We wish to draw your attention towards the "WORLD PHARMACIST DAY 2022 CELEBRATION"
organised by School of Pharmacy, Rai University, Saroda, Dholka, Ahmedabad
In this event, students from various Universities and Colleges of all over Gujarat participated in different competitions like Poster presentation, Model presentation, Rangoli competition, Pharma marketing and Pharma Canvas.
So we request you to allow your students to participate in "WORLD PHARMACIST DAY 2022" and grace the event.
Registration is free but mandatory for participation. (Registration link is provided in brochure)
Last date of Registration: 18th September, 2022
For Information brochure Click Here : CLICK HERE
For Registration Click Here : CLICK HERE
DATE: 23rd September,2022
TIME: 9 am to 4 pm
VENUE: School of Pharmacy, Rai University, saroda, Dholka, Ahmedabad.