PUBLIC NOTICE OF Ph.D. VIVA-VOCE EXAMINATION OF MS. DINKAN PATEL - CSE                                                   PAY YOUR FEES IN NO COST EASY MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS                                                    NAD/ABC                                                   ACHIEVEMENTS BY RU RESEARCH SCHOLARS                                                   PUBLIC NOTICE OF Ph.D. VIVA-VOCE EXAMINATION OF MS. DINKAN PATEL - CSE                                                    PAY YOUR FEES IN NO COST EASY MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS                                                    NAD/ABC                                                   ACHIEVEMENTS BY RU RESEARCH SCHOLARS                                                   PUBLIC NOTICE OF Ph.D. VIVA-VOCE EXAMINATION OF MS. DINKAN PATEL - CSE                                                    PAY YOUR FEES IN NO COST EASY MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS                                                    NAD/ABC                                                   ACHIEVEMENTS BY RU RESEARCH SCHOLARS                                                  

What is SSIP?

Student Startups and Innovation Policy (SSIP) Student Startups and Innovation Policy (SSIP) is a unique initiative of Government of Gujarat has developed a policy for providing assistance to Startups/ Innovation. Under this scheme, any individual/ group of individuals having innovative idea/ Concept will be eligible and/ or Universities/ education institutions, Incubation Centre/ PSUs/ R&D Institutions/ Private and other establishments will be eligible as an institution to support and mentor to innovators as approved by Committee. Startups in an economy's technology sectors is an important indicator of technological performance for several reasons.This policy is in synchronization with central efforts like the Make in India, Startup India, Atal Innovation Mission, National Innovation Council etc.

Key Objective

The Student Startup & Innovation Policy of Government of Gujarat aims to create an integrated, state-wide, university-based innovation ecosystem to support innovations and ideas of young students and provide a conducive environment for optimum harnessing of their creative pursuit.

  1. 1.Developing student centric Innovation and Pre-incubation Ecosystem for Students (IPIES)
  2. 2.Creating environment for creativity to flourish and an end-to-end support system in educational institutions to allow ample support to ideas for better execution
  3. 3.Build internal capacity of educational institutions and key components of the innovation ecosystem to enable deployed processes to make sustainable impact at scale
  4. 4.Create pathways for mind to market by harnessing and handholding projects/ research/ innovation/ ideas of students in Gujarat
  5. 5.Creating and facilitating sectoral and regional innovation efforts in state around educational institutions
  6. 6.Create a common platform to showcase, support and upscale innovations for motivating stakeholders as well as for an opportunity to create value for money and value for many
  7. 7.Leverage public system initiatives at state and central level, academia, industries and by other ecosystem stakeholders / domain experts and institutions to make an inclusive effort

Rai University SSIP Cell

Rai University receives SSIP Nodal Center under SSIP Grant (Institute) Phase-II for year 2021-2022. As a part of this, over the period of two years, Rai University commits to spend Grant amount on various activities under SSIP with funding support from Government through SSIP grant. These activities include developing Innovation center and pre-incubation process, developing Tinkering lab., conducting awareness and sensitization programs, participating and arraigning workshops, providing mentoring support, etc.

The major focus will be on funding innovative projects for development of PoC and prototype as well as filing patents. Development of new laboratories and up gradation of existing ones is a continuous process at Rai University. Laboratories are equipped with latest tools and technologies that facilitates research and prototyping activities.


Name Designation Contact Email
Prof (Dr.) Sailesh Iyer Head, SSIP Cell, Rai University 9510779948
Prof. Yashesh Darji SSIP Cell, Coordinator Rai University 7574858440

Rai University SSIP (Students Startup and Innovation Policy) Cell Innovators Guidelines

1. What is expected?

  • • Innovative Idea that creates value for society and has potential for job creation.
  • • Ideas can include - product or service that is not currently being offered elsewhere in the market, or if offered are at inferior levels.
  • • Offering cost – effective solutions.

2. What kind of support is provided?

  • • Financial support up to Rs. 2 lakh to develop Proof of Concept (PoC) and prototyping. This includes support up to maximum 75% towards procurement of items and towards minor work such as fabrication, electrical work, etc. and remaining 25% towards payment for professional services such as product design, testing, etc.
  • • Financial support up to Rs. 25,000 for filling patent and other IP.
  • • Access of pre-incubation facilities and other Institute resources
  • • Technical support and Mentoring
  • • Projects requiring higher funding will be recommended to State Level SSIP committee.
  • • Deadlines and Monitoring of progress through regular basics.

3. Who are eligible to apply?

  • • Any Individual or Group of students are reporting on specified parameters from any Institute or University
  • • Alumni of any Institutions (up to last 5 years)

4. What is the process for applying ?

  • RU Students: Download relevant SSIP Application form, fill in the details and submit it to Department SSIP Coordinator or Head of the Department.
  • • Students from other Institutions & Alumni: Download relevant SSIP Application form, fill in the details and submit it to SSIP Nodal Center. Innovators are requested to strictly apply using prescribed form. It is understood that the same work has been not been submitted elsewhere for financial support.

5. What is the process of scrutinizing applications?

  • • Applications received are presented to University SSIP Committee. University SSIP Committee consist of Academic, Industrial, IPR and Start-up experts and is chaired by Vice Chancellor of Rai University
  • • Review of application is done in two stages.
  • • In the first stage applications are shortlisted on basis of details mentioned in application form.
  • • In the second stage, innovators of these shortlisted applications are invited for presentation and discussion.
  • • Official communication regarding acceptance or rejection would be conveyed to applicants.

National Level Webinar on “Role of Intellectual Property in Technological Innovation & Value Creation “on 16-12-2020 at Rai University

Intellectual Property Rights Cell (IPR) of Rai University, Dholka, Ahmedabad organized a National level webinar on “Role of Intellectual Property In Technological Innovation & Value Creation" on 16-12-2020. More than 700 participants have registered not only from various states of India but also countries like Nepal, Philippine, Egypt and Myanmar, Bangladesh. Prof. (Dr.) Anil Tomar, Provost, Rai University has given a welcome speech and shared the contribution of Rai University in Innovation. Shri M. Nagrajan, IAS has inaugurated the webinar and discussed the important role of IPR. As a key note speaker of this webinar, Dr. Bijay Kumar Sahu, Regional Manager & Head, IPFC, TISC and NRDC, has discussed various pattern process and important role of IPR with participants. Dr. Sahu has interacted and solved IPR related questions. At the end, Dr. Ashish Rami, Director, CRD, Rai University, expressed vote of thanks to the participants and key note speakers.

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