School of Engineering and Applied Science is constituent college of Rai University, Ahmedabad established in 2013. The institute and the management, committed to excellence in education, strives to take the students to their highest academic potential,generating self–esteem, respect for themselve sand for others,harmonyinastructured, “Gurukul” like family oriented environment, that is to be achieved by committed faculty and staff members providing their students, opportunities for self – development which helps them to become upright person with character and thoughtfulness which leads to positive contribution to the society, and above all, generates a scientic approach to life that contributes to nation building activities.
InternationalConferenceonEmergingTrendsin Engineering & Technology (ICEET -2020). It is going to be stheld on 1stFebruary 2020 at Rai University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. ICEET 2020 is being organized by School of Engineering and Applied Science. To provide an opportunity to research scholar, delegates and students to interact and sharetheirexperienceandknowledgeintechnology application.ICEET-2020willprovideanexcellent international forum for sharing knowledge and discussion in Emerging trends in Engineering and Technology. The aim of Conference is to provide a platform to the researchers and practitioners from both academia as well as industry to meet and share cutting-edge development in the field.
Original and unpublished high quality research papers are solicitedfromAcademicians,Researchers,Corporate Executers, Industry Personal and PG Students from different streams of Engineering. All Submission to the conference will gothroughblindreviewprocessesbyatleasttwo independentspeerThisconferenceaimstoprovidea platform to present and discuss latest developments and applications related to sustainable development. Some of the promising areas have been identified to be discussed in the conference. However, the list is indicative and not exhaustive.
•Abstract (not exceeding 200 words) should reach us latest by November24,2019asprescribeformatavailableon conference website. Acceptance of the paper would be notified before November 30, 2019. •The complete paper should reach us latest by December 15, 2019 as prescribe format available on conference website. •All the authors, in the case of co-authored papers, must pre-register for the conference, and at least one author has topresent the paper. •Maximum allowed pages while submitting camera ready paper is six, extra pages will be charged with 500 INR per page. •Online Registration link :
•The abstract must include a clear indication of the objectives, methodology, major results, implications, and key references. All abstracts will be subject to blind review and only those abstracts approved by the reviewers will be selected. •The criteria for evaluation by the reviewers are as follows: Relevance: Does the subject of the paper appeal to the interests of the conference attendees?Methodology:Does the paper use sound and appropriate method (s)?Originality:Does the paper add new findings, insights, or knowledge to the body of literature?Research:Does the paper compare and weigh the material against the work of others?Conclusions:Are the conclusions sound and justified as per the problem discussed?Policy/Managerial Implications:Are the policy implications relevant and useful for the problem demonstrated?References:Are the references relevant and adequate (for full paper only)?
Dr. Makrand Karkare - Director, School of Engg. & Technology, GTU. Dr. Amit Ganatra - Dean, Faculty of Engg. & Technology, Changa University. Dr. Pranav Darji - R & D Head, Texspin Bearing Ltd, Ranpur. Dr. Pranav Darji - R & D Head, Texspin Bearing Ltd, Ranpur Dr. Veera Jani - PME & Head, Mech. Engg. Dept., C.U Shah University. Prof. Veerendrasingh Nagoria - Dy. Registrar, Rai University Prof. Ashish Rami - Director, CRD Dept., Rai University Dr. Dilip Patel - Dean, SEAS, Rai University Dr. Kalabhai Patel - Dean, SEAS, Rai University
Category | CEET Only* |
Academician or Research Scholar | Rs. 2500 |
PG/UG Student | Rs. 2000 |
Corporate Delegate | Rs. 3500 |
International Academician | US$100 |
International Research Scholar | US$100 |
Patron Co-Patron Dr. Anil Tomar Prof. Lalit Adhikari (Provost) (Registrar)
Organizing Chair Organizing Secreteries Prof. Yashesh Darji Prof. Rajdipsinh Vaghela Prof. Pradipkumar Maradiya
Organizing Committees Prof. Vihar Chauhan Prof. Prins Patel Prof. Vidhi Patel Prof. Hardik Patel Prof. Poonam Chakrabarty Prof. Jaydeep Sejpal
Last date for submission of Abstract: November 24, 2019 Notification of Acceptance of Abstract: November 30, 2019 Last Date for Submission of Full Paper: December 15, 2019
Bank Name: Union Bank of India
Bank Account Name: Rai University, Ahmedabad
Bank Account No.: 59560201304856
IFSC Code: UBIN0559563 • MICR Code: 380026050
Branch Name: Dholka
RAI UNIVERSITY - AUDITORIUM Village : Saroda, Taluka : Dholka, Dist : Ahmedabad - 382260
Prof. Vihar Chauhan M. 95744 55757
Prof.Vidhi PatelProf. M. 96248 71588
Prof.Jaydeep Sejpal M. 99047 92354
Conference Report | Click Here |