Report on World Entrepreneurs Day

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Report on World Entrepreneurs Day Celebrating by Rai University Ahmedabad on 22nd August, 2022


The main objective of to undertake threshold activities round the year to generate awareness, trigger creative tendency, motivate to take a choice of entrepreneurship as career and promote innovation and start-up ecosystem, and culture among students and faculties in campus.

Benefits of participating in Event:

• The benefits of this event is to make future goal.

• How to covert problem in opportunity.

• Development of different entrepreneurial skill.

About the Event:

• This event provided knowledge regarding Opportunities, Critical Thinking and develop different entrepreneurial skill like maximum utilization of resources, presentation skill etc.

Highlights of the Event:

• Rai University was celebrated "World Entrepreneurship Day" with a theme of Techno Savvy ideas or Business ideas on 22nd August 2022, Seminar hall at 9.30 am Onwards. Various branch like Management, Science, Life science, Commerce and Pharmacy students as well as Faculty members has participated.

• Event started with presentation of unique business ideas. Students from various branches participated in the activity of presentation. Students presented their different business idea on recycling hub, electronic vehicle etc. Students also participated in activity Best out of Waste. In the activity students develop different art work from the waste and develop entrepreneurship skill like maximum utilization of resources. Students also participated in Logo Making competition where the students present their business logo and explain the reasons why they choose this logo for their business. Last activity of the event is Quiz on Entrepreneurship. In the activity different questions regarding entrepreneurship asked to students and students are excited to give answer of the quiz. This activity gave boost to the creative thoughts to the students. Overall, the event was learning in a fun way and also celebration of the spirit of Entrepreneurship.

• Total 105 participants of various stream like, Management, Commerce, Science, Lifescience and Pharmacy had participated in the event of Techno-savvy idea or Business Idea. At the end Dr. Sandip Chandra, Internship Coordinator of IIC cum Assistant Professor of Rai school of management studies had given vote of thanks.

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