAND & CONTROL OF AERIAL NAVIGATION SYSTEM Jul-18 No NA
151 Mechanical Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. M Israr Makvana Atulkumar Ishvarbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011526 Jul-14 Failure analysis of molds of plastic injection molding machine:- To analyse the cooling behavior of mold using different coolants.  Jul-18 No NA
152 Mechanical Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. M Popat Kariya Meghaben Champaklal Regular (Part Time) U41000011527 Jul-14 Experimental investigation and optimization of process parameters for selective lasermelting  Jul-18 No NA
153 Electrical Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. R Kantaria Joshi Pooja Pankajkumar Regular (Part Time) U41000011528 Jul-14 DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION OF WIND ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEMS Jul-18 No NA
154 Chemistry School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. N Yogesh Kikani Gautamkumar Mavajibhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011529 Jul-14 STUDIES ON HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUNDS OF MEDICINAL INTEREST Jul-18 No NA
155 Mechanical Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. R K Shukla Mistry Manishkumar Kantilal Regular (Part Time) U41000011531 Jul-14 Experimental Investigation and emission analysis on IC engine with oxygen feeding system Jul-18 No NA
156 Mechanical Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. R K Shukla Patel Lalitkumar Satishchandra Regular (Part Time) U41000011532 Jul-14 An Experimental Investigation and parametric analysis on a piston type compressed air engine Jul-18 No NA
157 English School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. M A Vyas  Bhatt Ushma Ashwinikumar Regular (Part Time) U41000011535 Jul-14 A Comparative Study Of Diasporic Sennibility in Select  Novels Of Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni & Badami Anita Rau. Jul-18 No NA
158 Electrical Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. V Shah  Chodavadiya Chetan Kanubhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011537 Jul-14 DESIGN AND SIMULATION OF SMART CONTROLLER FOR MULTISEGMENT SLIDING MODE CONTROL FOR INDUCTION MOTOR Jul-18 No NA
159 English School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. D D Bhatt Dave Paragkumar Dhirajlal Regular (Part Time) U41000011540 Jul-14 A Study Of Class Room Practices and Approaches Of English Techers:- With Special Refrence to third year English Major Collages of Veer Narmad South Gujarat University. Jul-18 No NA
160 Computer science School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. A Saxena Bhatt Hetalben Rajendrakumar Regular (Part Time) U41000011543 Jul-14 A study of the true cost on passwordauthentication polices and more prototype prevention for pasword users Jul-18 No NA
161 Computer science School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. A Saxena  Patel Alex Vipinbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011546 Jul-14 Big data analysis for e-commerce application Jul-18 No NA
162 Computer science School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. A Saxena Agarwal Anshu Sureshkumar Regular (Part Time) U41000011547 Jul-14 Efficient web mining using clustering techniques and hashtable for better page searching by enhancing the log mining Jul-18 No NA
163 English School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. R Pujara Kadiya Bela Bansibhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011548 Jul-14 GANDHIAN AND MARXIST INFLUENCE IN MULK RAJ ANAND'S NOVEL Jul-18 No NA
164 Microbiology School of Life Sciences Dr. A Gupta  Patel Shraddhaben Govindbhai  Regular (Part Time) U41000011549 Jul-14 PROSPECTIVE STUDY TO ASSESS THE EFFECT OF GRAM NEGATIVE MICROBES IN PERIODONTAL DISEASE ON THE PREECLAMPSIA DURING PREGNANCY Jul-18 No NA
165 Computer Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. S.G Desai Pasawala Karishma Devangkumar Regular (Part Time) U41000011552 Jul-14 Design and development of the common method for big software testing and validation, Jul-18 No NA
166 Commerce School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. G P Japee Kruti Paritosh Shah Regular (Part Time) U41000011554 Jul-14 A Study Of  extensible business reporting language (XBRL) and its practices in listed India Company Jul-18 No NA
167 Commerce School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. G P Japee Solanki Bimal Nirmal Regular (Part Time) U41000011555 Jul-14 A study of liquidity and profitibility of selcted pharmaceutical companies of India with special reference to gujarat state Jul-18 No NA
168 Electronics & Communication School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. B Sedani Patel Jalpaben Jayantibhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011557 Jul-14 Design, optimization and performance analysis of video water marking techniques. Jul-18 No NA
169 Hindi  School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. L labana Anarsingh Ekwale Regular (Part Time) U41000011558 Jul-14 "Mahila Samsya par Adyayan" Jul-18 No NA
170 Computer Science & Engineering  School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. V Vekariya Shigadiya Chetan Jivanlal Regular (Part Time) U41000011559 Jul-14 A Whole Test Suite Generation Based on Software Engineering Jul-18 No NA
171 Information Technology School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. V Vekariya Patel Hemant Hasmukhbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011560 Jul-14 “Development of a Software Engineering, Ontology for Multi-site Software Development" Jul-18 No NA
172 Civil Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. J D Rathod  Makwana Jatin Jadavjibhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011561 Jul-14 “Comparative Study of Interface Characterization of Different types of Fibers and evaluation of basic mechanical properties of  Engineered Cementitious Composites using these micromechanical parameters ”. Jul-18 No NA
173 Mechanical Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. A H Gandhi Patel Chintankumar Kanaiyalal Regular (Part Time) U41000011562 Jul-14 Experimental and analytical investigation of formability and bending mechanics of layered strip (material) Jul-18 No NA
174 Mechanical Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. P Brahmbhatt Patel Bhavikkumar Vasantkumar Regular (Part Time) U41000011563 Jul-14 DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT AND PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF STEPPED SOLAR STILL Jul-18 No NA
175 Computer Science & Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. G R Kulkarni Patel Hiteshkumar Chandrakant Regular (Part Time) U41000011564 Jul-14 Design and implementation of Improved routing protocol of vehicular adhoc networks (VANET) Jul-18 No NA
176 Computer Science School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. V Pandya Nisha Khurana Regular (Part Time) U41000011565 Jul-14 Sentiment analysis and openion mining on social media Jul-18 No NA
177 Economics School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. G C. Trivedi Vandra Dhirenkumar Nanalal Regular (Part Time) U41000011568 Jul-14 An Economic Study of the SHGs in Gujarat Jul-18 No NA
178 Mechanical Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. P Brahmbhatt Patel Nikunjkumar Sumanbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011570 Jul-14 Agile manufacturing practices in small and medium scale enterprise (SEMS) of south gujarat region. Jul-18 No NA
179 History School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. V Chaudhary Vadera Dipakkumar Bhimjibhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011571 Jul-14 A Study On Mavements of adivasis in Gujarat  Jul-18 No NA
180 Social Work School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. F V Chauhan Patel Vilashbahen Ramabhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011572 Jul-14 A comparative study of women empowerment among various classes and castes. Jul-18 No NA
181 Computer science School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. V Pandya Gondalia Vivek Chhabildas  Regular (Part Time) U41000011574 Jul-14 Security threates prefering SQL injection attacks with enhancement in prevention and detection. Jul-18 No NA
182 English School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. K J Dave Barot Anjali Rajeshbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011575 Jul-14 A Critical Study of the Crisis of women Reflected in the select novel of shashi Deshpande. Jul-18 No NA
183 Mechanical Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. A D Patel Patel Nilamkumar Suryakantbhai  Regular (Part Time) U41000011577 Jul-14 Studies on properties of AI-SiC MMCs for making Engine valves for automobile Engineering Components Jul-18 No NA
184 Mechanical Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. V J Patel  Garala Brijesh Manubhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011579 Jul-14 FEA Analysis And Optimization of head stock For Vertical Machining Center Jul-18 No NA
185 Computer Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. P P Kotak  Kaneriya Nirav Chandrakant  Regular (Part Time) U41000011580 Jul-14 An Optimized Energy Efficient Approach on AODV Protocol based on GPS for MANET Jul-18 No NA
186 Computer Science & Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. J S Shah   Archana Kishor Bhavsar Regular (Part Time) U41000011581 Jul-14 Cloud based decision support system for modeling of the domestic waste water treatment solution for indian cities Jul-18 No NA
187 Physics School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. M D Dave Bhavsar Vikaskumar Jagadishkumar Regular (Part Time) U41000011582 Jul-14 Spectroscopy and high pressure study of metal phthalocyanine and their ternary charge transfer complexes  Jul-18 No NA
188 psychology School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. D Panchal Panchal Anita Himmatlal Regular (Part Time) U41000011583 Jul-14 A Study of mood states self perception and psychological well being of different category of periodontal disease patientess with regards to gender and age-A clinico psychobiochemical study. Jul-18 No NA
189 psychology School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. D Panchal Vaishnav Kalpesh Chandrakant Regular (Part Time) U41000011584 Jul-14 A Study of stress, life satisfation and psychological wellbeing of patients of conventional complete denture, implant supported and tooth supported over denture with regards to gender and age. Jul-18 No NA
190 Chemistry School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. S Patel Patel Rajeshkumar  Kantilal Regular (Part Time) U41000011586 Jul-14 "Physico Chemical Studies on Epoxy Resin Based Polyelectrolytes". Jul-18 No NA
191 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce  Dr. J N Amin Patel Nehaben Joitaram Regular (Part Time) U41000011587 Jul-14 A Study on Effectiveness of computer assisted instruction on achievement of 8th grade students in sanskrit. Jul-18 No NA
192 Management Rai Business School Dr. P M Solanki Barad Nischalkumar Prabhatsinh Regular (Part Time) U41000011588 Jul-14 "A study on Green Marketing and Advertising by FMCG in Gujarat" Jul-18 No NA
193 Computer Science  School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. A Saxena  Devdhara Darshankumar Gambhirsinh Regular (Part Time) U41000011589 Jul-14 “CRYPTOGRAPHY AND NETWORK SECURITY EVIDENCE” Jul-18 No NA
194 Computer science School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. V Pandya Vutharkar Nagaveni Regular (Part Time) U41000011591 Jul-14 Cloud computing strateges: a comparative study of microsoft, amazon and infrastructure Jul-18 No NA
195 Computer science School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. V Pandya  Savaliya Rajeshkumar Rameshbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011592 Jul-14 Analysis of Database Synchronization Jul-18 No NA
196 Commerce School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. M Maisuria Allad Idrish Rasulbhai  Regular (Part Time) U41000011596 Jul-14 "An Analytical Study on Financial Performance of Selected IT Companies" (With Reference to India) Jul-18 No NA
197 Psychology School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. D Panchal Patel Anjankumar Naranbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011597 Jul-14 A Proportional Cram of Neuropsychological Assessment of Mentally Challenged Children in Relation to Parental Edification Jul-18 No NA
198 Computer Science & Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. A Saxena  Panchal Niketaben Rajanikant Regular (Part Time) U41000011598 Jul-14 An Analysis of Security in Wireless Network Jul-18 No NA
199 Management Rai Business School Dr. R K Balyan Vidhani Bharati Lilaram Regular (Part Time) U41000011599 Jul-14 INDIA RETAIL BANKING INDUSTRY:-OPPORTUNITIES & CHALLENGES IN SELECTED LEADING BANKS IN INDIA Jul-18 No NA
200 Commerce School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. V Bhatt Banker Chitralekha Sureshbhai  Regular (Part Time) U41000011600 Jul-14 Relevance and Applicability of Abrakham Maslow's Need Hierachy in Present Era: with Reference to University Employees In Gujarat. Jul-18 No NA
201 Computer science School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. P Swaminarayan Virpura Digvijaysinh Dashrathsinh Regular (Part Time) U41000011606 Jul-14 Performance Evaluation of Oracle APEX with Traditional Technologies and Implementation of ALM(Application Life Cycle Management) and VCS (Version Control System) in Oracle APEX Jul-18 No NA
202 psychology School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. P Parikh Jani Himsuta Ashokbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000011607 Jul-14 The characteristics among prisoners are measured by RORSCHACH TEST Jul-18 No NA
203 Chemistry School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. K Joshi Kausundra Rajendra Dayalal Regular (Part Time) U41000011608 Jul-14 Efficacy of pheromone chemicals with respect to functional group of the two world distributed insect pest spodoptera litura and helicoverpa armigera.  Jul-18 No NA
204 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. B H Thaker Patel Jayantibhai Virdas  Regular (Part Time) U41000011610 Jul-14 A Studey Of Errors In Mathematics Committed by Students Of STD Vll in Ahmedbad City  Jul-18 No NA
205 English School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. D Nimavat Agravat Mansiben Mansukhlal Regular (Part Time) U41000011611 Jul-14 "Select Short Stories of Alice Munro and Alice Walker :- A Comparative Study" Jul-18 No NA
List of PhD scholars-Batch-2013
S. No. Branch School Name of Supervisor  Name of the Scholar  Mode of PhD Registration Number/UID Date of Registration  Research Topic Likely Date of Completion Availing Fellowship Funding Agency of fellowship
1 Commerce School of Arts, Science & Commerce Dr. A. Joshi Jigneshkumar K. Soni Regular (Part Time) U41000001505 Jul-13 A STUDY OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY WITH REFERENCE TO SELECTED ORGANIZATIONS IN ANAND & KHEDA DISTRICT Jul-18 No NA
2 Education School of Arts, Science & Commerce Dr. K S Dedun Jigneshkumar Mohanbhai Patel Regular (Part Time) U41000001507 Jul-13 STUDY OF THE INTERACTION BETWEEN HIGHER SECONDARY STUDENTS & THEIR PARENTS Jul-18 No NA
3 Education School of Arts, Science & Commerce Dr. K S Dedun Manoj kumar Aashabhai Parmar Regular (Part Time) U41000001508 Jul-13 EFFECTIVENESS OF CONCEPT ATTAINMENT MODEL IN TEACHING ENGLISH GRAMMER IN GRADE IX  Jul-18 No NA
4 Psychology School of Arts, Science & Commerce Dr. P Parikh Rita Navnitbhai Solanki Regular (Part Time) U41000001509 Jul-13 ADJUSTMENT, STRESS AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL BEING AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS Jul-18 No NA
5 Psychology School of Arts, Science & Commerce Dr. R Potdar Prabhulal Mavjibai Vyas Regular (Part Time) U41000001510 Jul-13 CRITICAL FACTORS & FACTORS ACCELERATING AND DEPRESSING PENILE ERECTION AND PREMATURE EJACULATION Jul-18 No NA
6 Philosophy School of Arts, Science & Commerce Dr. A Vardhan Appa Rao Balaga Regular (Part Time) U41000001514 Jul-13 GOD-ETHICS AND MAN:A PHILOSOPHICAL APPROACH  (GEM) Jul-18 No NA
7 Commerce School of Arts, Science & Commerce Dr. D Vyas Dr. Nehaben Dayabhai Thakkar Regular (Part Time) U41000001515 Jul-13 A STUDY OF DIRECT BENEFIT TRANSFER SCHEME IN RELATION TO PRE-MATRIC & POST-MATRIC SCHOLARSHIP AND ITS IMPACT IN KHEDA DISTRICT Jul-18 No NA
8 Commerce School of Arts, Science & Commerce Dr. D Vyas Dhartibahen Mansukhbhai Chauhan Regular (Part Time) U41000001516 Jul-13 A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF CAPITAL STRUCTURE OF SELECTED PRIVATE & PUBLIC SECTOR BANKS Jul-18 No NA
9 Commerce School of Arts, Science & Commerce Dr. D Vyas Sirajbeg Salimbeg Mirza Regular (Part Time) U41000001517 Jul-13 AN ANALYSIS OF WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT OF CEMENT INDUSTRY - A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SELECTED CEMENT COMPANIES Jul-18 No NA
10 Education School of Arts, Science & Commerce Dr. K S Dedun Mecwan Fedrick William Regular (Part Time) U41000001518 Jul-13 A STUDY OF PROBLEMS OF TEACHING ENGLISH BY COMMUNICATIVE APPROACH IN HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOLS OF ANAND DISTRICT Jul-18 No NA
11 Education School of Arts, Science & Commerce Dr. H Patel Macwana Kantibhai Timothibhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001521 Jul-13 A STUDY OF THE FEED BACKS OF GUJARATI POETRY GIVEN BY STD IX PUPILS OF ANAND DISTRICT Jul-18 No NA
12 Social Work School of Arts, Science & Commerce Dr. P Popat Sureshkumar Chhanga Regular (Part Time) U41000001523 Jul-13 A STUDY ON ROLE OF NON GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION IN SOCIO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF KUTCH REGION IN GUJARAT STATE AFTER 2001 Jul-18 No NA
13 Commerce School of Arts, Science & Commerce Dr. D Vyas Darji Deepakkumar Regular (Part Time) U41000001524 Jul-13 A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION OF SELECTED DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE BANKS IN NORTH GUJARAT REGION Jul-18 No NA
14 Education School of Arts, Science & Commerce Dr. K S Dedun Jadav Ushaben Kantilal Regular (Part Time) U41000001525 Jul-13 A STUDY OF ANXIETY  OF SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN CONTEXT TO THEIR AND EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT. Jul-17 No NA
15 Computer Science School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. L. K. Sharma Patel Rucha Kanchansinh Regular (Part Time) U41000001527 Jul-13 EMPIRICAL APPROACH TO DATA MINING FOR PESTICIDES DIETARY EXPOSURES OF UNITED STATES Jul-18 No NA
16 Computer Science & Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. S. G. Desai Shah Pooja Shaileshkumar Regular (Part Time) U41000001528 Jul-13 An Efficient Technique for Encryption & Decryption in Cryptography Jul-18 No NA
17 Computer Science School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. L. K. Sharma Harish Morwani Regular (Part Time) U41000001529 Jul-13 STUDY AND ANALYSIS OF GREEN COMPUTING MODELS ADOPTED BY LARGE IT ORGANIZATIONS AND TO PROPOSE A SUITABLE GREEN COMPUTING MODEL FOR SME'S IN INDIA Jul-18 No NA
18 Computer Science School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. L. K. Sharma Sweta v parmar Regular (Part Time) U41000001530 Jul-13 A SOFT COMPUTING APPROACH TO EDUCATIONAL DATA MINING FOR IMPROVING STUDENT PERFORMANCE IN S.P. UNIVERSITY'S STUDENTS Jul-18 No NA
19 Computer Science School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. L. K. Sharma Tamanna N Kachwala Regular (Part Time) U41000001531 Jul-13 A REFINEMENT APPROACH TO CONFIDENTIALITY PRESERVING IN DATA MINING FOR CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT OF UNINOR CUSTOMER OF ANAND CITY Jul-18 No NA
20 Electrical Engg School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. A Mehta Mehta Hema Axaykumar Regular (Part Time) U41000001532 Jul-13 "Management and Control of VARIABLE ELECTRICITY OUTPUT FROM INTEGRATED photo voltaic (PV) Solar plant and Wind plant system  connected to Smart Grid" Jul-18 No NA
21 Sociology School of Arts, Science & Commerce  Dr. G Panday Sunita Pandey Regular (Part Time) U41000001533 Jul-13 PANCHAYAT RAJAND RURAL TRANSFORMATION A SOCIOLOGICAL STUDY OF SELECTED VILLAGE IN UTTAR PRADESH Jul-18 No NA
22 Computer Science School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. P Swaminarayan Mayur Madhubhai Patel Regular (Part Time) U41000001534 Jul-13 Development of multi-agent system for club membership using Ontology in Semantic web Jul-18 No NA
23 Psychology School of Arts, Science & Commerce Dr. J Parikh Noorin M. Momin Regular (Part Time) U41000001535 Jul-13 A STUDY ON DEATH ANXIETY AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL BEING AMONG CANCER PATIENTS Jul-18 No NA
24 Computer Science School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. L. K. Sharma Gande Shankar Regular (Part Time) U41000001536 Jul-13 QUALITY IMPROVEMENT APPROACH AND COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SOFTWARE COST ESTIMATION BETWEEN COCOMO-II AND PUTNAM MODELS Jul-18 No NA
25 Microbiology School of Arts, Science & Commerce Dr. A Gupta Kotamarthi Sasidhar Regular (Part Time) U41000001537 Jul-13 MICROBIAL DEGRADATION OF ORGANIC DETEGENT COMPOUNDS : A SOLUTION TO SAFE AQUATIC ECOSYSTEM Jul-18 No NA
26 Psychology School of Arts, Science & Commerce Dr. A Vardhan Dalal Alpa Parth Regular (Part Time) U41000001539 Jul-13 A STUDY OF THE OCCUPATIONAL STRESS OF SECONDARY AND HIGHER SECONDARY TEACHERS  Jul-18 No NA
27 Mechanical Engg. School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. Rathod P P Kuchhadiya Bhima Bhojabhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001542 Jul-13 DESIGN AND EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ON PLATE-FIN HEAT EXCHANGER WITH OFFSET STRIP FINS Jul-17 No NA
28 Library Science School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. M Trivedi Shinde Yogesh Sudharkar  Regular (Part Time) U41000001543 Jul-13 SHODHGANGA A RESERVOIR OF INDIAN THESES : THROUGH A STUDY OF GOVERNMENT UNIVERSITIES IN GUJARAT Jul-18 No NA
29 English Literature School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. J Purohit Patel Heenabahen Lallubhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001544 Jul-13 WOMAN : THE VOYAGE OF 'SHE' IN SEARCH OF 'SELF' - WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SELECT NOVELS OF SHASHI DESHPANDE AND ANITA DESAI Jul-18 No NA
30 Mechanical Engg. School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. P Brahmbhatt Diwan Mohit Balkrishna Regular (Part Time) U41000001545 Jul-13 INVESTIGATIONS ON LEAN MANUFACTURING AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION IN SMEs IN AHMEDABAD REGION Jul-18 No NA
31 Mechanical Engg. School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. J Vadher Trivedi Bharatkumar Manharlal Regular (Part Time) U41000001546 Jul-13 Modeling, Analysis and Dynamic Simulation of Centrifugal Compressors for Process Industry Jul-18 No NA
32 Mechanical Engg. School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. Rathod P P Sorathiya Arvindkumar Shamjibhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001547 Jul-13 AUGMENTATION OF HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT FOR VARYING FINS CONFIGURATION OF CYLINDER BLOCK OF S1 BLOCK Jul-17 Yes GUJCOST
33 Primary education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. K S Dedun Pal Ravi Rajendrasinh Regular (Part Time) U41000001548 Jul-13 EFFECTIVENESS OF IN-SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAMMES FOR TEACHERS AND HEADMASTERS BY DIETS OF GUJARAT Jul-18 No NA
34 Computer Engg School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. S O Khanna Rathod Dushyantsinh Bhagwanji Regular (Part Time) U41000001549 Jul-13 Smart Two-level K-means algorithm to generate dynamic user pattern cluster Jun-17 No NA
35 Computer Engg School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. S O Khanna Prajapati Rameshbhai Tribhovanbhai  Regular (Part Time) U41000001550 Jul-13 AN ALGORITHM FOR LOAD BALANCING IN COMPUTATIONAL GRID WITH FAULT TOLERANCE USING ACTIVITY BASED AND CPU USAGE APPROACH May-17 No NA
36 physics School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. M Dave Mor Bhupendrakumar Bhavanbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000040399 Jul-13 GROWTH OF MOLYBDENUM DICHALCOGENIDS  USING IODINE AS TRANSPORT MATERIAL, CHARACTERIZATION & HIGH PRESSURE STUDIES" Dec-17 No NA
37 English School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. A Joshi Jinjala Rajesh Maganlal Regular (Part Time) U41000001551 Jul-13 NEUROLINGUISTIC OBSTRUCTIONS AND DEFICIENCIES AFFECTING COMMUNICATION : A SEARCH FOR SOLUTIONS Jul-18 No NA
38 Computer Science School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. R Kumar Shah Nehalkumar Sharadkumar Regular (Part Time) U41000001552 Jul-13 CYBER CRIME : THE EXPLARATION ACTION & PROTECTION OF CYBER CRIME  Jul-18 No NA
39 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. H Patel Pandey Vandana Suratinarayan Regular (Part Time) U41000001553 Jul-13 EFFECTIVENESS OF DIFFERENT INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES FOR DEVELOPING VOCABULARY IN HINDI LANGUAGE Jul-18 No NA
40 Computer Science School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. L. K. Sharma Patel Bansariben Rajendrakumar Regular (Part Time) U41000001554 Jul-13 Empirical Approach to Descriptive Modeling technique of Data Mining in Cloud Computing  Jul-18 No NA
41 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. R Patel Patat Mahesh HamirBhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001555 Jul-13 A STUDY OF ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION, JOB SATISFACTION  & MENTAL STRESS OF VIDYASAHAK TEACHERS Jul-17 No NA
42 Higher Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. R Patel Pandya Ashutosh Rameshchandra Regular (Part Time) U41000001556 Jul-13 A STUDY OF COMPUTER APTITUDE OF GRADE 11 STUDENTS OF AHMEDABAD DISTRICT Jul-17 No NA
43 English School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. R M Chauhan Patel Niketa Vishnubhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001557 Jul-13 CHanging Ethos of Library Services and User Satisfaction in the new Environment : A Study of Homeopathic Colleges' libraries in the state of Gujarat Jul-18 No NA
44 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. R Patel Patel Mevalben Regular (Part Time) U41000001558 Jul-13 AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE PROBLEMS FACED BY TEACHER IN THE TEACHING OF POETRY IN THE SUBJECT OF GUJARATI FOR STANDARD 9 (NINE) STUDENTS Jul-18 No NA
45 Mechanical Engg. School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. R K Shukla Prajapati Vimal Vitthalbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001559 Jul-13 AN EXPERIMENTAL EXPLORATION ON PERFORMANCE AND EMISSION CHARACTERISTICS OF DIESEL ENGINE USING BIO-FUELS AS AN ALTERNATE FUEL Jul-18 No NA
46 English  School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. J Jain Vaghela Varshaben Johnbhai  Regular (Part Time) U41000001562 Jul-13 CRITICAL STUDY ON PSYCHO-SEXUAL PROBLEMS OF TEENAGERS Jul-18 No NA
47 Social Work School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. B C Panchal Charles G. Regular (Part Time) U41000001563 Jul-13 A CRITICAL STUDY ON SOCIO-MARITAL PROBLEMS OF EMPLOYED COUPLES(In Ahmedabad) May-17 No NA
48 Civil Engg School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. H Patel Varia Dipakkumar Jethalal Regular (Part Time) U41000001564 Jul-13 AN INNOVATIVE METHOD FOR APPROXIMATE ANALYSIS OF INDETERMINATE STRUCTURES Jul-17 No NA
50 Electrical Engg School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. V Shah Patel Ashwin Dahyabhai Regular (Part Time) U41000040400 Jul-13 Integrated Automation systems for Marine electrical power systems Jul-18 No NA
51 Commerce  School of Arts, Science & Commerce Dr. H N Sanghavi Bhatt Taralkumar Pinakinbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001566 Jul-13 IMPACT OF NEW DIRECT TAX CODE (DTC) ON SELECTED ASSESSEES : A STUDY IN CENTRAL GUJARAT Jul-18 No NA
52 Mechanical Engg. School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. P K Brahmbhatt  Patel Dineshkumar Kalidas Regular (Part Time) U41000001567 Jul-13 COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN, ANALYSIS AND PERFORMANCE INVESTIGATIONS ON A SOLAR COMPOUND PARABOLIC CONCENTRATOR May-17 No NA
53 Economics School of Arts, Science & Commerce Dr. G C Trivedi Patel Manishkumar Mahendrabhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001568 Jul-13 THE ECONOMIC EFFECT ON AGRICULTURAL SECTOR DUE TO SALINE WATER IN THE VADODARA DISTRICT, GUJARAT Jul-18 No NA
54 Library science School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. M K Prajapati Bhavini Rajnikant Pandya Regular (Part Time) U41000001569 Jul-13 AN IN-DEPTH STUDY OF MANUSCRIPT LIBRARIES IN GUJARAT Jul-18 No NA
55 Mechanical Engg. School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. K. B. Judal Brahmbhatt Ketul Bhanuprasad Regular (Part Time) U41000001570 Jul-13 Investigations of Fatigue and Tribology Properties if Composite materials Jul-18 No NA
56 Library science School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. M R Darbar  Patel Bhavnaben Takhatsinh Regular (Part Time) U41000001571 Jul-13 A COMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF LIBRARIES OF RURAL COLLEGES OF NORTH GUJARAT REGION May-17 No NA
57 Commerce  School of Arts, Science & Commerce Dr. G C Trivedi Bhavnani Kamlesh Jethanand Regular (Part Time) U41000001572 Jul-13 A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS ON NON-PERFORMING ASSETS OF SELECTED PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTOR BANKS Apr-17 No NA
58 Library Science School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. V L Bhavsar Patel Arpit Bhaskarbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001573 Jul-13 Changing Ethos of Library Services and User Satisfaction in the new Environment : A Study of Homeopathic Colleges' libraries in the state of Gujarat Jul-18 No NA
59 Commerce School of Arts, Science & Commerce Dr. J B Patel Hadkar Dipak Pramodbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001574 Jul-13 A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF SELECTED SUGAR COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES OF SOUTH GUJARAT Jul-18 No NA
60 Commerce School of Arts, Science & Commerce Dr. J B Patel  Thakor Hemangini Regular (Part Time) U41000001575 Jul-13 A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF FINANCIAL EVALUATION OF SELECTED CO-OPERATIVE DAIRIES OF GUJARAT STATE Jul-18 No NA
61 Electrical Engg School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. R Kantaria Chaupare Yogesh Shantram Bhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001576 Jul-13 MITIGATION OF HARMONIC TO IMPROVE POWER QUALITY IN DGS CONNECTED POWER STATION Jul-18 No NA
62 English  School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. D Nimvat Bagda Gaurangkumar Khodidas Regular (Part Time) U41000001577 Jul-13 THE THEME  OF SUPPRESSION IN THE LITERACY WORKS OF  ARUNDHATI ROY AND TONI MORRISON  Jul-18 No NA
63 Commerce School of Arts, Science & Commerce Dr. S Shah Patel Sagarbhai Ganpatbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001578 Jul-13 A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF SELECTED AGRICULTURAL PRODUCT MARKET COMMITTEE IN NORTH GUJARAT Jul-18 No NA
64 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. B K Shah Jigneshkumar Bharatkumar Dave Regular (Part Time) U41000001579 Jul-13 A Study of the Persnality Traits Of higher Secondary School Students In relation to their Iintelligence and Educational Achievement. Jul-18 No NA
65 English School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. P Kuman khushbu Soni Regular (Part Time) U41000001580 Jul-13 HUMANISM AND SOCIAL REFORMATION IN MAJOR NOVELS OF MULK RAJ ANAND : A STUDY OF SOCIAL COMPARISON Jul-18 No NA
66 English School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. R S Patel Joshi Kamalbabu Hariprasad Regular (Part Time) U41000001581 Jul-13 RE- DEFINING THE VOICES OF WOMEN:AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF SELECT PLAYS OF VIJAY TENDULKAR AND GIRISH KARNAD Jul-18 No NA
67 Physical Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. A Gohil Ajitsinh Fatesinh Parmar Regular (Part Time) U41000001582 Jul-13 A STUDY OF THE ADJUSTEMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION STUDENTS OF VARIOUS UNIVERSITIES OF GUJARAT STATE Dec-17 No NA
68 Chemistry School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. A Gohil Panchal Vipul Jayantibhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001583 Jul-13 DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF ANALYTICAL METHODS FOR PHARMACEUTICAL DOSAGE FORM Aug-17 No NA
69 Sanskrit School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. N J Joshi Padhiyar Vasuben Jesingbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001584 Jul-13 THE NEW FORMS ESTABLISHED IN SANSKRIT BY KAVISHREE HARSHAD MADHAV Jul-18 No NA
70 Home Science School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. A O Kher Patel Hansaben Shankarbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001585 Jul-13 CONTRIBUTION OF SELF HELP GROUPS ON EMPOWERMENT OF RURAL WOMEN IN GIR-SOMNATH DISTRICT OF GUJARAT Jul-18 No NA
71 Mechanical Engg. School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. A D Patel Patel Dilip Manubhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001586 Jul-13 The experimental approach of manufacturing hardened barrel screw on traditional lathe machine with different parameters May-17 No NA
72 Mechanical Engg. School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. K. B. Judal Joshi Nehal indravadan Regular (Part Time) U41000001587 Jul-13 MODELING, SIMULATION AND EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF WIRE ELCTRICAL DISCHARGE MACHINING OF ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIAL Jul-18 No NA
73 English School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. D Nimvat Sarikhada Pradipkumar Regular (Part Time) U41000001588 Jul-13 A CRITICAL STUDY OF TRIOLOGY BY AMISH TRIPATHI Jul-18 No NA
74 Computer Science School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. S O Khanna Rohit Kamleshkumar Dhanjibhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001589 Jul-13 Title is not finalised yet Jul-18 No NA
75 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce  Dr. S S Christi Patel lilaben Govindbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001591 Jul-13 A study of acievement motivation, adjustment and job satisfaction of secondary school teachers Jul-18 No NA
76 Social Work School of Arts Science and Commerce  Dr. K K Singh Patel Pankajkumar Khemabhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001592 Jul-13 Education and Social Change among Tribes of Panchmal Jul-18 No NA
77 Sociology School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. Panchal B C Patel Ramilaben Jadavbhai  Regular (Part Time) U41000001593 Jul-13  IMPACT OF E-MEDIA ON STUDENTS OF HIGHER EDUCATION(with reference to Anand District in Gujarat State) Apr-17 No NA
78 Business Administration Rai Business School Dr. P J Jha Shah Viranchi Arvindbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001594 Jul-13 A comprihensive study of some inventory and production related issues in pharmaceutical export business Apr-17 No NA
79 Business Administration Rai Business School Dr. A S Khairnar Avinash Shivaji Khairnar Regular (Part Time) U41000001595 Jul-13 " Knowledge Management in Small to Medium Enterprises (SMS)". Jul-18 No NA
80 Mechanical Engg. School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. P K Brahmbhatt Yogi Sonal Chandubhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001596 Jul-13 THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ON MILLING TOOLS Jul-18 No NA
81 Mechanical Engg. School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. M Israr Patel Vipulkumar Mansukhbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001597 Jul-13 PROBING THE ROLE OF PROCESS PARAMETERS AND DEGRADATION STUDY OF ELECTRODE IN  RESISTANCE SPOT WELDING OF COATED STEEL Jul-18 No NA
82 Mechanical Engg. School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. A V. Gohil Makati Abhishek Girdharlal Regular (Part Time) U41000001598 Jul-13 Multi variable and multi objective optimization of FDM process parameters for maximize strength and minimize surface roughness Jul-18 No NA
83 Mechanical Engg. School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. M Israr Patel Jignesh Jayantilal Regular (Part Time) U41000001599 Jul-13 FE Modeling and Experimental Investigation of Friction stir welding of Aluminium Alloys Jul-18 No NA
84 Electrical Engg School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. R Kantaria Paghadar Hitesh Virjibhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001600 Jul-13 ACCURATE ESTIMATION AND MITIGATION OF AUDIBLE SOUND AT DESIGN STAGE IN TRANSFORMERS Aug-17 No NA
86 Computer Engg School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. Raval A A Bhadla Mohitkumar Pravinchandra Regular (Part Time) U41000001602 Jul-13 Hand-off Management Scheme & Mobility Management  for 3G/LTE Networks Jul-18 No NA
87 Social Work School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. A A Kanaiyalal Prajapati Sanjaykumar Arvindbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001603 Jul-13 A STUDY OF ANNA HAZARE'S MOVEMENT OF CORRUPTION FREE INDIA Jul-18 No NA
88 English  School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. D Nimvat Daxini Mayur Girishbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001605 Jul-13 INEVITABILITY OF INTERPERSONNEL COMMUNICAITON SKILLS  IN BUSINESS ORGANIZATION Jul-18 No NA
89 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. R N Thakur Rinkee Devi Regular (Part Time) U41000001606 Jul-13 A STUDY OF ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS AMONG TEACHERS OF AHMEDABAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION SCHOOLS Jul-18 No NA
90 Mathematics School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. A R Patel  Patel Sejal Rameshbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001607 Jul-13 Mathematical modeling of inventory problems for various demand scheme Jul-18 No NA
91 Mathematics School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. P D Uchat Parmar Maitri Dahyabhai  Regular (Part Time) U41000001608 Jul-13 A STUDY OF SOME PARAMETERS IN GRAPHS AND SEMI GRAPHS Jul-18 No NA
92 Commerce School of Arts, Science & Commerce Dr. G C Trivedi Verma Nitin Mahendrakumar Regular (Part Time) U41000001609 Jul-13 ANALYSIS OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN INDIA : A CASE STUDY OF MANUFACTURING INNDUSTRIES IN AHMEDABAD  Jul-18 No NA
93 Information System Management School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. A A Patel Parikh Navinkumar Shamjibhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001610 Jul-13 VIRTUAL TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM TO CEATING E-LEARNING ENVIRONMENT FOR DESIGN EDUCATION IN INDIA Jul-18 No NA
94 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. K S Dedun Pandya Krinabahen Pravinchandra Regular (Part Time) U41000001611 Jul-13 A STUDY OF THE SITUATION FOR THE GROWTH OF THE MUSLIM GIRLS STUDYING IN THE AHMEDABAD CITY Jul-17 No NA
95 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. H Patel Pandya Bhargavi Prabodhkant Regular (Part Time) U41000001612 Jul-13 A Study Of Reasoning Ability And Guidance For Stream Selection For Standard 10th Students Of Ahmedabad District Jul-17 No NA
96 Computer Science  School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. L. K. Sharma Pandya Chaitali Prabodhkant Regular (Part Time) U41000001613 Jul-13 A Feasibility Study of Image Processing Techniques for prediction of Corn Plant Leaf Disease special Reference to kanada region of mahisagar district gujarat Jul-18 No NA
97 Computer Science  School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. P Swaminarayan Pandya Arpita Jayprakash Regular (Part Time) U41000001614 Jul-13 A study of Image processing for production of cotton with references to Ahmedabad District area Jul-18 No NA
98 Mechanical Engg. School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. M Popat Nakrani Hardik Kantilal Regular (Part Time) U41000001615 Jul-13 Design of Compound Multi Junction Solar Cell from Fundamental Solar Cell Physics Jul-18 No NA
99 English School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. A Upadhyay Pratima Jayesh Shah Regular (Part Time) U41000001616 Jul-13 PORTRAYAL OF THE NEW FACE OF WOMANHOOD IN THE SHORT STORIES BY SHASHI DESHPANDE & HIMANSHI SHELAT Jul-18 No NA
100 Computer Science & Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. R Kumar Aashish Hasmukhbhai Kacha  Regular (Part Time) U41000001617 Jul-13 GETTIME : IMPLEMENTING AUTOMATED PLANNING SYSTEM FOR AN ORGANIZATION Jul-18 No NA
101 Computer Science School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. V Pandya Gohil Ranubha Babubha Regular (Part Time) U41000001619 Jul-13 A Comparative Study of video Compression and development of a model for Digital Video Compression. Jul-18 No NA
102 Computer Science School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. V Pandya Parmar Ghanshyambhai Sureshbhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001620 Jul-13 Optimized Resource Management in Cloud Environment. May-17 No NA
103 Commerce School of Arts, Science & Commerce Dr. D Raghuwanshi Muniya Minaben Bachubhai  Regular (Part Time) U41000001621 Jul-13 AN INDEPTH STUDY OF  FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF SELECTED NATIONALIZED BANK IN INDIA Jul-18 No NA
104 Computer Science & Engineering School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. R kumar Dhaval Arvind Jadav Regular (Part Time) U41000001623 Jul-13 PRESERVING PRIVACY OF DATA USING K-ANONIMITY & DIFFERENTIAL PRIVACY MODEL Jul-18 No NA
105 Electrical Engg School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. A R Chudasama Motiyani Rakesh Jaychandrai Regular (Part Time) U41000001624 Jul-13 DEVELOPMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE MEASUREMENT PLACEMENT METHOD FOR POWER SYSTEM STATE ESTIMATION Aug-17 No NA
106 Computer Science School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. P Swaminarayan Patel Hasamukhbhai Babubhai Regular (Part Time) U41000001625 Jul-13 A Comparative study of object extraction and boundary tracing algorithms for image processing and development of algorithm for image enhancement and boundary tracing Aug-17 No NA
107 Computer Science School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Dr. S O Khanna  Macwan Sheetal James Regular (Part Time) U41000001626 Jul-13 SEGMENTATION OF CUSTOMERS THROUGH SUPERVISED & UNSUPERVISED DATA MINING TECHNIQUES Jul-18 No NA
108 Business Administration Rai Business School Dr. A Joshi Raj Kumar Singh Regular (Part Time) U41000001627 Jul-13 A STUDY ON DEVELOPMENT OF SUSTAINABLE FINANCIAL MODEL IN CONTEXT OF GUJARAT PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES Jul-18 No NA
109 Education School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. B H Thaker Harishkumar Amrutlal Joshi Regular (Part Time) U41000001506 Jul-13 A STUDY OF THE ROLE PERCEPTIONS OF THE STUDENT OF HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL IN CONTEXT OF SOME VARIABLE OF PANCHMAHAL DISTRICT Jul-18 No NA
110 English School of Arts Science and Commerce Dr. R. Patel Acharya Bhavna Vinodkumar Regular (Part Time) U41000001604 Jul-13 Comparative feminist study of the selected novels of Shobha De and Shashi Deshpande Jul-18 No NA
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