Workshop on Creative Laboratory for Self Development

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Workshop on Creative Laboratory for Self Development

On 18th March, 2019, Rai University, Ahmedabad, organized One day Workshop on “Self Development- Know yourself through Arts” with an objective of shaping the personality of Faculty members at the campus. The workshop was conducted by Helena de la Torre.

Helena de la Torre - An artherapist, social educator, arterapeut, bodywork specialist; who carries a socio-educational project of creative process work called Re-Crea't in Barcelona, Spain.

She came with a new emerging idea to develop personality, express oneself through gestures and postures. She explained how you can fall in love with your potential and enjoy life. Every person is unique and has to gain new skills and attributes throughout the life.

She began the workshop with Meditation to make everyone Stress free and then explained how to build trust on your partners through different activities. Then she made everyone open up themselves and developed positive energy within each by movement through different body parts i.e head and limbs and all the faculty members participated enthusiastically.

The workshop also included, Activation of chakras through different dance forms keeping in mind all the 5 elements of nature.

She asked everyone to write their names on a page creatively and then gave different colored woolen strings and color powders to express one’s Name and perform on the stage with different body language as per their understanding and knowledge throughout the workshop.

Creative Body Language and expressing oneself through it, is the utmost important in current era for the Professional world and Learning new skills upgraded Faculty of Rai University one step ahead.

New Learning is Part of Rai University and Enhancing the Knowledge will be a continuous process for upgradation.


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