World e-Book Library (WeL) and South Asia Archive (SAA)

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It is glad to inform you that Rai University has successfully registered with two e-resources under e-Shodh Sindhu: Consortium for Higher Education Electronic Resources, INFLIBNET Centre.

(1) World e-Book Library (WeL): The World e-Book Library including 3 million (30,00,000) primary sources spanning past 1,000 years of world history in more than 320 different languages. In addition, contemporary journal collections of WeL include scholarly journals and academic articles from every academic field with Unlimited Access and Downloading.

We can get the direct access on link: http://Community.WorldLibrary.In/?AffiliateKey=NDL-ZY1872

(2) South Asia Archive (SAA): South Asia Archive contains more than 4.5 million pages spanning the period of 18th and mid-20th century from documents across the Indian subcontinent, including India, Pakistan, Burma, Afghanistan and Bangladesh.

The South Asia Archive provides online access to millions of pages of rare primary and secondary sources from across the social sciences and humanities.

Benefits include:

  • A wealth of interdisciplinary content – books, journals, film ephemera, census reports & more
  • Powerful full-text search & keyword highlighting
  • Online resources in both English & vernacular languages
  • Documents catalogued by subject specialist editors, with expert commentaries
  • Rare & unusual documents available from your desktop 24/7

Please Take a look at our online tutorials to help you navigate the Archive .A range of videos are available on topics including searching and filtering the archive content.  Please note that downloads are now available on the full version of the site, and this functionality also allows full text searching of PDFs.

Please visit: to start using the South Asia Archive.

Please note that these IP based e-resources are available within the campus.

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