‘StudenTalk 2017’ – a workshop for Rai University delegates visiting University of Pardubice, Czech Republic in June – Department of International Affairs

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‘StudenTalk 2017’ – a workshop for Rai University delegates visiting University of Pardubice, Czech Republic in June – Department of International Affairs

Ten privileged students including research scholars who cleared the selection rounds and are selected to represent the university and country at an international level attended a special workshop conducted for them “StudenTalk” by the Department of International Affairs at Rai University, Ahmedabad for six days. The prime objective of the workshop was to develop familiarity among the students, team building, overall grooming, Public Speaking, enhancing English fluency & skills development. On the last day, students debated formally on the ‘Indian Education System’. Dr. Kartik Jain – Provost and Prof. Hardik Nagar specially met the delegates for an interaction and to extend best wishes.

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